Wednesday, June 10, 2020

북한은 Covid-19전염병 퇴치, 방역할 능력이 있다고 보는가? 무방비상태다

북한은 Covid-19전염병 퇴치, 방역할 능력이 있다고 보는가? 무방비상태다.

Coronavirus Pandemic에 대한 방역시설이나 퇴치시설도 없는 북한의 김여정 한마디에 대한민국 정부는 무릎을 꿇고 "잘못했소이다. 널리 혜량하시옵고, 핵폭탄 쏘지 마시옵소서"라고.

G-7부국들의 정례모임에 Observer자격으로 참석하게 됐다고 희죽희죽 거리는 그사람은, 도대체 뭘 잘못했기에 아직 시집도 못간 그여자에게 질질 끌려 다니고, 그녀의 한마디에 많은 돈들여 설치해놓은 남북 정상간 직통전화선마져도 가위질 한번으로 싹쑥 잘라 내동댕이 치는데...
겨우 한다는 소리가, "앞으로는 계절에 따라 대형풍선 띄워 북한주민께 외부소식, 간식, 미제달러 등등의 필수품들을 못보내게 법을 만들어 조치하겠나이다" 통일부장관의 아첨행위를 보면서, 통일부는 왜 정부조직법에 만들어 놨을까?를 여러번 생각해 봤었다.

전세계가 벌벌 떨고, 지구촌의 GDP가 거의 5-10% 떨어지는 대혼란을 겪으면서, 사람들간의 접촉도 2미터 이상 떨어져 있게 지구촌을 완전 Lockdown시킨  Coronavirus Pandemic의 무서움에 몇개월이 지난 현재도 퇴치에 안간힘을 쓰고 있다.  오직 북한 김정은 체제만이 아무런 확진자,사망자, 또는 회복된자들의 통계가 나오지 않고 있는데, 우린 의료시설이 좋아 확진자 한명도 발생 하지 않았다고 허풍이다.  외부에서 볼때는 당연한 결과인지도 모른다. 초기에 중국에서도 그랬듯이, 확진의심자가 발각되면 공안원이 붙잡아 Quarantine시킨다고 격리시킨것이 그사람의 삶의 끝이었듯이, 북한은 확진자 발견시 영구히 격리 시켜왔기 때문으로 전문가들은 분석하고 있다.

그들은 주장하기를 북한의 의료시스템은 세계 최대로 잘되여 있다고 떠든다. 그러나 국제적 전문가들의 전언에 따르면,  병원에 전기불과 수도물 공급도 잘 안되는 그들의 주장은 완전 거짖이고, 상태는 최악이라고 한다.  평양시내를 떠나, 외곽지역은 보건진료소도 없고, 특히 시골지역은 이번 Covid-19 전염병 자체의 인식뿐아니라 검진이 안돼 큰 걱정일것이라는 분석이다.  그들의 선전에 의하면 북한주민들은 정부에서 운영하는 보건진료소에서 완전 무료로 건강검진을 해주고 있다는 주장이다. 그러나 그러한 진료시설은 오직 엘리트 구룹멤버들에 한해서 가능하다는 것이다.

NK News에 따르면, "북한출신 주민에게 상태가 어떠냐"라고 물었다. 탈북한 "심태일"씨는 주민들의 의료시설 이용은 북한의 창시자 '김일성'시대인 1970-1980년대때가 훨씬 좋았었다고 대답했다. 
"북한은 전염병에 대한 준비가 하나도 되여있지 않고, 북한 Regime은 전염병에 대해 과소평가하고, 그래서 이럴경우 매우 불안정한 상태가 지속된다" 라고 북한사회의 방역시설에 대한 전문가 Kevin Shepard씨가 NK News미디아에 기고한 글에서 설명하고 있다.

2019년도, 북한은 전염병이 발생했을때, 이를 퇴치할 방역시스템이 전세계에서 가장 열악한 나라에 올려져 있었다라고, 미국의 Johns Hopkins대학의  Global Health Security Index 는 자세히 발표했었다.

또한 전염병이 발생했을때, 확진여부를 검사할수있는 시설이나 능력이 너무도 열악한점에 대해서도 많은 문제점을 제시하고있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그들의 미디아는 검진킷트, 얼굴마스크, 소독약들의 필요한 것을 충분히 생산하고 있다는 주장이다.

더 어려운것은, 북한은 현재 UN의 경제봉쇄 정책에 걸려있어, 의료장비들을 포함한 모든물품들의 공급이 꽉막혀있어, 이를 구입하거나 수집할 능력이 거의 다 차단돼고 있는 점이다.

지난 연말에 북한의 독재자 김정은이는 고급의료장비가 절대적으로, 북조선 주민들을 위해 필요하다는 점을 시인했었다는점을 상기할 필요가 있다.

문재인 정권은 전염병 퇴치및 방역장비 하나없는 북한의 공갈에 왜 그렇게 벌벌 떠는지? 왜 5천만 국민들은 김여정의 한마디에 불모가 되어야 하는가? 통일부는 뭐가 무서워서 풍선못띄우게 새로운 입법한다고 김여정에게 아뢰는가?  이게 대한민국 맞나?  다시는 사기공갈 못하게 준비된 방어력을 그들에게 시위해줄 때가 된것 아닐까? 이제는 더이상 끌려다녀서는 대한민국의 생존권에도, 동맹국들과의 협력관계라는 관점에서 봤을때도 절대 용납안된다.

As the number of coronavirus cases in South Korea keeps on rising, attention is turning to how its impoverished neighbour might cope with an outbreak of its own.
North Korea is seen as highly vulnerable to infectious diseases, and its healthcare system ill-equipped to deal with them.
So far, the country claims to have no cases of Covid-19 - but some observers are questioning whether that can be true.
Experts say an outbreak in North Korea would be devastating for a population already suffering from malnourishment and poor health.

What are North Koreans hearing about the virus?

North Korea has been unusually upfront about the need to prevent the virus spreading, describing it as a matter of "national survival" and urging "revolutionary" measures.
State media and officials have repeatedly stressed there are no cases in the country - while warning they should not let their guard down.
Information is being pumped out almost on a daily basis on the "high-intensity" steps taken to prevent coronavirus - as well as the need to practise responsible hygiene.
Images have been broadcast of workers in protective suits disinfecting public spaces and health workers educating the public on symptoms of the disease.
Premier Kim Jae Ryong has been pictured wearing a face mask while guiding "anti-epidemic" efforts. There has also been heavy coverage of the spread of Covid-19 in China and internationally.
State-run Korean Central Television (KCTV), too, has featured daily broadcasts on the efforts to prevent an outbreak, even running a special programme: "Let us completely block the novel coronavirus".
North Korean media have also been pushing out unverified claims of medicines. Propaganda website Sogwang reported that burdock is a cure for the coronavirus, while promoting a medicine made with it.

What healthcare does North Korea have?

North Korea claims its public health system is world-class. But international experts say it is appalling, with some hospitals even lacking electricity and running water.
Outside the capital, Pyongyang, there are no medical facilities to speak of, and there have been concerns that virus cases may be going undetected in rural areas.
On paper, North Korea provides free universal healthcare to its people at government-operated centres, but the system is said to favour the elite.
In NK News' "Ask a North Korean" feature, defector Tae-il Shim said that citizens had better treatment in the 1970s and 1980s under Kim Il-sung, the nation's founder.
"North Korean unpreparedness to deal with a pandemic could undermine regime rule and create internal instability," said Kevin Shepard, a defence policy analyst, in an article on NK News.
In 2019, North Korea was ranked amongst the worst in the world in terms of preparedness for a disease outbreak, according to the Global Health Security Index published by US-based Johns Hopkins University.
Doubts have also been raised about North Korea's ability to test for the virus - even though state media have reported on factories producing test kits, facial masks and disinfectants.
Furthermore, sanctions have restricted North Korea's ability to obtain advanced medical equipment.
Even North Korean leader Kim Jong-un admitted late last year that high-quality medical equipment was "badly needed" in the country.

What measures has North Korea taken?

North Korea has declared the threat of coronavirus a "national emergency" and taken drastic steps.
It was among the first countries to close off its border with China, and has temporarily barred all foreign tourism. It has also suspended flights and railway services from China and Russia.
North Korea has also expanded quarantine of foreigners from 15 days to 30 days, and even imposed restrictions on aid workers and international health agencies.
Recently, North Korea has also rejected the UK's request to repatriate Britons being held in quarantine inside the country.
It has tightened customs-related quarantine measures, and all goods arriving at North Korean ports or passing through border bridges are kept in isolated areas for 10 days.
North Korea has also reportedly made cremation mandatory for dead people (as opposed to burial). It has restricted public gatherings and reportedly closed schools throughout the country for a month.
The government has even sent aid and medical supplies to China - an unusual move, given that aid often flows the other way around.

Kimberly Brown of the British Red Cross visited North Korea last year and says it needs urgent help to tackle a potential outbreak.
"The vulnerability of communities due to recurrent disasters and lack of crucial supplies means that the ability to withstand a health crises is extremely low," she said.
"Right now, there is urgent need for personal protective gear and testing kits in response to the coronavirus outbreak. These are vital items to save lives in the country and prevent further global spread."

What impact is the virus having?

North Korea relies heavily on trade with China - which accounts for almost 90% of all foreign trade - so a border shutdown will hit the economy hard in the short run.
North Korea's network of smugglers and traders that operate along the border will feel the impact, as will the private markets that have flourished under Kim Jong-un.
Further, North Korea's plans to earn hard currency via foreign tourism - which is not subject to international sanctions - seem to have been derailed, and the Pyongyang Marathon was cancelled.
Besides the economy, North Korea's diplomatic work has also been put "on hold".
Quarantine measures have left foreign embassies in Pyongyang unable to properly perform their duties, Russia's ambassador to the DPRK was quoted as saying in an article for Russia's TASS news agency.
Some outlets have suggested that fears of the virus may also have prompted Kim Jong-un to reduce his public appearances and cancel military parades.

How did North Korea deal with past health crises?

North Korea's responses to the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and Sars in early 2000s were far more restrained than for Covid-19.
North Korea's announcement of the Ebola outbreak in 2014 came quite late, some eight months after the disease took hold in West Africa.
It barred foreign tourism and banned North Koreans from going abroad, according to an article in US-based 38North website. It also put foreign nationals under medical observation for 21 days.
North Korea did not close the border entirely during the Sars outbreak, and banned travel from only certain places where the infection had spread.
Flights to Beijing were suspended for a month, and entrants to North Korea required special approval. People coming from Sars-affected countries were also quarantined for 10 days.
In the H1N1 flu outbreak in 2009, North Korea did not report any cases initially - but months later reported that nine patients had been diagnosed with the disease.
"North Korea's handling of the coronavirus is unusually high-profile compared to past epidemics and reflects regime concern about the issue," Minyoung Lee, a senior analyst with NK News, said.
Additional reporting by Shreyas Reddy. BBC Monitoring reports and analyses news from TV, radio, web and print media around the world. You can follow BBC Monitoring on Twitter and Facebook.

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