Thursday, July 02, 2020

인종분규는 지구상에 인간이 존재하는한 절대로 해결될수없는 커다란 짐이자, 풀수없는 숙제.

인종분규는 이지구상에 인간이 존재하는한 절대로 해결될수없는 커다란 짐이자, 풀수없는 숙제다.
이문제는 창조주께서 우리 인간을 창조하실때, 미쳐 생각지 못했던 실수라고 어쩌면 한탄하고 계실지도 모른다.

모든 미디아들이 경찰의 과잉폭력을 비난 했었다. 나자신도 그비난을 부인할 생각은 없다. 여기서 그곳  지방의 검찰이 경찰로 인계받은 비디오 내용을 보면, " Mr. Floyed씨는 경찰이 지시한데로 차안으로 들어가질 않고, 경찰과 실랑이를 벌이다 넘어졌다고, 그는 발버둥치고 끝까지 반항했었던 것이다"라고. 결국 Floyd씨는 경찰 Derek Chauvin에 의해 땅바닥에 쓰러뜨렸었다.

마침 그옆을 지나가던 한시민이 찍은 비디오에는, Floyd씨는 경찰이 무릎으로 그의 목을 누르고 풀어 주지를 않자, 숨도 쉴수가 없고 고통이 심했음을 하소연 하고 있었다. 옆에서 이광경을 본사람들은 경찰, Chauvin에게 그를 풀어주라는 소리를 들었었다고 증언하고 있다.

Floyd씨는 아무반응없이 조용히 지났다. 이번주에 발표한 성명서에 의하면 경찰은 Floyd씨가 몸에 있는 병으로 고생하고 있는것을 인지하고 바로 구급차를 호출했었다고 한다. 병원에 도착한후 그는 사망했음을 닥터가 확인한다.  이호출에 긴급 출동한 구급대원들은 환자를 차에 싣고 이동하는 동안에 "이남자의 맥이 뛰지않고 전연 반응이 없어" 취할수 있는 모든 조치를 다 했었다고, 경찰이 발표한 Minneapolis 소방서의 해명서에서 밝히고 있다.

사고가 난 광경을 도와주던 순간을 몸에 부착된 비디오로 찍었던 Minneapolis 공원경찰이 그내용을 공개 했었다. 대부분의 내용은 Floyd씨가 경찰관에 의해 끌려간 후부터 촬영된 내용들이었다.  그광경이 끝난후 신상이 밝혀지지 않은 공원관리인이 Floyd와 동행 했었던 두명의 친구에게 지시하기를 "간섭하지말고 조용히 그냥 있으라. 왜 이런일이 일어났는지 알아볼것이다"라고.  지금 우리는 당신들 친구를 후송하기위해 구급차를 불렀소"
그러나 Minneapolis경찰은 Bodycam으로 촬영한 비디오를 아직 보여주지 않고 있다.

이상이 대략 Floyd씨가 경찰에 연행된후부터 사망판단이 날때 까지의 상황을 보여주는 비디오 내용이다.

흑백인종분규는 Angle을 어느쪽에 맞추어 상황을 설명하는냐에 따라 결론이 정반대로 나타날수도 있다.
같은 창조주의 후손들인데.... 폭동이나 테러가 조속히 끝나고, 그렇치 않아도 Coronavirus Pandemic으로 고통이 심한 이때에, 이사건까지 겹쳐, 이중고를 겪고 있는 미국민들이 하루속히 정상을 되찾기를 기원한다.

Surveillance video shows he was complying with the police

The 46-year-old man died Monday night after an officer held him pinned to the ground with a knee on his neck.
The encounter began Monday around 8 p.m. when an employee at the Cup Foods convenience store called police to say that a customer later identified as Floyd had tried to use a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes.
Surveillance video from a restaurant shows the initial encounter between Floyd and two officers, Thomas Lane and J.A. Kueng.
When the police arrived at Cup Foods, Floyd and his two companions were still there, in an SUV parked across from the store. Lane and Kueng speak to them, and then Floyd, in the driver’s seat, is taken into custody and handcuffed.
A police statement said it is at this point that Floyd “physically resisted an officer.”
Specifically, as cited by the Hennepin County district attorney’s office in the criminal complaint concerning Floyd’s death: “Officer Lane ordered Mr. Floyd out of the car, put his hands on Mr. Floyd, and pulled him out of the car. Officer Lane handcuffed Mr. Floyd. Mr. Floyd actively resisted being handcuffed. Once handcuffed, Mr. Floyd became compliant and walked with Officer Lane to the sidewalk and sat on the ground at Officer Lane’s direction.”
The handcuffing is largely hidden from the camera’s view by the SUV. At one point, Floyd seems to stumble or drop to the ground, and the officer pulls him back to his feet. Lane’s reaction does not indicate alarm; Kueng turns and looks at them briefly and does not offer aid to his partner.
At 6-foot-6 and with an athletic build, Floyd — who worked as a bouncer and a truck driver — towers over the officers.
The officers have Floyd sit on the sidewalk for a short time, then walk him across the street to where their squad car is parked, along with that of two other officers who had recently arrived.
The video was released by Rashad West, owner of Dragon Wok restaurant. He told CNN that he “did not see any resistance, not at all.” There is no audio; Floyd’s facial expression can be read as distressed, but he does not appear to be yelling or acting aggressively.
Cup Foods owner Mahmoud Abumayyaleh says video from his store also shows Floyd was not resisting officers. He said authorities have asked him not to release the video.

Read: Full criminal complaint against Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd

The surveillance video does not show what happened across the street, where the officers asked Floyd to get in the squad car. The district attorney’s report cites the account given by police: “Mr. Floyd did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the officers by intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand still.”
Floyd ended up pinned to the ground by Officer Derek Chauvin.

On bystanders’ video, Floyd complains of pain and of not being able to breathe as Chauvin keeps a knee on his neck. Onlookers are heard urging Chauvin to let him up.
Floyd then goes silent. Police said in their statement this week that officers “noted (Floyd) appeared to be suffering medical distress” and called an ambulance. He was declared dead at a hospital a short time later.
A medics team that responded to the incident worked on an “unresponsive, pulseless male,” according to a Minneapolis Fire Department narrative released by police.

The Minneapolis Park Police, whose officers provided assistance at the scene, have released redacted bodycam video. Most of it takes place after Floyd has been taken away by the officers from the city force. At the end of it, the unidentified park officer tells Floyd’s two companions, “Just stay put, all right, until my partners and them are done over there and they can figure things out. We’ll figure things out all right. Right now, we’re grabbing an ambulance for your buddy.”
Minneapolis police have not yet released bodycam footage.

Chauvin and the three other officers involved in Floyd’s death were fired on Tuesday. On Friday, Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

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