Friday, August 07, 2020

Facebook, Twitter사, 트럼프 대통령 구좌에 잘못된 정보계재 이유로 사용제한적용, 그용단에 찬사를 보낸다.

Facebook, Twitter사, 트럼프 대통령 구좌에 위험한 거짖정보계재 이유로 제한적용, 그용단에 찬사를 보낸다. 

멕시코 엔세네다 관광지역 탐방시, 태평양 연안의 해수욕장- 얼룩말- 소나기- 페인트 다 벗겨져.
세계의 Social Media를 이끌고있는 Facebook, Twitter 사가 트럼프 대통령이 사용하는 구좌를 계속사용하게 하는것은 원치 않는 바이러스를 Spread할 위험이 많다는 이유를 들어, 사용제한 조치를 취했다고 한다.
 미국의 언론, SNS, 자유민주주의 정치 체제가 너무도 부럽다.  오늘 뉴스를 보면서 놀란것은, 트럼프 미국대통령의 Facebook과 Twitter계정에 대해 심한 징벌을 내렸다는 것이었다.  동시에 순간적으로 한국의 언론과 인터넷, SNS 와 Naver, Daum및 Social Media들이 책임을 지고 맡겨진 언론으로서의 임무를 주위눈치 보지않고, 국민들이 알고져하는 입수된 뉴스를 속시원하게 보도하고 있을까?라고.  특히 요즘같이 입에 자갈이 물려져 있어도 반항하는 소리 한마디 들어 보지 못했었다.

문재인 대통령이 한국의 Social Media의 대부격인 Daum 및  Naver에 구좌가 있는지의 여부는 알길이 없다.
이유야 어쨋던, 한국의 Social Media업체가, 트럼프 대통령에게 취한 강력한 제한 조치를 취했다면, 문재인 정부가 가만히 보고만 있었을까? 그패거리들이 "감히 대통령에게 도전을 해? 사업그만 하고싶냐? 당장에 사과광고내고, 앞으로는 이런 사고가 나지 않도록 하겠다"라는 사과광고를 내게 했었을 것이다.

법무장관 추미애도 아마도 앞장서서, 검찰이 해야할일을 밀쳐내고, 공갈협박을 이어갔을 것이다. 
감히 하늘같은 "대통령에 도전을 냈다"라는 이유를 들이대고.... 마치 옛날에 "짐은 국가다"라고 외쳤던 로만제국의 한 광폭한 독재자처럼.

KBS노동조합(1노조)과 KBS공영노조가 KBS ‘검·언유착 오보’ 사태와 관련해 진상조사위원회를 구성하고 양승동 사장 등 책임자들을 검찰에 고발하기로 했다. 문재인의 Puppet,양승동이의 아첨떠는 꼴을 더이상은 두고 못보겠다는 뜻으로 이해됐다.

KBS 노동조합·공영노조와 언론비평 시민단체 미디어연대는 “각계 단체와의 협의 끝에 진상조사위원회를 1차로 구성한다. 이번 사건의 실체적 진실을 규명하고 그 결과를 공개하겠다”고 3일 밝혔다. 
KBS에 노조가 여러개 있다는것을 오늘 처음 알았다. 그중에서 과반수 이상이 회원으로 있는 노조인 전국언론노조 KBS본부는 참여하지 않는다고 발표한것이다. 한쪽을 참여하고 한쪽은 참여안한다라고.  이들 노조원들이 받아가는 월급은 전부 국민들의 세금이다.  어찌 이런일이 한지붕아래서 일어나고 있는가?

진상조사공동위원장은 박인환 바른사회시민회의 공동대표와 조맹기 서강대 언론대학원 명예교수가, 집행위원장은 이석우 미디어연대 공동대표가 맡는다. 이분들이 잘할수 있을까? 페이스북, 트위터처럼 말이다.

페이스북 대변인은 수요일 "Covid-19에 대한 트럼프 대통령의 비디오내용이 면역을 얻었다고 주장한것은 페이스북회사가 주장하는 기본 원칙에 위배되여 거짖정보로 판명된것이다"라고 했다. 이렇게 대통령의 구좌에 특단의 조치를 내린것은 처음있었다고 한다. 그러나 이전에도 벌금을 물린적은 있었다고 한다.

수요일 오후에는 트위터사가 발표하기를, @TeamTrump의 구좌를 동결 시켰는데, 이유는 트럼프 대통령과 구좌를 공동으로 사용하고있는 구좌에서 발표한것을 다시 포스팅한 이유라고 했다.  COVID-19에 대한 잘못된 정보를 계시했다는 이유다. 고로 다시 다른 계시물을 포스팅 하기전에 먼저 그내용물을 지우라고 요구했던 것이다.

Facebook and Twitter restrict Trump accounts over 'harmful' virus claim

Facebook and Twitter have penalised Donald Trump and his campaign for posts in which the president claimed children were "almost immune" to coronavirus.

Facebook deleted the post - a clip from an interview Mr Trump gave to Fox News - saying it contained "harmful Covid misinformation".

Twitter followed by saying it had frozen a Trump campaign account until a tweet of the same clip was removed.

US public health advice makes clear children have no immunity to Covid-19.

What did Facebook and Twitter say?

A Facebook spokesperson said on Wednesday evening: "This video includes false claims that a group of people is immune from COVID-19 which is a violation of our policies around harmful COVID misinformation."

It was the first time the social giant had taken action to remove content posted by the president based on its coronavirus-misinformation policy, but not the first time it has penalised Mr Trump over content on his page.

Later on Wednesday, Twitter said it had frozen the @TeamTrump account because it posted the same interview excerpt, which President Trump's account shared.

A Twitter spokesman said the @TeamTrump tweet "is in violation of the Twitter Rules on COVID-19 misinformation".

"The account owner will be required to remove the Tweet before they can Tweet again."

It later appeared to have been deleted.

Twitter last month temporarily suspended Mr Trump's son, Donald Jr, for sharing a clip it said promoted "misinformation" about coronavirus and hydroxychloroquine.

But in March, Twitter said a tweet by entrepreneur Elon Musk suggesting children are "essentially immune" to coronavirus did not break its rules.

What did Trump say in his TV interview?

Speaking by telephone to morning show Fox and Friends on Wednesday, Mr Trump argued it was time for all schools nationwide to reopen.

He said: "If you look at children, children are almost - and I would almost say definitely - almost immune from this disease.

"So few, they've got stronger, hard to believe, I don't know how you feel about it, but they've got much stronger immune systems than we do somehow for this.

"And they don't have a problem, they just don't have a problem."

Mr Trump, who is running for re-election in November, also said of coronavirus: "This thing's going away. It will go away like things go away."

Media captionReopening US schools "makes our kids guinea pigs"

How dangerous is coronavirus for children?

Children can catch and transmit the virus, but they run an extremely low risk of becoming ill from it.

Adults - and particularly older adults - are far more likely to be seriously ill and die from complications.

Media captionCan children catch and spread coronavirus?

The largest study done so far, involving more than 55,000 hospital patients, found that only 0.8% were under the age of 19.

Half of all the people with confirmed coronavirus who were admitted to critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were 60 or older as of 31 July, according to a research charity.

A recent US study of coronavirus cases among 7,780 children from 26 countries found almost one in five patients had no symptoms. Another one in five developed lesions on their lungs during the infection.

Some 3.3% were admitted to intensive care units and seven deaths were reported, according to the research from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

A study from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that people under 20 were about half as susceptible to coronavirus infection as those over 20.

There have been some extremely rare cases of children developing an inflammatory syndrome similar to Kawasaki disease, and scientists are exploring a possible delayed immune response to coronavirus.

Why did Facebook last take down a Trump post?

In June, Facebook said it had removed adverts for President Trump's re-election campaign that featured a symbol used in Nazi Germany.

The company said the offending ad contained an inverted red triangle similar to that used by the Nazis to label opponents such as communists.

Mr Trump's campaign team said the far-left activist group antifa uses the symbol and it was a reference to them.

The ads, which were posted on the site on pages belonging to President Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence, were online for about 24 hours and had received hundreds of thousands of views before they were taken down.

Are US schools reopening amid pandemic?

Hundreds of school districts around the country have scrapped plans to reopen as coronavirus infections have spiked in a number of US states.

Some 20 of the nation's largest 25 school districts have announced they will start remotely.

Among the schools that are not reopening is one attended by the president's son, Barron Trump, in suburban Maryland.

St Andrew's Episcopal School said in a letter to parents it would opt instead for virtual learning to protect the health of students, families and staff.

Last week Georgia's largest school district, Gwinnett County, returned to school campuses to start planning for autumn reopening.

A day later, 260 employees had been told to stay away from their schools because they tested positive for coronavirus, or had been exposed to someone else who had the infection.

One of the first school districts in the nation to reopen, near Indianapolis, Indiana, had a student test positive on the first day.

The child's parents had sent him to campus, knowing that his test result was pending, schools officials said.

Other students who had come within 6ft of the patient for more than 15 minutes were sent home to self-isolate for 14 days.

What do I need to know about the coronavirus?

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