Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus로 완전통제된 뉴질랜드에서는 Sex toy Shop이 성황중 - 난리통에 돈버는 사업도있었네...

베이비 붐이  임박했다는 확인되지않은 말들이 무성하게 퍼지는데, 전문가들은 지금처럼 앞날이 불투명할때 그러한 상황은 없을 것이다라고 전망한다.

뉴질랜드에서는 한달넘게 사람들의 왕래를 비롯한 통제를, 수상 Jacinda Ardern 이 발표한이후, 변소휴지 및 밀가루 등등 생필품들의 사재기에 대한 경고를 하고 있는데, 그것뿐만이 아니고, 지금은 많은 사람들이  전국적으로 Sex toy를 구입하게에 열을 올리고 있다고한다.

현재 뉴질랜드에서는 2주전부터 꼭 필요한 생필품 구입을 위해 집밖나들이를 허용하고있으며, 이러한 완전통제는 앞으로도 2주간은 계속될 전망이다.

지난 3월 25일, 집밖나들이를 완전 통제하기 48시간전에 Sex Toy shop의 매상이 3배로 껑충 뛴것이다. 이유는 집안에 갇여힜게 되면 시간 보내기가 지루할것으로 예상한 사람들이, 전에는 시도하지 않은 이분야로 시선을 돌린것으로, 성인용 Toy Megastore 전문회사는 추측하고있다.

 "우리는 모든 종류의 Sex Toy를 팔고있는데, 매우 인기가 좋다. 아마도 사람들이 '이제부터는 시간이 많아. 새롭게 시도를 해봐야지"

콘돔, 윤활제 그리고 월경용컵 같은 용품들의 판매가, Arden총리가 사회완전폐쇄를 선언한이후 다른 어떤 생필품 보다 많이 팔렸다고 한다. 또한 성인용 게임보드와  Sex toy 세척용품이 많이 팔렸다고 한다- 아마도 Covid-19방역 수단을 반영하는것 같다고 회사의 메니저는 추측하고있다.

WHO가 3월 11일 Coronavirus Pandemic을 선언한날, 뉴질랜드를 포함하여, 오스트랄리아, 영국에서 Sex Toy가 다른때에 비해 2배이상 팔린것이다. 뒤이어, 오스트랄리아 수상, Scott Morrison씨가, 3월22일 술집을 포함한 사교클럽은 전부 폐쇄조치한다고 발표했고,  영국은 3월21일, Boris Johnson 수상이 똑같은 내용의 폐쇄조치를  선언했었다.

"사람들이 주로 구입한것이 Sex Toy인것을 확인 하면서, 사람들이 '아 이제부터는 술집에 갈수도없고, 누구를 픽업해줄수도 없고, 연애도 할수없게 된다는생각에' 사로잡혔었던것 같았다"라고 설명했다.

사회폐쇄조치로 가족계획은 개인간의 예약으로만 가능하게되여, 고객들은 IUD를 제때에 제거. 피임기구의 제거, 또는 성병감염 여부를 제때에 점검하는 시기를 잃게 될수도있으나, 하나 좋은점은 집안에만 있게 되면서, 한사람만 상대하기에 성병감염확율이 확 줄어 들것이고, 안전하다는 이점도 있다고 한다.

사람들이 임신을 하게되면, 그들이 적정한 건강관리 점검을 받기를 원하고있다. 가족계획에 관해, 이번 폐쇄조치로, 진료소가 문을 닫게 되면서, 그들은 집에서도 임신여부를 확인할수있도록 정부보조가 있어야 한다고 야단들이다. 만약에 임신여부가 확인안된 상태에서는, 필요한 조치를 받을수 없게된다고 한다.

이런게 재앙인것을....

Speculation rife about an impending baby boom, but experts say uncertain times mean this is unlikely

They were warned by the officials against stockpiling toilet paper or flour. But that’s not all New Zealanders have been hoarding, according to the nation’s largest retailer of sex toys, which said sales of its products tripled after Jacinda Ardern announced a month-long lockdown of the country.
New Zealanders are permitted to leave their homes only to access essential services or take walks during the national shutdown, which began a fortnight ago and will remain in place for at least a further two weeks.
The measures generated mirth on social media about a possible baby boom nine months after the stay-at-home rules lifted, and worried family planning specialists as access to various forms of birth control dwindled.

The restrictions also prompted a tripling of sex toy sales in the 48 hours before the lockdown was imposed on 25 March, and the prospect of a boring month indoors seemed to have prompted New Zealanders to stash adult products that they might not have tried before, said Adult Toy Megastore, a New Zealand-based company.
“We’re selling a lot of beginner toys ... all our beginner ranges are very popular,” said Emily Writes, a spokesperson for the business. “It definitely looks like people are saying: ‘I’ve got time, I might try something new.’”
Sales of condoms, lubricant, and menstrual cups were among the other purchases that spiked after Ardern announced the lockdown, as well as adult board games and – perhaps reflecting a wider trend towards disinfecting behaviour – sex toy cleaner.
Adult Toy Megastore told the Guardian it had experienced a number of significant sales boosts in recent weeks, all coinciding with major news announcements about the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand, Australia, and Britain. Purchases tripled in all three countries on the day the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic on 11 March.
Sales for the site doubled in Australia on 22 March when Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced bars would close, and in Britain on 21 March when Boris Johnson announced the same.
“Looking at what people were buying at that point it was all sex toys,” said Emily Writes. “It was like they were thinking, ‘We can’t go to bars, we can’t pick up, we can’t go on dates.’”

Adult Toy Megastore was deemed an essential service by New Zealand’s government and was allowed to continue operating during the shutdown because it sells condoms and medical items. All staff are working from home.
While hundreds of social media posts have been devoted to naming the generation of children born following the pandemic – popular choices include Coronials, Quaranteens and Baby Zoomers, named after the video-conferencing application Zoom – analysts said a baby boom nine months after the lockdown was unlikely despite New Zealanders’ apparent boredom.
“Uncertainties like this tend to see delayed fertility because people feel uncertain about the world they’re going to bring a child into,” said Paul Spoonley, a distinguished professor in demography at Massey University. “Those thinking of starting a family will probably put off that decision … I think the urge to delay will be stronger than the inclination to become pregnant, even by mistake.”
Couples who did not already live together had been separated by the lockdown, he added, and opportunities for casual sex had “evaporated”. After the shutdown eased, the country’s economic woes would also dissuade many from having children, Spoonley said.
Sexual health specialists were also not anticipating a baby boom, but warned some contraceptives were difficult to access in New Zealand during the lockdown.
A global condom shortage is also looming because of factory shutdowns due to the virus, leading the United Nations to warn of “devastating” consequences; including unplanned pregnancies and STDs.
Restrictions on the operations of Malaysian contraceptive giant Karex, which makes one in every five condoms globally, means the firm expected to produce 200m fewer condoms than usual from mid-March to mid-April.

New Zealand’s Family Planning organisation had conducted hundreds of phone consultations each week, most of them requests for oral contraceptives which were running dangerously low in New Zealand’s pharmacies, said Beth Messenger, a spokesperson.
“Some of the pills were limited because there was a non Covid-19-related manufacturing issue,” she said, adding that others had not been stocked in large quantities. “In New Zealand, we’re about as far away from anywhere as you can get, which from a Covid-19 perspective is probably a good thing but it means it’s difficult to bring essential medications in.”

Due to the lockdown rules, Family Planning could only conduct in-person appointments, so clients were missing out on insertion or removal of IUDs or contraceptive implants or tests for sexually transmitted diseases. However, she said that because those complying with the lockdown rules could only have sex with those already in their homes, “theoretically STI transmission should decrease.”

The organisation also provided free or cheap pregnancy tests, and Messenger said many preferred to take these at Family Planning clinics because they could not afford to buy them from pharmacies.
“If people are pregnant, we want them to have the health care they need,” Messenger said, adding that Family Planning had urged the government to fund at-home tests during the shutdown. “If they don’t know they’re pregnant, they won’t be able to access it.”

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