Sunday, April 12, 2020

Covid-19 완치됐던 환자,재확진발견, 4.15총선 염두에둔 쑈하다 세계적 망신, 정부는 국민들께 믿음을 주시라.

Coronavirus Pandemic 방역처리를  잘하고 있다고, 청와대는 자랑을 해댔었다. 총선일이 가까워 오면서 그강도는 더 했었다. 문대통령은 인도수상과 화상통화를 통해서도 Pandemic 방역을 위해 많이 도와주겠다는 약속까지 했었다.

그런데 Covid-19 양성환자가 치료됐다고 격리를 해제 했는데, 그환자들이 다시 재발하여 격리시키고 있다는 충격적인 뉴스가 전세계에서 특종뉴스로 보도돼고있다. 양로원에서 발생했던 36명의 환자중 18명이 다시 Covid-19확진자로 발견되여 격리 수용하고있다는 것이다.

노란자켓입은 대통령주제하에, 이해찬을 비롯한 참모진이, 전문의료진은 배제 시킨채 Covid-19 방역대책을 발표한것은 실질적인 방역방법보다는 정치적으로 해결하려는 작전부터가 국민들의 의심을 일으키게 했었다.

한국이 Covid-19 Pandemic을 잘 처리하고 있다고, 세계 각국에서 한국에 문의를 해오고, 한국의 신속한 방역대책을 부러워 하고있다라고 청와대는 여러번 국민들에게 자랑을 했었다. 그나마 그것 자체가 청와대가 한것이 아니고,  현장에서 뛰고 있는 의료진들의 희생속에서 이루어졌었던것인데, 그분들에 대한 희생과 전문성을 위로하거나, 칭찬했었다는 뉴스는 들어본적이 없었다.

현장의 방역진들은 91명의 완치됐던 환자들이 다시 양성확진자가 됐다는것을 확신하지 않는 쪽으로 생각하고 있다라고, 이번주에  있었던 브리핑에서 미디아에 설명한것이다.(according to media reports)

정은경 방역대책 본부장은 기자회견에서 환자들을 음성으로 판정해서 격리수용을 해제 했다가 다시 확인 했을때 양성으로 나타난것은 이모든 과정이 너무 짧은 시간에 이루어졌기 때문에 Virus가 다시 활동을 재개한것이 아닐까?라고 추측한다고 했다.  그래서 지방 또는 전국적으로 방역치료소들은, Virus를 격리 조사하고, 혈액의 면역체계를 중점적으로, 이번 재발 Case를 조사하고 있다고 설명했다.

한국이 또다시 국제 사회에서 개망신을 당하고 있다. 선거를 코앞에 둔시점에서 이렇게 한국의 Coronavirus Pandemic 방역대책에 구멍이  뚫리면서,  방역당국은 더 괴롭고 고생을 더하게 생겼지만, 전세계에 한국의 방역대책이 훌륭하다고 자랑해오던 문재인 대통령과 이해찬 그리고 노란자켓입고 폼잡았던 사람들의  생각은 어떨까?를 상상해 본다.

캐나다의 연방수상 그리고 각주의 수상들은 매일아침 11시경이면, 만사 제처놓고, 전담의료진과 함께  대국민 브리핑에서 Coronavirus Pandemic에 대한 Daily현황을 보고한다.   그리고 경제적으로 도움이 필요한 예산을 확보하여, 시행발표후 바로 몇시간만에 25만명이 신청,보조금을 수령했다고 보고하기도했다.  한국은 예산은 확보해 놓고도 갈팡질팡하여, 최소한 5일이 걸린다는 뉴스에 허탈감을 느꼈었다.

미국역시 매일같이 대통령이, 의료진과 함께 대국민 일일 현황보고를 하고 있다.
이들 두나라는 Daily 브리핑을 하면서, 꼭 전국각지의 기자들로 부터 즉석 질문을 받고, 즉석 응답을 해서, 국민들의 궁금증을 풀어주고, 동시에 안전거리유지(Social distancing)를 지켜줄것을 강조한다.

정부는, 미국이나 캐나다, 또는 유럽여러나라들 처럼, 매일매일 Coronavirus Pandemic에 대한 방역현황을 브리핑하고, 그렇게 함으로써 정부가 국민들과 함께 노력하고 있다는것을 행동으로 보여줬으면 한다.

지금부터라도 완치됐다는 환자의 숫자 밝히기에 급급하지 말고, 절차에 따라, 시간이 걸리드라도 제대로 확진여부를 점검하여, 국민들의 불안을 덜어주는 정부가 되기를 염원하고, 대통령이, 방역전담의료진을 배석시키고 Daily briefing을 하면서, Coronavirus Pandemic에 대해, 전국각지의 기자분들과 직접연결하여 질문받고, 응답하는, 정말로 국민을 위하는 정부가 되기를 기원드린다.

4.15총선도 중요하겠지만, 국민들의 건강과, 확진자분들의 회복에 더 신경써야 할때라는점 염두에 두시길..

자세한 뉴스내용은 아래에서 확인할수 있다.

NEWS -- South Korean health officials reported on Friday that they were investigating 91 cases of COVID-19 where patients who were thought to have recovered retested positive.
Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a press release that a cluster of infections at a nursing home found that 18 out of 36 confirmed cases that had been released from quarantine had re-tested positive just days after testing negative.
Generally, an infected patient is considered recovered when they have tested negative twice in the span of 24 hours.

Scientists say there are several potential scenarios for these test results. Possibilities include: the patients were actually infected with a different variation of the virus from the original infection, there were errors in the testing, or the patients never fully recovered. Another possibility is when a virus from the original infection mutates in the body and causes a re-infection, but this is considered rare.
“Dogma suggests if we are infected with a virus the first time and we recover, we have an antibody response to that virus, so we produce neutralizing antibodies that help us eliminate that virus from our system,” Dr. Marc-André Langlois, a molecular virologist and professor with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, told in an interview.
“If you have a primary infection and you mount an antibody response, the chances to be re-infected with that same virus is almost nil. This is what happens in a normal response.”
Scientists around the world are currently doing research into antibody testing and how immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could be one path to fighting the pandemic.
If a patient is infected with a variation of a particular virus, the antibodies might not necessarily recognize and neutralize it accordingly.
“It’s a virus that does mutate, but it does not mutate at the same rate, at the same speed as other RNA viruses like influenza or HIV,” Langlois said.
Nextstrain, an open-source project, looks at the genetic data of SARS-CoV-2 to track the virus’ evolution as it moves around the world and how it spreads locally. Genetic sequencing of the virus isolated in different parts of the world - Asia, Europe, and North America - have found variations that can be clustered and traced. The genetic footprint of the virus circulating in New York, for example, can be traced to Europe, according to separate studies conducted by scientists at New York’s Mount Sinai and NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine.
Scientists have said that the genetic variations so far are quite minor, with the different strains being fairly similar to one another.

Health officials in Korea appeared unconvinced the 91 patients had been somehow re-infected, according to media reports of press briefings held this week. KCDC Director-General Jeong Eun-kyeong told reporters the virus may have been “reactivated” instead, due to the short time frame between when the patients were discharged and when they tested positive again.
THE KCDC said response teams at both the local and national level were investigating the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of these cases, which include examining virus isolation cultures and blood antibody tests.
There have been reports from China as well of patients retesting positive after having recovered. An NPR report last month looked at four such cases involving residents in Wuhan, where the outbreak first began. The patients tested positive days or weeks after they were deemed recovered.
There are still a lot of uncertainties and unknowns around SARS-CoV-2 - in this case, whether the virus detected in the retests are active or dead. This would determine whether the patient can infect others or not. Research indicates that RNA can still be detected in tests even after a patient is no longer infectious.
But in order to see how these patients are testing positive again, Langlois said researchers will need to look at the genetic sequence of the virus in the initial positive sample prior to when they were considered recovered, then look at the genetic sequence of the second test and compare. Scientists would also need to monitor whether the individuals produced antibodies.
“That is the only way you can absolutely ascertain that re-infection occurred,” Langlois said. But sequencing is not consistently done due to the volume of testing being conducted.
“All they want to do is make sure they’re positive or negative so they can triage them properly ... the sequencing is not routine for every single diagnostic case and that’s part of the issue. There’s no capacity to sequence everything. It’s costly and time intensive.”
Errors at the testing level and faulty results could also be the source of the unusual results, scientists say.
A test for COVID-19 is typically done through swabbing the nasal airways - a nasopharyngeal swab - with the sample then placed in a liquid that is used to detect the genome of the virus. The swabbing needs to be deep enough to collect from the areas where the virus is most prevalent, and errors can occur when the swab is not done correctly.
The test uses a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a process in molecular biology that allows scientists to make millions of genetic copies from a very small sample, amplifying it in enough quantities to study. Different countries and health organizations designed different versions of the test and early in the outbreak, some were less sensitive than others, resulting in faulty results. This is one theory behind the positive retests in China and a possibility for the cases in South Korea.
“These are all areas of questioning - as to are these really re-infections or was something missed the first time?” Langlois said. “My hunch is that it is not a re-infection by the same virus.”

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