Thursday, June 25, 2020

애국시민들, 대형풍선 다시 띄웠다. 정세균은 단호히 대처밝혀, 제3의 방안퉁수가 등장했네.

탈북민들구룹, 긴장상태속에서 북한에 대형풍선 다시 띄웠다. 애국시민들이 제3의 방안퉁수, 가장 싫어하는 세균에게 붙잡혀가지 않고 계속해서 Freedom이 뭔가를 북한 주민들에게 확실히 보여주시길....응원합니다.

동냥은 못줄망정, 쪽박은 깨지 말았어야 했다. 정세균 총리는 문대통령의 충직한 부하는 될수 있을지언정, 애국시민들에게는, 자유로히 활동할수있는 기본권을 박탈할려는 나쁜 세균, Coronavirus 보다 더 망국적 행위를 전국민들 앞에서 실연 함으로써, 국민들의 실망과 분노를 표출시키고 말았다.

자유민주주의 국가에서는 대통령에 전권을 주면, 자칫하면 독재국가로 전락할수있어, 그방어책으로, 대통령은 행정을, 국회는 대통령이 행정을 펼칠수 있도록 입법을 하고, 이과정에서 사기, 범죄자들이 발생할수있어, 이를 심판하기위해 사법재판소의 기능을 두어, 권력을 3등분하고 있다. 그기능들중의 한곳에서 수장까지 했던 정세균씨는 지금 동급이었던 행정부의 수장인 문재인 대통령밑에서 부하노릇을 하고있으면서, 좋지않은 세균을 전국민에 뿌리고 있는, 제3의 방안퉁수짖을 서슴치 않고 해대고 있는, 불쌍한 늙은이로 전락해 버렸다.

더추해지기전에, 스스로 걸어나와서, 낙향하여 몇년 안남은 여생을 Pressure없이 살기를 기원.

South Korean activists say they launched balloons carrying hundreds of thousands of leaflets across the border with North Korea on Tuesday amid escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea has expressed anger over its neighbor’s civilian leafleting campaign against Kim Jong Un's regime, repeatedly warning it will retaliate against such actions. Meanwhile, South Korea's government has made attempts to stop the practice.


Despite this, activist Park Sang-Hak, who fled North Korea to the South, said he’ll keep sending anti-Kim leaflets, calling the dictator "evil” and saying he rules with “barbarism.”

정 총리는 이날 오후 북한 접경지인 경기 김포시 월곶면을 방문해 "지금처럼 민감한 정세에 접경지역 주민 안전에 위험을 초래하는 전단 살포는 중단돼야 한다"며 이같이 말했다고 총리실은 전했다. 그는 이 자리에서 경찰로부터 대북 전단 살포 관련 대응 태세를 보고받았다.

정 총리는 "북한에서 우리 쪽 전단을 이유로 문제를 제기했기 때문에 그 문제는 바로잡아야 한다"며 "관련 (탈북민) 단체는 남북관계를 냉각하고 악화시키는 계기를 만든 전단 살포를 당장 중단하라"고 했다. 또 "정부는 역량을 동원해 살포를 꼭 막아내겠다"고도 했다. 

A balloon carrying a banner with images of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, the late leader Kim Il Sung, center, and Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of Kim Jong Un, released by Fighters For Free North Korea, is seen in Hongcheon, South Korea, on Tuesday. (Yang Ji-woong/Yonhap via AP)

A balloon carrying a banner with images of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, the late leader Kim Il Sung, center, and Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of Kim Jong Un, released by Fighters For Free North Korea, is seen in Hongcheon, South Korea, on Tuesday. (Yang Ji-woong/Yonhap via AP)

Park said his organization floated 20 huge balloons carrying 500,000 leaflets, 2,000 $1 bills and small books on North Korea from the border town of Paju on Monday night. In a statement, he called this action “a struggle for justice for the sake of [the] liberation of” North Koreans.

“Though North Korean residents have become modern-day slaves with no basic rights, don’t they have the rights to know the truth?” he said.


South Korean civilian leafleting has intensified already high tensions between the two neighbors amid stalled nuclear talks with the U.S. Experts say Pyongyang is likely using the leafleting to apply more pressure on Seoul and Washington and force new talks.

Police officers ride a boat to collect a balloon carrying a banner with images of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the late leader Kim Il Sung and Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of Kim Jong Un, in Hongcheon, South Korea, on Tuesday. (Yang Ji-woong/Yonhap via AP)

Police officers ride a boat to collect a balloon carrying a banner with images of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the late leader Kim Il Sung and Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of Kim Jong Un, in Hongcheon, South Korea, on Tuesday. (Yang Ji-woong/Yonhap via AP)

Last week, North Korea destroyed an empty inter-Korean liaison office on its territory in anger over South Korean civilian leafleting against the Kim regime.

The animosity intensified Monday when the North pushed to resume its psychological warfare against the South, saying it was ready to float 12 million leaflets of its own across the border.

South Korea has since vowed to ban leafleting and said they would press charges against Park and other anti-Pyongyang activists for allegedly raising animosities and potentially endangering front-line border residents.

Gyeonggi province official Kim Min-yeong said the province will demand the police investigate Park if his leafleting is confirmed. The penalty for violations is a year in prison or a maximum 10 million won ($8,200) fine.


Meanwhile, Park has accused South Korea’s liberal government of sympathizing with North Korea or caving to its threats. He previously said he would push to drop a million leaflets over the border around Thursday, the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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