Thursday, April 23, 2020

Covid-19방역에,중국공산당의 독특한 문화와 부정부패 억압정책이, 전세계인들의 많은 생명을 잃게 했다.

중국은 공산국가다. 경제활동을 활성화 시켜서 인민들이 잘살게 해보고져 Western Style의 시장경제방식을 도입하여, 지난 20여년 동안에 경제적으로는 눈부신 발전을 해서, 그것도 서방의 잘사는 나라들이 중국과 수출, 수입할때 무관세의 혜택을 주었기에 가능했었지만...그 고마움을 알고있는지는 잘 모르겠지만...

그러나 정치적인면에서는, 한치의 양보도 없이, 그들 체제의 치부를 들어내는 사건에는 여전히 철권을 휘둘러 인민들의 귀와 눈을 막아오고 있는것은  커다란 비밀이 아니다.

이번 Coronavirus Pandemic의 발표도 초창기에 그들이 서방세계처럼 사실을 그대로 발표하고, 철저한 방역조치를 했었으면, 전문가들의 분석에 의하면, 95%이상의 희생을 막을수 있었을 것이라는 분석이다.

중국의 방역체계를, 초기에 그대로 답습했었던 한국의 피해도 95%이상 줄일수있었을 것이라는 전문가들의 분석도 가슴을 치게 하는 일이지만....

시진핑의 중국공산당은 처음 Coronavirus Pandemic이 Wuhan에서 발생했을때 수주동안 숨기지 않고 바로 방역조치를 했었으면, 중국뿐만 아니고, 전세계가 지금처럼 전전긍긍하지 않았을 것이라는 연구(study)결과보고가 나와, 이를 보는 사람들에게 큰 충격을 주고 있다고한다.  이러한 비겁한 조치들이 수많은 인명을 앗아가게하는, 공산당들의 내부세계인것을....이번에 전세계가 확실히 알았을것 같다.

중국이 이모양인데, 하물며 일인독재국가인 북한에서는 더 캄캄한 세상인것을...이번 Coronavirus Pandemic에서도 김정은 북한은 유아독존식으로, 환자발생이 한명도 없었고, 앞으로도 없을 것이라고 떠벌리고 있었으니...

지난 며칠사이에 김정은이가 시야에서 사라졌다는, 전세계 뉴스미디아가 호들갑을 떨면서도, 심장병수술을 했다는니.... 그후유증이 커서 혼수상태에 있다느니....그러면서도 신기하리만큼 그가 Coronavirus Pandemic에 걸려서 사경을 헤매고 있지 않을까?라는 추측의 기사는 한줄도 없었다.

나는 개인적으로 그가 Covid-19 Pandemic에 양성환자로 판명되여, 이를 치료할 기구나 시설이 없어 북한에는 없어, 깊숙한 구중심처에 처넣고,  살려보겠다고 그들 자체적으로는 최대의 노력을 하고 있을것으로 예측된다.

이미 외국의 유명 닥터들 불러왔겠지만, 그들인들 뾰쪽한 수가 없고, 치료약도 없으니...무용지물인 셈이니 더 북한 당국으로서는 숨기고싶은, 커다란 고통일것이다.

민주주의 서방세계는 이번 Coronavirus Pandemic사건을 들어, 전세계가 합심으로 만든 Treaty Law를 적용시켜 법적으로 그책임을 중국당국에 물엉야 한다. 아니면 국제사법재판소에 제소하여 중국의 인권무시정책을 물어야 한다고 의견들이 제시되고있다.  국제간에 발생하는 분쟁과 그책임을 물어야만 Treaty Law와 국제사법재판소의 설립목적이 그본분을 이행하는 것이기 때문이다.

Irwin Cotler is the chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, emeritus professor of law at McGill University, and former justice minister and attorney-general of Canada.
Judith Abitan is the executive director of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.
There is authoritative and compelling evidence that if President Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had intervened and reported on its coronavirus outbreak three weeks earlier, transmission of COVID-19 could have been reduced significantly around the world. One study, from the University of Southampton, even suggested transmission could have been reduced by 95 per cent.
For 40 days, Mr. Xi’s CCP concealed, destroyed, falsified and fabricated information about the rampant spread of COVID-19 through its massive state-sanctioned surveillance and suppression of data; misrepresentation of information; silencing and criminalizing of dissent; and the disappearance of whistleblowers – all of which reflect the breadth of criminality and corruption in the party.
Coronavirus guide: Updates and essential resources about the COVID-19 pandemic
How many coronavirus cases are there in Canada, by province, and worldwide? The latest maps and charts
What are the coronavirus rules in my province? A quick guide to what’s allowed and open, or closed and banned
In late December 2019, Dr. Ai Fen, director of the emergency department at the Central Hospital of Wuhan, shared the lab results of a patient suffering from “SARS coronavirus” with relevant departments in her hospital and with a former medical school classmate; her information was then disseminated in medical circles. For this, she suffered an “unprecedented and severe rebuke" two days later.
Dr. Ai also detailed efforts to silence her in a story titled, “The one who supplied the whistle,” published in China’s People (Renwu) magazine in March. The article has since been removed – and Dr. Ai has herself recently disappeared.
After Dr. Ai initially shared the information, eight doctors were arrested, including Dr. Li Wenliang, now regarded by many in China as a “hero” and “the awakener.” They were reprimanded for spreading rumours and summoned to sign statements admitting to making false statements that disturbed the public order. Dr. Li died of COVID-19 on Feb. 7, prompting national outrage. The fate of the other seven people remains unknown.
On Jan. 4, Dr. Ho Pak Leung, the president of the University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Infection, indicated that it was highly probable that COVID-19 spread from human to human and urged the implementation of a strict monitoring system. But for weeks, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission continued to declare that preliminary investigations did not show any clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. On Jan. 14, the WHO reaffirmed China’s statement.
On Jan. 22, the WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, even praised the CCP’s handling of the outbreak, commending Mr. Xi and Premier Li Keqiang for their “invaluable” leadership.
On Jan. 23, Chinese authorities announced their first steps to quarantine Wuhan, but by then it was too late. Millions of people had already visited Wuhan and left during the Chinese New Year, and a significant number of Chinese citizens had traveled overseas as asymptomatic carriers.

Yet the CCP continued its crackdown on dissent. On Feb. 23, Ren Zhiqiang, a real-estate tycoon and long-time critic of the CCP, wrote in an essay that he “saw not an emperor standing there exhibiting his ‘new clothes,’ but a clown stripped naked who insisted he continue being emperor.” He spoke of a “crisis of governance” and criticized the strict limits on free speech, which he felt had magnified the COVID-19 epidemic. Mr. Ren has also gone missing, and it was reported only recently that the CCP has opened an investigation against him.
The world would have been more prepared and able to combat COVID-19 were it not for Mr. Xi’s authoritarian regime’s widespread and systematic pattern of sanitizing the massive domestic repression of its people.
The CCP’s 40 days of silence and suppression resulted in Italy – the epicentre of Europe’s COVID-19 pandemic – having a death toll of 12 per cent, more than double that of China’s, followed by Spain with a mortality rate of 10 per cent. At time of writing, the United States – where presidential leadership has been wanting – has become the pandemic’s new epicentre, and there is heightened concern about what could become of dense, developing countries such as India, and countries with large immunosuppressed populations, such as South Africa.
Indeed, as a New York Times editorial reported yesterday, “the global coronavirus crisis is poised to get much much worse… (spreading) through countries ravaged by conflict, through packed refugee camps and detention centers in places like Syria or Bangladesh…,” or deeply packed urban centers in fragile states without health systems.
In South Korea, health workers pioneered using COVID-19 testing centres to collect swabs from more than 15,000 people a day before quarantining the infected immediately thereafter – one of the only precedents and case studies to date for a situation in which the number of infections and deaths have significantly fallen. That had also seemed to be occurring in China in recent weeks, but various intelligence agencies and reports have suggested that Beijing failed to accurately report its data. There have now been reports of a second wave, but also reports of the CCP censoring scientific findings and related publications.
Attention should also be drawn to the CCP’s massive surveillance and suppression of data juxtaposed with its misrepresentation of information. China’s enormous data-collection efforts, through approximately 200 million CCTV cameras, not only precipitated the highest-tech epidemic control ever attempted by the CCP, but also underpinned the seriousness of its repression.
The CCP’s infodemic – in addition to its intense spinning of solidarity on social media and its framing of a “people’s war against the virus” – gave the farcical illusion of a coming-together in China. The extent of the CCP’s self-promotion and its portrayal of Mr. Xi as a hero ready to save the world, all while making Western democracies look grossly incompetent if not responsible for the virus, is as shameful as it is duplicitous.
Simply put, Mr. Xi’s government exacerbated the world’s COVID-19 health and systemic crises, which has paved the way for one of the greatest humanitarian crises in history.
The world is now watching. People in China no longer stand alone. Many are no longer fearful. They have already started publishing first-hand accounts of the CCP’s orchestrated cover-ups and monumental failures, revealing its rotten core.
In defending the struggle for democracy and human rights in China, the international community must stand in solidarity with the people of China in seeking to unmask the CCP’s criminality, corruption and impunity.
The Community of Democracies must undertake the necessary legal initiatives – be it through international tort actions as authorized by Treaty Law, or the utilization of international bodies such as the International Court of Justice – to underpin the courage and commitment of China’s human-rights defenders. This is what justice and accountability is all about.

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