Sunday, December 20, 2020

인도국민, 미국인구와 맞먹는,먼저 의료종사자 3억명이 Covid-19접종한다. 자세한 공급, 접종계획 수상이 발표했는데...문상감님?

누가 인도를 개발도상국가라 내려다 보는가?  아직 상용하지 않을뿐이지 잠재력은 세계 일등국가라고 해도 무리는 아닐것이다.  미국에 맞서 싸우겠다고 큰소리치고있는 중국과 국경싸움에서 한점도 밀리지 않고 대담하게 힘을 겨루는, 컴퓨터 Technology에서 세계를 지배하는 나라이다.

"요즘 같아서는 누가 한국을 한강의 기적"을 이룬, 세계 경제 10대국 대열에 서 있다고 믿을 나라가 있을까? 우린 쉽게 얘기해서 하루벌어 하루 먹고 살아야하는, 수출에 의존해서 살아가는 나라인데.... 그래서 이번 Pandemic 백신개발에서 그우수성을 보여 주어, 그백신도 전세계를 향해 수출할수 있게 되기를 바랐지만, 정반대의 길로 치달아, 명예를 완전히 시궁창에 처박은 후진국같은 꼴을 보여준것이다. 나라를 이끌어가는 자들의 생각은, 제사보다는 젯밥에만 있었다는, 한심하고 추하고, 더러운 꼬락서니만 보여주어, 결국 전세계로 부터 왕따 당해, 존재감이 완전히 사라진것 뿐이었다.

  Covid-19에 10백만명(10 million people)의 확진자 발생한 인도는 지구촌에서 미국 다음으로, 가장 많은  coronavirus pandemic환자가 많이 고생하고 있는 나라다.  그러나 앞으로 몇개월안에 대량으로 백신접종을 실시할것 목적으로 모든 준비를 하고 있다. 첫번째 백신접종 대상자는 미국의 전체 인구에 맞먹는 3억명의 숫자라고 한다.

  Narendra Modi수상은 약 3억명의 인도인들이 첫번째로 백신접종을 하게 된다고 확인해 주었다. 첫번째 접종대상자들은 약 3천만명에 달하는 의료종사자들, 경찰관들, 군인과 봉사자들이다. 그다음에 2억 7천만명은 건강상 위험한 50대 이상의 국민들이 이에 포함되며, 1천만명의 접종 대상자는 2가지 이상의 질병을 갖고있는 국민들이 접종 대상자라고 설명해줬다.  

이번  coronavirus백신개발중에 있는 3개의 제약회사 후보들은 긴급사용허가를 의료 당국에 신청했다고 한다.  이들 후보제약사들은 충분한 면역력을 강화 시키는 뜻에서 두번접종을 할수있는 백신을 준비하도록 해야한다.  두번접종하기 때문에 6억명이 접종할수있는 양이 되는 셈이다. 이러한 접종이 내년도 8월까지 접종 완료계획이다.

인도를 약 한달간 탐방 했었다.  수도인 뉴델리는 물론이고, Remote Country Side는 민도가 무척 낮아 보였지만, 사람들의 눈동자는 번개치듯이 뭔가를 열심히 찾아 헤맨다는 깊은 느낌을 받았었다. 뉴델리 재래시장거리에는 사람뿐만이 아니고, 각종 짐승들, 소, 개를 비롯한 Rickshaw, 쌓여있는 쓰레기에서 풍겨나오는 지독한 냄새, 어떤 경우에는 풍겨나오는 독가스에 눈이 충혈되는 경우도 겪었었다. 시골에서는 많은 아낙네들이 소똥을 햇볕에 말려, 땔깜으로 사용키위해 들판을 헤매는 광경도 많이 목격했었다.

그런데도 이거대한 나라를 이끌어가는  Narendra Modi수상을 비롯한 정치꾼들은 자국의 제약회사회사를 비롯한 세계유수의 제약회사와 꾸준히 경제적 외교적으로 Contact하여, 약 3억명의 의료 봉사자들과 군인들을 비롯한 앞서 언급한 일선 종사자들에게 8월말까지 접종을 먼저완료한다는 발표를 보면서, 인도가 Infrastructure 가 매우 열악한 가난한 나라지만, 또한 전국적으로 의료 보건 시설도 매우 열악하여, 이번 전염병으로 상상할수 없을 정도로 압박을 받고있지만,  최소한의 희생자가 발생하는것으로 전염병방역을 하겠다는 야무진 실천방안을 내놓은것을 보면서, 자연적으로 우리대한민국을 본다. 오늘 확진자가 1000명이 훌쩍 넘었다고 서방외신들은 반복해서 보도하고 있었다. 

인도는 이번 Pandemic방역에서 많은 advantage를 갖고 있다는 점이다.  지구촌에서 생산되는 각종  vaccine 제조를 생산하는 전진 기지역활을  해왔기에 coronavirus vaccines 의 개발후 대량생산을 할경우 이시설들을 이용하기 때문이다. 서구사회의 제조회사들과 인도내의 제조회사들이 이시설을 이용하여, 더 빠르고 비용또한 저렴하게 생산하여 공급할수 있는 Hub역활을 할수 있다는 이점을 이용하고 있다고 하겠다. 

이시간 현재 까지도 대한민국의 상감마마 문재인씨는, 백신공급과 접종에 대한 그어떠한 구체적인 계획발표도 없이, 무능한 박능후, 미꾸라지 한마리가 온방죽물을 구정물로 만드식으로 온나라를 무법천지로 만든자들의 치맛자락뒤에 숨어서 뭘하고 있는지? 궁금할 뿐이다.

오늘 뉴스에서는 이스라엘의 "나타냐후" 수상이,⁸ 미디아가 나이먹은 남자 의사가 직접 백신을 접종하는 광경이 전세계에 생중계 됐었다. 왼쪽 어깨의 Sleeve를 닥터가 걷어 부칠려고하자, 그는 그쪽이 아니고 오른쪽이라고 하는 해프닝까지 있었다.  부러웠지만, 그만큼 백신접종의 효과에 자신을 갖고 있음을 홍보하는 면도 있었다고 하겠다. 

                     India prepares for vaccine roll out but challenges remain 02:21

(CNN)With a Covid-19 caseload that's surpassed 10 million people, India is the world's second worst-hit country by the coronavirus pandemic, trailing only the United States.

But it is aiming to lift itself out of the crisis in the coming months with a massive vaccination drive -- covering in its first phase almost as many people as the entire US population.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has identified 300 million people to receive the first doses of the vaccines. The priority group is made up of 30 million health care workers, policemen, soldiers and volunteers, and 270 million vulnerable people -- mostly citizens above the age of 50 and 10 million others with serious comorbidities.
The producers of three leading coronavirus vaccine candidates have applied for emergency use authorization, and all of them require two doses to provide sufficient immunity. That adds up to a total of 600 million shots, and Modi's government wants to complete the whole process by August.
    That's an incredibly ambitious undertaking, especially for a developing country with poor rural infrastructure and an inadequate public health system that is already buckling under tremendous pressure from the coronavirus.
    A man walks past a mural of frontline workers after the government eased a nationwide coronavirus lockdown in New Delhi on July 14.
    But India also has its own advantages. As a global hub for vaccine manufacturing, its mass production lines can churn out coronavirus vaccines -- developed either by Western pharmaceutical companies or domestically -- faster and cheaper than most other countries.
    When it comes to the actual vaccination process, India already has a vast, established network under its Universal Immunization Program, which inoculates about 55 million people per year. Modi has also suggested that the country can draw from its experience of organizing the world's largest democratic elections, adopting a whole of society approach that involves the participation of states, districts, civil society, citizens and experts.
    "Every single Indian who needs to be vaccinated will be vaccinated," Indian Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said at a news conference on December 8.

    Which coronavirus vaccines will be rolled out first?

    Of the three Covid-19 vaccine candidates pending approval from Indian regulators, two are being manufactured locally in India.
    One of them is Covishield, a vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca and produced by the Serum Institute of India, the world's largest vaccine maker.
    The other is India's first homegrown coronavirus vaccine, Covaxin, developed jointly by Bharat Biotech and the government-run Indian Council of Medical Research.
    Governor of the eastern Indian state of West Bengal Jagdeep Dhankhar (center) at the launch of the third phase of the regulatory trial of COVAXIN, in Kolkata on December 2.
    Pfizer India has also applied for emergency use authorization for the coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, Dr VK Paul, head of the national expert group on Covid-19 vaccination, confirmed to CNN.
    Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India, said his company is currently producing 50 to 60 million doses of Covishield per month, and production will be scaled up to 100 million doses a month after January or February.
    "I think everybody is aware the Ministry of Health wants 300 to 400 million doses by July 2021, so we're trying to get to that target," he said at a news conference last month.
    A family business started by Poonawalla's father 50 years ago to bring cheaper vaccines to the masses, the Serum Institute of India is aiming to produce hundreds of millions of coronavirus vaccines for not only India, but also other developing countries.
    The Serum Institute of India is the world's largest vaccine maker.
    But Poonawalla has made it clear that his company will focus on immunizing India first before sending the vaccines overseas.
    "It's very important we take care of our country first, then go on to COVAX after that and then other bilateral deals with countries. So I've kept it in that priority," Poonawalla said in an interview with CNBC-TV 18 last month, according to Reuters.
    COVAX is a World Health Organization-backed global initiative to ensure the rapid and equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines to rich and poor countries alike. But it was shunned by the US, partly because US President Donald Trump did not want to work with the WHO.
    According to Serum Institute of India, Covishield could be sold to the Indian government for about $3 for two doses, and later $6 to $8 on the private market. That is likely much cheaper than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is sold to the US government for $19.5 for a single does -- although Pfizer India has not announced the price for India.
    An employee removes vials of AstraZeneca's Covishield vaccine from a visual inspection machine inside a lab at Serum Institute of India, Pune, India.
    Covishield has another advantage -- it only needs to be stored at standard refrigerator temperatures of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius (36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit). Pfizer's vaccine, on the other hand, requires an ultra-cold storage temperature of -75˚C (-103˚F) -- infrastructure that India lacks, and must be used within five days once refrigerated at higher temperatures.
    "India has a lot of storage infrastructure" for temperatures of 2˚C to 8˚C, Poonawalla said. "It has slightly less storage space for -20, and almost nothing for -70."

    What preparations are underway in India?

    India not only produces more than 60% of all vaccines sold across the globe, it also runs one of the largest vaccine schemes in the world.
    Its Universal Immunization Program inoculates more than 26 million newborns and 29 million pregnant women annually against diseases such as polio, measles and hepatitis B, and over 9 million immunization sessions are held across India every year, according to WHO.
    "We do have the advantage of having run a very large universal immunization program across this country," said professor K. Srinath Reddy, president of the Public Health Foundation of India. "To some extent our health system is fairly well geared up."
    An Indian health official administers polio vaccination drops to newborn babies at a hospital in Agartala, India's northeastern state of Tripura.
    But vaccinating 55 million people in a year is still a far cry from the target of 300 million in just eight months.
    The country currently has 239,000 vaccinators under the Universal Immunization Program, but fewer than 65% of them will be deployed to administer coronavirus vaccines, to avoid too much disruption to the routine vaccinations, according to Bhushan, the health secretary.
    He said the central government is in collaboration with states to arrange additional vaccinators, but did not reveal how many more staff will be added.
    "To get adequate work force of people to administer the injections, monitor the side effects, and then ensure that people come back for the second injection as well -- I think that is going to be the challenge that we have to meet," Reddy said.
    According to the government's guidelines released Monday, 100 to 200 people will be vaccinated per session per day and monitored for half an hour after receiving the shots to examine any adverse effects, reported CNN affiliate News 18.
    A digital platform, the Covid Vaccine Intelligence Network (Co-WIN) system, will be rolled out to track enlisted participants and the delivery of Covid-19 vaccines.
    The government is also ramping up its stocks of cold chain storage equipment such as walk-in coolers and freezers, deep freezers and ice-lined refrigerators. At present, the country has more than 80,000 pieces of cold chain equipment at about 29,000 locations, which can store enough Covid-19 vaccines for the first 30 million frontline workers, Bhushan said.
    "All necessary resources of vaccination have been delivered to the states," he added.
    Workers pack syringes at the Hindustan Syringes factory, India's biggest syringe manufacturer, is ramping up production to churn out a billion units, anticipating a surge in demand.
    Manufacturers are also racing against time to increase syringe supplies. Rajiv Nath, managing director of Hindustan Syringes and Medical Devices, said the company was producing 560 million pieces of syringe per annum as of June.
    "Currently we are making around 700 million pieces per annum capacity and we plan to increase the production rate to a billion pieces per annum capacity by the second quarter of next year," he said.

    Drawing from the electoral machinery

    India's decades-long Universal Immunization Program has traditionally focused on children -- and to a lesser extent women. Its coronavirus vaccine drive, however, will focus on adults, and faces challenges in terms of both the sheer number of shots and gathering people to receive them, Reddy said.
    And that's where India's electoral machinery for mobilizing the country's huge adult population can come in handy, he said.
    "We do have a well-oiled machinery, which conducts this in phases in different parts of the country," Reddy said "That is a very orderly process, which proceeds extremely smoothly, even in the remotest corners of the country. So in terms of adult mobilization, it is a fairly well tested process."
    Nuns wait in queue to cast their vote at a polling station during the last phase of Lok Sabha Election or general election on May 19, 2019.
    In the 2019 general elections, India mobilized 900 million voters in under six weeks. The whole voting process was staggered into seven phases and scattered across the country.
    "The same process of identification and lineup can easily be replicated here (for the vaccine drive). Of course, the administration of the vaccine itself will have to be done by people who are trained for that," Reddy said.
    And Reddy believes training new vaccinators won't be a difficult task.
    "It is only a question of training people to administer intramuscular injections with safety and monitor for side effects," he said. "We can actually recruit people with a science background, preferably science graduates ... who can be trained easily and brought into the process as vaccinators under supervision."

    Vaccinating 1.3 billion people?

    As the world's second most populous country, India's strategy is to vaccinate "a critical mass of people and break that virus transmission," so that it doesn't have to vaccinate the entire population of 1.3 billion, according to Balram Bhargava, director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research.
    Health Secretary Bhushan also said at a news conference last month that "the government has never spoken about vaccinating the entire country."
    Reddy, from the Public Health Foundation of India, said after the first phase of 300 million people are vaccinated, experts can better assess how much of a threat the virus remains and then decide on how many more people will need to be inoculated.
      "This is an evolving epidemic. And our response will have to be adaptive even in terms of deciding how many and how soon we'll be vaccinated." Reddy said.
      "It is possible that conditions may change, and by that time the virus may not be as much of a threat as it is at the moment ... But over a period of time, I believe about 60% to 70% of the population would need to be immunized," he said.

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