Tuesday, September 29, 2020

자유중국, Coronavirus의 효과적 통제로 최고의 Job시장으로 전세계로 부터 각광, 한국에도 파란불이 켜져야 하는데....

 자유중국, Coronavirus의 효과적 통제로 최고의  Job시장으로 부상할것으로 전제계로 부터 각광받고 있다는 부러운 뉴스가 전세계의 43개 Job Market으로 부터 각광을 받고 있다는 뉴스를 보면서, 그들이 부럽기도 했지만, 초기 Wuhan Virus가 발생 했을때, 그들의 용기있는 결단의 결과였던 것으로 나는 이해한다.

같은시기에, 한국은 Wuhan 뿐만 아니라 중국의 전지방으로 부터 한국에 입국하는 하늘문 바닷문을 더 활짝 열어, 삽시간에 Coronavirus Pandemic의 지옥으로 떨어뜨린 문재인 정부의 실정을 비난하지 않을수 없다. 지금도 생각하면 너무도 아쉽기만 하다.  뻔뻔스럽게도 문재인과 그찌라시들은 한국이 방역을 잘하고 있다고 자화자찬으로도 부족하여, 전사회를 Lockdown시켜 국민들의 활동이 거의 막힌 상태에서, 방역본부를 방역청으로 승격시키는 정부기구늘리기 작전을 하는, 광대놀음을 했다.

국제 Job Market 에이전트,  ManpowerGroup의 국제부 스탶들의 설명에 따르면, 자유중국의 고용시장은 전세계의 43개 시장으로 부터 각광을 받고있다.

자유중국이 Coronavirus통제를 아주 잘해 섬나라인 자유중국이 세계에서 가장 각광받는 노동력 시장중에서 톱이라고 에이전시의 발표가 계속되고있다.이 전세계적으로

ManpowerGroup이 전세계적으로 1,940의 고용주로 부터 인터뷰를 한 내용을 바탕으로 조사한바에 따르면, 현재 3분기의 실적에서 4분기에는 약 11%가 더 고용이 증가할것으로 전망 하고 있다.  바꾸어 얘기하면 23%의 고용주들이 10-12월사이에 인력채용을 하겠다는 뜻이다.

Pandemic으로 심한 충격을 받은 동남아시아의 경제는 노동시장의 구조변경과 축소로 심한 긴장상태에 처해 있다. 자유중국의 지난 몇개월동안의 일자리손실은 큰 충격없이, 계절적 변화에 따른 평상적인 변화였었다. 그렇기 때문에 노동력시장은 회복하기에 아주 좋은 위치에 있다는 것이다. 

25세의 광고분야 전문가인 그녀가 지난 6월에만 고용가능하다고 생각되는 회사에 많은 이력서를 보냈었는데 겨우 4곳으로 부터 응답을 받았을 뿐이다. 운좋게 한군데서 인터뷰까지 했었지만, 정부의 Covid-19 대책에 따라 기업들이 폐쇄되고,  소비자들의 소비성향도 줄어서 현재 회사는 있는 스탶들도 줄이는 상황이라는 대답을 들었다고 하면서, 그래도 이번에는 잡지회사쪽에서 일자리를 찾고 있다고 한다.

"내자신에 대해서 매우 긍정적이다. 나는 3년전에 Taipei대학을 졸업했고, 편집인으로 15개월 근무했었다. 내가 대학을 졸업했을때, 일자리시장에 대해서는 잘 알지 못했으나, 나는 가리지 않고 가능한 일자리를 택했었다.  이제는 어느정도 경력이 있어서, 내가 진정으로 원하는 일자리를 얻는다는것은 쉽지 않다는것을 잘 알고있다."라고 Chuang양은 설명한다.  

Chuang의 경우는 Taiwan에서 일자리를 찾는자들이 처하고있는 하나의 샘플일뿐이다.
Covid-19의 전염을 막기위한 정부의 정책으로 회사들은 고용하는것을 무척 자제하고 있기때문이다.  또한 일자리 찾기는 전보다 무척 제한적으로, 어떤 분야는 붐을 이루지만 어떤 분야는 거북이 걸음이다.

리져분야를 보자, Taiwan에서 운영중인 스타벅스는 다가오는 2분기중에 약 10%의 일자리를 늘릴계획이다라고 미국 체인 커피하우스가 발표한 내용이다. 이번 전염병중에도 직원수는 현상유지를 하면서, 4분기와 다음해의 첫분기가 고용의 정점을 이룬다.

자유중국의 지난 8월의 대미수출액은 지난 2년반동안의 통계를 봤을때, 13.6%가 증가한, $455억달러였다. 보통 4/4분기에는 수출이 최고로 특히 제조업이 성황을 이루는 동시에, 서구사회에서는 홀리데이 시즌이 되여 자유중국의 수출액은 늘어나게 된다라고 전문가들이 예측하고 있다.

현재로서는 자유중국역시 Job Markets이 Coronavirus Pandemic으로 문이 닫혀 있는상태지만, 돌아오는 4분기와 내년도 초에는 가장많은 직장창출이 기대되는곳으로 전문가들이 예측하는것을 보면서, 쪼그라 들고있는 한국의 고용시장과 경제성장에 파란불이 켜지지 않아 걱정인데.....

  • Official data shows Taiwan’s unemployment at 4 per cent in August, barely changed from 3.9 per cent a year prior
  • International staffing agency ManpowerGroup says Taiwan has the best employment outlook among 43 markets around the world
  • The outlook for Taiwan’s labour market is one of the brightest in the world, given the island’s highly effective efforts to control the coronavirus pandemic, a top labour placement agency has said.

    International staffing agency ManpowerGroup this month gave Taiwan the best employment outlook of 43 markets around the world. Its net employment outlook for the fourth quarter grew 11 percentage points from the current quarter, ManpowerGroup said, based on interviews with 1,094 employers. That means 23 per cent of employers intend to add staffing from October through December.

    “Compared with other emerging economies in the region, Taiwan’s labour market is relatively resilient due to the low degree of pandemic shock,” said Ma Tieying, an economist with DBS Bank in Singapore. She expects job growth to pick up in the first quarter of 2021.

    “Some South and Southeast Asian economies, which suffered serious shock from the pandemic, are also facing the serious pressure of retrenchment and structural changes in their labour markets,” Ma said. “Taiwan’s loss of jobs in the last several months was modest and largely cyclical. Therefore, its labour market is relatively better positioned to recover.”

Now that I have a bit of experience, I don’t think it’s so easy to find a job that meets my expectationsChuang Yan

  • The 25-year-old advertising and publishing specialist has received only four replies to résumés she began sending potential employers in June. One resulted in an interview. She got the replies as companies cut staff and froze hiring due to weak consumer demand and government-ordered business closures to stop the spread of Covid-19.

    But she is still looking for work, ideally at a magazine.

    “I have higher expectations for myself,” said Chuang, who graduated from a university in Taipei three years ago and then worked as an editor for 15 months. “I don’t know the situation in the overall job market, but when I had just graduated, I wasn’t picky and took anything suitable. Now that I have a bit of experience, I don’t think it’s so easy to find a job that meets my expectations.”

    Chuang’s case is an example of what jobseekers are facing in Taiwan, where effective measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 have kept companies open and allowed pillar industries to keep hiring. But the types of openings are more limited than before, as some sectors boom while others crawl.

    Taiwan tackled Covid-19 early in the year by inspecting flights from mainland China where the virus originated, tracing the contacts of infected people, and quarantining people at risk of contracting the disease. Taiwan’s Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics reported 4 per cent unemployment in August, barely changed from 3.9 per cent a year prior.

    Worldwide, unemployment rates this year will exceed the worst seen during the global financial crisis of more than a decade ago, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said earlier this month.

    Disease-control measures and government-budget increases are adding transport and environmental projects, boosting construction jobs, a ManpowerGroup spokesperson said. Jobs are also shaping up in leisure and hospitality, the spokesperson said, because Taiwanese are travelling en masse domestically this year, thanks in part to government-issued hotel vouchers.

    On the leisure side, Starbucks plans to increase hiring in Taiwan by 10 per cent in the next two quarters, the American coffeehouse chain said in a statement. Staffing was “sustained” during the pandemic, the statement said, and “the fourth and first quarters every year are traditionally our peak period”.

The global demand for Taiwan’s IT products is surging, primarily due to shifts in global work habits brought on by the pandemicRupert Hammond-Chamber

  • Employment in Taiwan’s core industry, hi-tech hardware, is expected to thrive in the fourth quarter, too. Computer makers Acer and AsusTek, for instance, saw a rise in global demand for computers this year as large numbers of people worked from home.

    “The global demand for Taiwan’s IT products is surging, primarily due to shifts in global work habits brought on by the pandemic,” said Rupert Hammond-Chambers, president of US-Taiwan Business Council in the United States.

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing
     (TSMC), the world’s largest contract chip maker, expects to hire 8,000 people this year, the company said. Chairman Mark Liu had said in August that the company was having a “good year”. The firm produces chips for Apple and other major brands.

    “TSMC’s recruitment is to support the company’s business growth and technology development, and also not just based on short-term cycles in the industry,” the statement says.

    Exports from Taiwan rose 13.6 per cent in August to a two-and-a-half-year high of US$45.5 billion. Fourth quarters are normally peak periods for manufacturing in Taiwan, as Western holidays raise demand for Taiwan’s exports, according to economists who follow the market.

    DP Smart Technology, a year-old Taiwanese start-up with a current staff of 11, is looking to hire sales and marketing people to help sell its 360-degree cameras in Europe and Japan, CEO Kevin Chiang said, noting that new hires will be “global” to accommodate clients in other countries.

    But Taiwanese job-hunters face unusually tough competition from abroad, as applicants eye the island’s relatively robust market and low Covid-19 risks, said Hsieh Wei-cheng, co-founder of the Taiwanese résumé-building service CakeResume. “A lot of foreigners will look at Taiwan because they can’t move now to places like Singapore or Japan,” he said, citing visa controls in countries that normally draw white-collar expatriates.

    In addition, smaller foreign employers are moving to Taiwan through subsidiary companies to avoid Covid-19, Hsieh said.

    RESET Carbon, a Hong Kong-based environmental impact mitigation firm, with 30 staff members worldwide, expects to hire someone in October to run its new Taiwan office, CEO Liam Salter said. The firm proceeded with the Taiwan office with Covid-19 in mind, but has put off plans for India, where the coronavirus is still widespread, Salter said.

    No matter how Covid-19 spreads in the future, Salter said, “we have a higher level of confidence that the [Taiwanese] government is going to be able to manage it”.

    Some sectors of the Taiwan economy are still immobile. The inbound tourism industry and international aviation, for example, are waiting for border controls to be relaxed so international tourism can resume.

    Ceramics are shaping up as another Covid-19 casualty, said Huang Yu-wen, 24. The ceramic worker expects no response to his résumé postings with employment agencies and plans to open his own shop instead. Consumers see clay mugs, cups and bowls as non-essential items, he lamented.

    “The market was shrinking before, and the disease outbreak has accelerated the decline,” Huang said.


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