Saturday, May 30, 2020

트럼프, 홍콩사회안전법 통과 부당성을 들어 중국에 외교적칼을 빼들었다. 한국입장표명필요한데...

트럼프, 홍콩사회안전법 두고, 중국과 한판 외교전쟁시작, 영국은 30만명+ 홍콩주민 영국으로 이민길터주고...

중국이, 홍콩주민들의 데모를 막고, 사회적 혼란을 막겠다는 이유로 홍콩의 Autonomy Status를 박탈하고, 중국본토내의 주민들과 똑같은 대우를 하는, "홍콩사회안전법"을 인민전당대회(서구사회의 국회와 같은 기능)에서 통과 시켜 8월부터 시행에 들어간다고 한다. 서구사회에서는, 인민전당대회를 일종의 거수기역활을 하는 형식적인 기관인것으로 잘 알려져 있다.

홍콩의 새로운 사회안전법이 통과되자, 바로 기자회견에서, 앞으로 홍콩에 특혜를 주었던 모든 조치를 중지시키고, 특히 무역, 여행등등의 혜택에 바로 적용한다고 했다. 트럼프 대통령은 홍콩의 민주화를 말살시키는 이번 중국정부의 조치를 "재앙"이라고 표현하면서 비난했다. 왜냐면, 홍콩은 이제 더이상 자유민주주의 사회도 아니고, Freedom이 없고, 중국본토와 똑같은 사회로 변했기에 모든 특혜를 중지시킨다고 설명했다.

또한 트럼프 대통령은 WHO(유엔보건기구)와 Covid-19방역대책에서 공평하게 처리를 하지못하고 중국쪽에 많이 호의를 베푼점을 지적하면서, 관계를 끊었다고 발표했다.  중국은 이같은 조치에 대해, 서구사회는 홍콩문제는 내정간섭이라고 주장하면서, 당장에 내정간섭을 중지하라고 응수하고있다.

대영제국의 식민지였었던 홍콩주민들은 중국본토주민들이 즐길수없는 Freedoms 즐겨왔었다. 그러나 이번 중국 공산당 정부가 통과시킨 '홍콩사회안전법'으로 지금까지 홍콩주민들이 즐겼던 민주사회로서의 자유를 누렸던, 지위를 말살당할것으로 염려하고 있는데,  이렇게 홍콩의  Freedoms는 중국과 영국간에 1984년도에 맺은 협약에 따라서 그동안 실시되 왔었던 것이다.  영국에서는, 만약에 중국이 새로운법을  시행하게 된다면,  해외에 거주하는 영연방국적의 홍콩주민들에게 영국시민권을 부여하여, 영국으로의 이민문호를 열겠다고 발표했다(it could offer British National (Overseas) passport holders in Hong Kong a path to UK citizenship).

중국공산당정부의 지도자들의 의견을 많이 반영하는쪽으로 보도하는, Globe Times지는 미국의 일방적인 중재로 인해 홍콩의 특별지위가 사라져버릴 위기에 처해 있다고 보도했다.  홍콩자치구의 법무장관, Teresa Cheng씨는 금요일 아침 BBC와의 인터뷰에서 홍콩에 대한 그어떤 봉쇄정책도 용납하지 않을 것이라고 발표했다.

 "봉쇄정책을 시행한다고해서 다른 형태로의 정책이 바뀔것이라고 생각하는것은 무슨뜻이 있다는 말인가? 그러한 봉쇄정책은 어느쪽에도 이득이 될수 없을것이다"라고 그녀는 강조했었다.

미국이 홍콩에 대해 지금까지 부여했던 특별한 대우정책을 철수시키는것은 중국정부에 강력한 경고를 보내는 신호인것이며, 홍콩의 민권운동가들과 데모대들은 이를 환영하고 있다.  미국이 발표한 정책변경은 홍콩뿐만이 아니고, 정보자산도적질과 미국내에 있는 중국국적의 회사들에게도 해당된다는 뜻이다.

미국과 중국의 싸움에서, 한국은 편할수 있을까? 절대로 아니다. 내가 바라기는 한국은  한배를 탄 서구사회와 공조를 이루어 중국에 대한 경고에 동석해야 할것으로 믿는다.  불행하게도 그러한 조짐은 현재로서는 보이지 않아, 한국의 앞날이 더 어두워보일 뿐이다. 혈맹과의 신의는 절대로 버려서는 안된다.

President Donald Trump has announced that he will start to end preferential treatment for Hong Kong in trade and travel, in response to a new security law pushed by Beijing.
He described the Chinese government's moves to introduce the measure in Hong Kong as a "tragedy".
Mr Trump also said he was "terminating" the US relationship with the World Health Organization over Covid-19.
China has told the West to "stop interfering" in Hong Kong.
The territory, a former British colony, enjoys unique freedoms not seen in mainland China. But many people there see the looming security law as bringing an end to Hong Kong's special status, agreed under a 1984 agreement between China and the UK.
There are fears the proposed measure - which has sparked a wave of anti-mainland protests - could end Hong Kong's unique status and make it a crime to undermine Beijing's authority in the territory.
This week, Britain said that if China went forward with the law, it could offer British National (Overseas) passport holders in Hong Kong a path to UK citizenship.
On Friday, the UK Home Office confirmed that up to three million people with BNO status could acquire citizenship in this way - as long as they applied for and were granted a passport.

What did President Trump outline?

Mr Trump said that he no longer considered Hong Kong to be separate from China.
"China has replaced One Country, Two Systems with One Country, One System", Mr Trump told reporters in the White House's Rose Garden, in a prepared statement that attacked China on several fronts.
"This is a tragedy for Hong Kong... China has smothered Hong Kong's freedom," he said.
Mr Trump said sanctions would be imposed on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who were believed by Washington to be involved in eroding the territory's autonomy. He did not outline what form these sanctions would take.
He added that the State Department would revise its travel advisory for Hong Kong in light of "increased danger of surveillance" from China.
The president also said the US would suspend the entry of foreign nationals from China identified by the US as potential security risks. There are fears that this could affect thousands of graduate students.
No further details were given on Mr Trump's announcement that he would "terminate" the US relationship with the WHO. In April, the US president said he would halt funding to the UN agency because it has "failed in its basic duty" in its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

He accused the WHO of mismanaging and covering up the spread of the virus after it emerged in China.
How is Hong Kong run?
The Global Times newspaper - whose views are believed to reflect those of China's leaders- called the move towards revoking Hong Kong's special status with the US "recklessly arbitrary".
Hong Kong's Justice Secretary Teresa Cheng told the BBC's Chinese Service earlier on Friday that any threat of sanctions was unacceptable.
"Are the sanctions being imposed with a view to coerce another state to change their policy...? Any such sanctions are not going to benefit anyone," she said.

The UK government is mulling giving greater visiting rights to certain Hong Kong residents, unless the Chinese government suspends a controversial proposed national security law. Such a move could make it easier for those residents to one day apply for UK citizenship.

The offer would apply only to Hong Kongers who possess a document known as the British National Overseas (BNO) passport, which was granted to residents who registered for it prior to Britain handing Hong Kong back to China in 1997.
More than 314,000 BNO holders reside in the semi-autonomous territory, according to the Home Office. Their status currently entitles them to seek consular assistance from the UK, but is not equivalent to British citizenship.
On Thursday, Britain's Home Office Secretary, Priti Patel, said she and the Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab were exploring ways to provide more rights for BNO passport holders, including extending a "path to citizenship."

Adding a new edge to the deteriorating US-China relations

Analysis by Zhaoyin Feng, BBC Chinese
The US removing Hong Kong's special privileges sent a strong warning signal to China, which activists and protesters in the territory will welcome.
The announced measures include not only Hong Kong, but also intellectual property theft and Chinese firms listed in the US.
According to media reports, Washington is expected to revoke more than 3,000 Chinese graduate students' visas. While this accounts for only 1% of the total number of Chinese students in America, Washington's move will open yet another front of the bilateral tensions.
But the separate punishments announced for China may not be as harsh as what had been expected, as indicated in the stock markets' rise after his speech.
Beijing will probably match some of Washington's sanctions and restrictions in a tit-for-tat manner. After a short-lived honeymoon since the trade deal, China and the US appear to be heading towards the abyss at an accelerating speed.

What is the security law about?

China has proposed security legislation which would make it a crime to undermine Beijing's authority in Hong Kong, and could also see China installing its own security agencies in the region for the first time.
China's parliament has backed the resolution - which now passes to the country's senior leadership.
Full details about exactly what behaviour will be outlawed under the new security law are not yet clear. It is due to be enacted before September.

However, it is expected to criminalise:
  • secession - breaking away from China
  • subversion - undermining the power or authority of the central government
  • terrorism - using violence or intimidation against people
  • activities by foreign forces that interfere in Hong Kong
Experts say they fear the law could see people punished for criticising Beijing - as happens in mainland China. For example, Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo was jailed for 11 years for subversion after he co-authored a document calling for political reform.
China's foreign ministry in Hong Kong described US criticism of the new draft law as "utterly imperious, unreasonable and shameless".

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