Saturday, May 09, 2020

남자의 Semen속에서도 발견되는 Coronavirus의 위력- 태어나게될 후손의 운명은?, 원폭으로 무찌를수도 없고....

Coronavirus Pandemic의 위력은 때와 장소를  선별하지않고, 기분 내키면 무조건 침공하는 무서운 Virus인것을 오늘 또 확인하면서, 놀랍고 두려울뿐이다.
성병은 남녀간의 접촉에서만 옮겨지는 것으로 알고 있었는데, 이번 Covid-19도 씨앗을 생산하는 남성들의 그곳에 먼저 안착해 있다가 남녀가 접촉했을때 Virus가 상대자에게 전염될 확율이 높다는 가능성을 과학자들이 증명해낸 것이다.  그랬을경우, 태어날 후손의 운명은? 의학에 대해 문외한인 나는 막연히 두렵기만 하다. Virus를 박멸하기위해, 이북의 김정은이가 소유하고 있다는 원자폭탄과 미사일을  빌려달래서 한방 발사해서 해결될 일도 아니고....

CNN의 보도에 따르면, 중국의 과학자들이 목요일 이같은 엄청난 가능성을 자세히 설명했다는 것이다.

Shangqi시립병원에서 근무하는 의료팀이, 한창 중국에서 Covid-19이 창궐하고있었던, 지난 1월과 2월에 38명의 Pandemic양성 확진자들을 치료하면서, 치료받은 16%의 환자들의 남성 정액에서 Coronavirus병원균이 발견된것을, JAMA Network의 자날지에  보고한것이다. 환자들중 약 1/4은 양성확진자들이었는데, 그들중 9%는 완치됐었다고 한다.

"우리 연구팀은 SARS-CoV-2병원균이 Covid-19확진자의 정액에서 존재할수 있음을 발견했는데, SARS-CoV-2이 완치된 환자들의 정액에서도 어쩌면 발견될수도 있을것이라는 생각이다. 비록 남성의 후손생산 기능에서 똑같은 바이러스가 생성될수가 없다고 한다면, 고환만이 가질수있는 특수한 면역에서 연유되는 결과일 가능성이 확실해 진다"라고 베이징소재 중국해방군 병원에서 근무하는 Diangeng Li씨가 동료들과 연구 발표한 것이다. 팀동료들은, 특별한 면역이라는것은 밖으로 부터 침입하는 바이러스를 완전히 막아낼수가 없다는 뜻이라는것임을 부연 설명해줬다.

이것은 하나도 놀랄일이 아니다. 많은 바이러스들이 남성들의 생식기계통에서 서식할수 있다. "이볼라", "지카"바이러스"들이 정액속에서 발견됐었고, 때때로 몇개월씩 남성환자들의 생식계통에서 발견되곤 한다.  Coronavirus병원균도 이런식으로 생식기계통에 퍼졌는지에 대해 확실히 알려진것은 아직 없다. 바이러스가 발견됐다고해서, 꼭 전염됐다는 뜻은 아니다.

"SARS-CoV-2가 만약에 앞으로 발표될 연구보고서에서 성접촉으로 전염됐음이 증명된다면, 성병전염은 꼭 전염을 막아야하는 절대절명의 분야가 될것같다."라고 팀원들은 보고서에서 밝히고있다.

"성교자제 또는 콘돔사용만이 이러한 환자들을  보호하기위해 깊이  생각해 두어야할 사항으로 보인다. 이에 더부쳐서 태아의 성장을 모니터링하는 연구분야가 필요하다는 가치가 충분이 있다고 본다. 그래서 환자로 부터 나오는 타액 또는 혈액접촉을 피하는것만으로는 충분치 않을것 같다. 왜냐면 SARS-CoV-2 병원균이 회복된 환자의 정액에서 생존하고있다는것이 발견된다는것은 다른 사람들에게 전염될수 있다는 뜻이다.

(CNN)The new coronavirus can persist in men's semen even after they have begun to recover, a finding that raises the possibility the virus could be sexually transmitted, Chinese researchers said Thursday.
A team at Shangqiu Municipal Hospital tested 38 male patients treated there at the height of the pandemic in China, in January and February.
About 16% of them had evidence of the coronavirus in their semen, the team reported in the journal JAMA Network Open. About a quarter of them were in the acute stage of infection and nearly 9% of them were recovering, the team reported.
"We found that SARS-CoV-2 can be present in the semen of patients with COVID-19, and SARS-CoV-2 may still be detected in the semen of recovering patients," Diangeng Li of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing and colleagues wrote.
"Even if the virus cannot replicate in the male reproductive system, it may persist, possibly resulting from the privileged immunity of testes," the team added. Privileged immunity means the immune system cannot fully reach the region to attack viral invaders.

It's not a surprising finding. Many viruses can live in the male reproductive tract. Ebola and Zika virus were both found to spread in semen, sometimes months after a male patient had recovered.
It's not yet clear if coronavirus can spread this way. Finding evidence of virus does not necessarily mean it's infectious.
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"If it could be proved that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted sexually in future studies, sexual transmission might be a critical part of the prevention of transmission," the team wrote.
"Abstinence or condom use might be considered as preventive means for these patients. In addition, it is worth noting that there is a need for studies monitoring fetal development. Therefore, to avoid contact with the patient's saliva and blood may not be enough, since the survival of SARS-CoV-2 in a recovering patient's semen maintains the likelihood to infect others."

(CNN)The new coronavirus can persist in men's semen even after they have begun to recover, a finding that raises the possibility the virus could be sexually transmitted, Chinese researchers said Thursday.
A team at Shangqiu Municipal Hospital tested 38 male patients treated there at the height of the pandemic in China, in January and February.
About 16% of them had evidence of the coronavirus in their semen, the team reported in the journal JAMA Network Open. About a quarter of them were in the acute stage of infection and nearly 9% of them were recovering, the team reported.
"We found that SARS-CoV-2 can be present in the semen of patients with COVID-19, and SARS-CoV-2 may still be detected in the semen of recovering patients," Diangeng Li of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing and colleagues wrote.
"Even if the virus cannot replicate in the male reproductive system, it may persist, possibly resulting from the privileged immunity of testes," the team added. Privileged immunity means the immune system cannot fully reach the region to attack viral invaders.
It's not a surprising finding. Many viruses can live in the male reproductive tract. Ebola and Zika virus were both found to spread in semen, sometimes months after a male patient had recovered.
It's not yet clear if coronavirus can spread this way. Finding evidence of virus does not necessarily mean it's infectious.
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Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team.
"If it could be proved that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted sexually in future studies, sexual transmission might be a critical part of the prevention of transmission," the team wrote.
"Abstinence or condom use might be considered as preventive means for these patients. In addition, it is worth noting that there is a need for studies monitoring fetal development. Therefore, to avoid contact with the patient's saliva and blood may not be enough, since the survival of SARS-CoV-2 in a recovering patient's semen maintains the likelihood to infect others."

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