Sunday, November 29, 2020

온라인에서 성매매 조직을 운영했던, 조수빈 40년 징역언도. 법이 있어도 운영을 잘해야 하는데....

 온라인에서 성매매 조직을 운영했던, 조수빈 40년 징역언도 받았다. 몇년전 한국뿐만이 아니고 동남아를 포함한 전세계의 성매매 조직을 점조직으로 운영했던, 조수빈이가 오늘 재판에서 40년 징역형을 언도 받았다는 뉴스다. 

한국의 온라인에서 성매매조직을 불법운영하면서, 주로 젊은 여성들과 미성년자들을 상대로 불법성매매 사업을 해왔던 성범죄조직의 리더가 목요일 40년의 징역형을 언도 받았다. 이렇게해서 한국과 동남 아시아 여러나라를 떠들석하게 했던 범죄조직(explosive criminal case)의 활동에 막을 내리게 됐다.

25세의 조수빈 온라인에서 암호화된 메세지를 보내면, 사용자들은 사용료를 선불해야만 볼수있는, 앱 Telegram을 통해서, 강요에 의해 젊은 여성들이 성행위를 하는 실제 상황을 볼수있는 불법 성행위를 이끌었던, 법죄조직의 수괴였었다. 

16명의 미성년자를 포함하여 적어도 74명의 희생자들이, 구룹채팅에서 성교행위을 업로딩하는 협박을 당했었다고 한다. 적어도 10,000이상의 사람들이 이채팅방을 이용하기위해, 최고 1,200달러(한화 약 백5십만원)의 수수료를 납부했었다고, 당국이 발표했었다.

대학에서 쟈날리즘을 전공하는 두명의 학생들이 지난 여름에 Telegram앱을 운영하는 구룹들을 발견하여, 경찰이 조사를 했었고, 지난 3월에 수괴 조수빈을 검거했었다. 

그가 검거된후, 불법 성행위 비디오을 제작, 분배하고, 강압적인 성교행위, 강간, 성폭력, 협박, 불법성행위 장면 녹화, 강압성교, 개인정보보호법위반과 사기등등 15개의 죄목으로 기소됐었다.

그는 또 제3자들에게, 미성년자들을 협박하여 강간 하도록 지시한 죄목도 발견됐었다고 재판부는 밝혔었다.  서울중앙지방법원에서 진행된 재판에서, 범인 조수빈은 전자발지를 앞으로 30년간 착용하도록 했으며, 벌급 천백만원(미화 $9,600)도 같이 선고했다.  

검사들은 일찍히 그전례를 볼수없었던 무자비한 범죄임을 주장하면서, 또한 조는 아무런 뉘우침없이 성적 희생자들에게 혐오감을 느끼게 했을뿐만 아니라 모욕감을 느끼게한 협박을 포함하여 종신형을 구형했었다.  

평결을 언도한후 재판장 이현우씨는 범인 조수빈은 전과기록이 없는 초범이었고 희생자들과 어떤면에서는 합의를 했었다.  "어쨋던 조는 여성들을 희생물로 만드는 범죄조직을 만들어 운영하면서, 그녀들부터 성적착취를 하여 이득을 챙겼었다고 설명했다.  

"그는 성착취의 희생자분들의 개인정보와 폭로했었고, 그렇게 함으로써 많은 손상을 주었을뿐만 아니라, 계속적으로 반복해서 상처를 더 심하게 주었었다. 그의 행동은 희생자들에게 무지무지한 고통을 주었고, 희생자들은 그에게 매우 중한 형벌을 내려줄것을 요구했었다"라고 보충설명을 했다.  

"이렇게 심각한 범죄 계획을 매우 꼼꼼하게 진행한점, 희생자들과 희생자들이 입은 커다란 상처, 이런 범죄가 사회에 끼친 손해와 그리고 피고인들의 사고방식들을 고려해 볼때, 피고인, 조수빈은 사회와 장시간 격리 시킬 필요가 절실했다"라고 설명했다.  

지난 3월에 경찰은 이채팅 범죄조직과 연결되여 있었던, 120명 이상의 사람들을 붙잡았었다. 조수빈과 함께 작당했던 여러명도 기소됐었으며, 그들중 또 다른 5명은, 목요일, 7년에서 15년을 선고 받았었다.  한조직원은 다만  Lee라는 성만 알려진 미성년자로, 최소 5년간에서 최고 10년형을 언도받고 소년원으로 보내졌다.   

조수빈의 형언도에 대한 대중들의 반응은 엇갈렸었다.  어떤이들은 합당한 판결이었다고 칭송하는가 하면, 어떤이들은 종신형을 언도 했어야 했다고 아쉬워 했다. 이익을 추구하지 않는 조직에서 활동가로 이름난 이효린씨는 오늘의 평결을 보면서, 전에 발생했었던 디지털 섹스범죄에 관대한형을 내렸던점과 비교해 볼때 합당한 언도였다고  평했다.  

"과거에는 한국에서 디지탈 섹스범죄는 가벼운 벌을 받았었다. 그래서 법의 정의에 대해서 많은 비난이 빗발치곤 했었다.  지금 대한민국에서는 이와 비슷한 범죄행위들이 벌어지고 있고,  이번 재판이, 앞으로 발생할 디지털 섹스 범죄에 매우 심각한 벌을 주는 가이들 역활이 됐으면 한다"라고 이씨는 설명한다.  이상의 국민들이

지난 3월 조수빈이 검거된후, 4백만명(four million people이상의 국민들이 가장 엄격한 형을 살도록하고, 범죄자들의 이름과 얼굴도 언론에 알려야 된다는 탄원서를 제출 했었다.

요는 법운영에 관여하고 있는 집행자들의 정신이 우선 중요하다고 믿는다. 

더자세한 내용은 아래의 원문을 참조하면 좋겠다.

(CNN)The South Korean leader of an online sexual blackmail ring that targeted minors and young women was sentenced to 40 years in jail on Thursday, marking the end of an explosive criminal case that sparked outrage across the country.

Cho Joo-bin, 25, hosted online rooms on encrypted messaging app Telegram, where users paid to see young girls perform sexual acts under coercion. At least 74 victims, including 16 minors, were blackmailed into uploading explicit images onto the group chats. At least 10,000 people used the chat rooms, with some paying up to $1,200 for access, officials say
After two university journalism students discovered the Telegram groups last summer, police launched their investigation, and arrested Cho in March.
He was later indicted under 15 charges of producing and distributing illegal sexual visual material, forced sexual abuse, rape, sexual harassment, blackmailing, recording sexually abusive behaviors, coercion, violation of private information protection, and fraud.
    He was also also found guilty of "instructing a third party to directly rape a victim, who was a minor," the judge ruled.
    Cho's sentence, passed down in the Seoul Central District Court, also included the wearing of an electronic ankle bracelet for 30 years and a fine of 10.64 million Korean won (about $9,600).
    Prosecutors had requested life imprisonment, arguing in court that his crime was "unprecedented in history," and that Cho had "insulted and abhorred" victims without remorse.
    After passing the verdict, the judge, Lee Hyun-woo, explained that Cho had no criminal record and "has made some agreements with some victims." However, Cho had "created an organization structure" victimizing women, and profited off their exploitation.
    "He revealed the personal information of the victims and by doing so not only caused damage, but by distributing this repeatedly caused recurring damage to victims," said the judge. "His behaviors caused extreme pain on the victims and they are demanding severe punishment."
    "Considering the seriousness and meticulous plotting of the crimes, the number victims and damage on victims, social harm caused by the crime, and the attitude of the defendant, it is necessary to isolate the defendant from society for a long time."
    Police arrested more than 120 people connected to the chat groups in March. Several of Cho's collaborators were also charged and indicted; five others received sentences on Thursday, ranging from seven to 15 years.
    One collaborator, a minor identified only by his surname Lee, was sentenced to a juvenile facility for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years.
    Cho's verdict received mixed results from the public, with some praising the decision and others arguing he should have received a life sentence.
    Lee Hyo-rin, an activist in a coalition of non-profit organizations, called the verdict a chance to reflect on lenient rulings in previous digital sex crimes.
    "In the past, digital sex crimes in South Korea have received weak punishments, and therefore criticism toward the justice system was high," Lee said. "There are similar crimes ongoing in the country and I hope this ruling will offer guidance to levy serious punishment on possible future digital sex crimes."

    'My daily scars seem to be endless'

    Before Thursday's sentencing, Cho Joo-bin and several victims last testified at a trial on October 22, where the victims described the exploitation they faced and the trauma that remained.
    "I wish I could throw everything away. I have to live with the damage that I still haven't forgotten," said one victim's statement, read by their attorney in court. The identity of the victims has been kept private.
    Another victim's statement, read by their lawyer, expressed skepticism that Cho felt any true remorse.
    "I want to ask what he regrets and what he reflects on when he says, 'I regret.' He terrorized the victims by calling us slaves. I am wondering if he had ever thought about the victims as real human beings," the statement said.
    "Due to personal information and sexual exploitation video, it is difficult to live a daily life. I'm so busy deleting videos distributed by Cho Joo-bin that my daily scars seem to be endless no matter what treatment I receive. Just as my wounds are endless, I hope Cho's punishment is endless."
    Cho gave a statement as well, apologizing to the victims.
    "At the time of the crime, I didn't have much thought about human dignity. I admit that I committed the crime by using sex as a means," he said. "I cannot be excused or evade. I must sincerely atone ... There's no fault of the victims, and I'm responsible for everything."

    Blackmailing girls into sexual slavery

    Cho was just one of many operators running similar chats on Telegram when the two university students stumbled upon the private groups. Cho went by the alias of "Guru" (Baksa in Korean) and ran at least eight groups, some of which had over 9,000 members at any one time.
    Cho sourced his victims by posting fake modeling jobs online, police said. Young women would submit their personal information, including their social security numbers and addresses, so they could get paid, along with photographs.
    Kwon and Ahn, the two university students, show a chat room set up to monitor Cho Joo-bin's activities on Telegram
    Once hired, they would be asked to provide more revealing pictures, which Cho then used as blackmail material. He would threaten to post them on the internet with their personal details if the girls did not work in his Telegram chat rooms, police said in March.
    Each chat room had between three to five girls, which Guru called 'slaves,' who would obey requests for pictures and videos of explicit acts. One girl was ordered to write the word 'slave' above her genitals. Another was made to bark like a dog while naked.
    Users paid as much as $1,200 to enter a room using bitcoin transactions, police said in March. Since Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, with no company or official bank to oversee transactions, users can keep their transactions private.
    The case was widely followed and condemned across the country, which has been grappling for years with widespread sexual abuse and accusations of pervasive misogyny.
    In 2018, tens of thousands of women took to streets of Seoul to protest against illegal filming of women by hidden cameras in motels and public toilets. Videos taken by these spy cams were circulated online.
    And in 2019, South Korean police discovered an online group chat that shared sexually explicit videos of women filmed without their knowledge and consent, and named several high-profile K-pop stars as members of the group.
      The string of scandals have created a wave of protests, campaigns against sexual harassment, calls for greater action and accountability, and the rise of mainstream feminist voices and ideas.
      After Cho's arrest in March, more than four million people signed two petitions demanding the heaviest of punishments, and calling for the names and faces of all involved to be released.

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