Sunday, July 26, 2020

Houston중국 총영사관은 스파이 본부였었다. 문부수고 들어가 확인. 한국이 위태하다.

Houston 중국총영사관이 스파이 본부였었다니.... 이렇게 고단수의 시진핑 공산정부에 읍소하는 문재인 정부가 너무도 많이 걱정된다. 요즘 한국의 돌아가는 정치적 사회적 돌아가는 상황을 보면, 무법천지처럼 국가를 운영하는 그내면속의 음침한 목적을 이해 하는것을 어렵지는 않을것 같다.

살아가는 권력에 충성하지 않겠다는 총장의 그한마디가 시진핑에 읍소하기위해서는 문재인씨가 추미애를 앞세워 정상적이지 않고, 무질서의 법운영을 해야 중국이 목적하는바에 합당하다는것을 보여줄려는 충성심을 확실히 보여 주었기에, Houston총영사관이 스파이의 본부였음을 앞뒤 정황으로 봐서 충분히 이해된다.
한국에 있는 중국 대사관, 영사관의 활동에 대해 검 경이 Watch out을 하고 있는지는 확실히 알고 있지는 않지만, 설령 주시하고 있다고 해도 추미애,문재인씨의 눈총을 받을 행동인것을 안다면, 알아서 몸보신 하고 있는것으로 추측된다.

중국총영사관이 철수를 끝난후 미연방 관련공무원들과 열쇠공이 자물쇠를 부수고 총영사관 빌딩에 7월 24일, 2020년 금요일에 건물안으로 들어갔었다. 지난 수요일에 미국은 중국총영사관에 통보하여, 중국측이 텍사스주에 있는 메디칼 설비와 Houston에 있는 텍사스 MD Anderson 암센터의 데이터를 훔치려고 시도했던 정황을 포함한, 스파이짖을 한것을 들어 72시간내에 철수하라고 명령을 내렸었다.

Federal officials and a locksmith pull on a door to make entry into the vacated Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

보도된 사진에 의하면 연방관련공무원들과 열쇠공들이 퇴거하여 비어있는 중국영사관에 진입하려고 열쇠를 따고 하는 장면을 보여 주기도 했다.  연방공무원들은 건물안에 진입하기위해 다른 3곳에서도 시도해 보았으나 실패하고 만다. 보안팀들은 연방정부의 앰블렘이 그려진 T셔츠를 입고 있었다. Houston Chronicle지의 보도에 따르면 그지방 소방서 요원들도 현장에 있었던 것으로 알려졌다.

화요일저녁, 트럼프 행정부가 중국총영사관의 퇴거를 발표한지 몇시간후에 휴스톤소방청(Houston Fire Department)은 총영사관의 뜰에서 중요한 자료들로 보이는 서류가 불타고 있다는 보고에 즉시 출동했었다. 중국영사관원들은 소방서원들의 총영사관 진입을 거절했었다고, Houston에 있는 Fox26가 보도했었다.

금요일 아침에 영사관 인부들이 U-haul추럭과 다른 차량에 실려있던 쓰레기백들을 인근에 있는 쓰레기장에 버리는 장면을 목격했는데, 이는 오후 4시까지 비우라는 명령에 마추기위해 급히 서둘렀던 것으로, Chronicle신문은 보도 했었다.

중국영사관 직원들이 모든짐을 꾸려 떠난후, 미연방 관련공무원들은 바로 영사관건물로 진입하기 시작했었다. 두시간동안 노력끝에 연방공무원들은 밴에 수집한 짐들을 밴에 싣고, Houston경찰과 보안팀들이 지켜보는속에서, 영사관을 떠났다고 Chronicle이 보도했었다.  중국 총영사관은, 미국의 매우 센시티브한 의학설비및 Data를 포함안 여러정보를 훔쳐왔던 스파이의 본거지였었다고 연방정부가 발표한 것이다.

The South China Morning Post는 3대의 추럭과 한대의 버스가 영사관 건물로 들어갔다가 되돌아가는것과 또 다른 인부들은 손에 여러 파일들이 들어있는 박스들을 잔뜩들고 영사관 건물을 빠져나갔었다고 Reuters가 보도했다.

미국과 동맹관계에 있는 대한민국의 서울에 소재하고있는 미국대사관과 전국적으로 산재해 있는 미국영사관에도 중국의 스파이들이 5G, 한미간의 군사비밀을 훔치지 않았다는 보장은 없는데....이를 척결하기위한 한미간의 공조가, 문재인의 사회주의 정부와, 잘 이루어질까? 문제다.  어떻게든 대한민국은 미국과 함께 해야 하는데...

US officials raid Chinese consulate in Houston believed to be spy hub

Trump Administration ordered the shutdown of the consulate that was 'hub of spying'

U.S. officials pried open the doors of the Chinese consulate in Houston on Friday and took over the building shortly after Chinese officials vacated the facility on orders from the Trump Administration.

Federal officials and local law enforcement surrounded the Houston facility Friday afternoon as the Chinese officials moved out of the building that the Trump Administration contends was a hub of spy activity by the Chinese Communist Party.

Forty minutes after the 4 p.m. eviction deadline passed, U.S. officials broke into a back door of the consulate and a man believed to be a State Department official led the way of the U.S. takeover, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Federal officials and a locksmith pull on a door to make entry into the vacated Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Godofredo Vasquez/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Photographs show federal officials and a locksmith trying to force their way into the vacated Consulate General of China. U.S. officials had tried three other entrances but couldn't get in. Security teams donning U.S. State Department emblems on their shirts stood guard. The Houston Chronicle reported that the local fire department entered the building, too.

Tuesday night, hours after the Trump Administration announced its directive for the Chinese to vacate, the Houston Fire Department responded to fires at the courtyard of the building -- an apparent effort to destroy documents. Chinese officials refused to allow the first responders to enter to put out the fires, Fox 26 in Houston reported.

Federal officials and a locksmith work on a door to make entry into the vacated Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Federal officials and a locksmith work on a door to make entry into the vacated Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via AP)


All morning Friday, consulate workers were spotted loading up two U-haul trucks and vehicles and tossing trash bags into a nearby Dumpster in an attempt to meet the U.S.'s 4 p.m. eviction deadline, the Chronicle reported.

Consular staff pack items into their vehicles as they vacate the Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Godofredo Vasquez/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Consular staff pack items into their vehicles as they vacate the Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Godofredo Vasquez/Houston Chronicle via AP)

“We can confirm that the PRC Consulate General in Houston is closed," a State Department spokesperson told Fox News.

After the Chinese officials packed up and left, U.S. teams began to force their way in. After two hours of gaining entry, the government officials loaded into a van and drove away, leaving the Houston Police and security teams behind at the scene, the Houston Chronicle reported.

The U.S. alleged that the consulate was a nest of Chinese spies who tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Police officers install barricades outside the Consulate General of China Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. Workers at China's consulate loaded up moving trucks Friday ahead of an afternoon deadline to shut down the facility, as ordered by the Trump administration. (Godofredo Vasquez/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Police officers install barricades outside the Consulate General of China Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. Workers at China's consulate loaded up moving trucks Friday ahead of an afternoon deadline to shut down the facility, as ordered by the Trump administration. (Godofredo Vasquez/Houston Chronicle via AP)


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this week called the Houston complex "a hub of spying and IP theft." Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said the consulate was a "massive spy center [and] forcing it to close is long overdue."

China called the allegations “malicious slander” and responded by ordering the U.S. to close its consulate in the western Chinese city of Chengdu.


U.S. officials were spotted packing up and moving out of the Chengdu consulate Saturday as thousands of people gathered to watch the Americans forced to exit on Beijing's orders.

Federal officials arrive to make entry into the vacated Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Federal officials arrive to make entry into the vacated Consulate General of China building Friday, July 24, 2020, in Houston. On Tuesday, the U.S. ordered the Houston consulate closed within 72 hours, alleging that Chinese agents had tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. (Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via AP)

The South China Morning Post reported that three trucks and a bus were seen entering and leaving the U.S. compound while other workers left on foot with the arms full of boxes and files. Reuters reported the American consulate emblem was taken down and security was tight outside the facility for the moveout in the tit-for-tat consulate closures.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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