Wednesday, April 15, 2020

토론토남자, 바쁜시내거리에서 안전거리유지기구 사용으로 이색적인 안전거리유지하면서 활보-시선집중.

Coronavirus Pandemic Contain방법으로 기상천외한 발상들이, 한편으로는 방콕하고있는 많은 사람들에게 희망과 웃음을 자아내게하는 상황들이 심심찮게 벌어지고 있어, 화제다.  사진에서보는 이친구는 2미터간격을 유지하기위해 그가 창조한 커다란 링을 만들어 목에걸고, 캐나다에서 가장 큰 토론토시에서 거리를 활보하는게 마치 Stunt를 보는것 같다.  실상은 당국에서 강하게 요구하고있는 개인간거리 2미터를 유지한다는게 그만큼 어렵다는 현실을 극명하게 보여주는 고뇌라고 할수있겠다. 그래서 웃는다. 답답하고 아픈마음이  웃음속에 깊이 묻혀있는.

이기구를 사용하는, Rotsztain씨는 커다란 용품을 만드는데 45분정도 걸렸다고 하며, 재료는 플라스틱과 고무Tube를 이용했다는 것이다.

이친구는 그의 친구 Bobby Gadda와 그의 생각을 긍정적으로 받아들인 친구들에게 확신을 얻어 이부품을 만들었다는데, 그는 이기구를 온몸에 둘러메고,  토론토에서 가장 바쁜 Yonge거리와 Kensington재래시장을 휩쓸었다고 한다.  이순간을 그는 비데오에 담아 Online에서 시청자들의 시선을  붙잡았다.

그는  24CP 와의 대담에서, 식품을 구입하기위해 걸어가는 보행자들이 꼭필요한 '개인간안전거리'를 유지하면서 구입한 식품을 들고 거리를 걸어가는게 쉽지 않음을 보면서 이기구를 만들 생각을 했다고 한다.

 Covid-19 Pandemic Contain을 위해 건강관리 담당자들은 시민들이 최소한 2미터간격을 유지해줄것을 강하게 밀어부치고있는데, 도로옆의 보행자거리와 식품가게에서 쇼핑하면서, 실질적으로는 거리유지가 쉽지않다는것을 알려주면서, 전염병의 확산을 막거나 늦추어 보자는 생각에서 였다고 한다.

매일 아침에 캐나다의 연방수상, 각주의 수상, 대도시의 시장들은 마이크앞에서 국민들, 시민들에게 Coronavirus Pandemic Contain결과를 상세히 보고하는것으로  어려운 일과를 시작한다고 할수있겠다.
그만큼 모든 행정력이 전염병 방어에 치중되여 있다는 증거라고 할수있겠다.

무사히 더이상의 피해가 없이 모두가 잘 버티어줬으면 하는 바램이다.

A Toronto resident has found a clever new way to demonstrate just how difficult it is for pedestrians to follow social distancing rules while walking on Toronto streets.
In a video posted on YouTube, author, artist, and “urban geographer” Daniel Rotsztain puts his “social distancing machine” to the test to show exactly how much space is needed to maintain two metres of distance from other people.
Rotsztain said it took him about 45 minutes to construct the “machine,” a pink contraption made of plastic and rubber tubing.
He convinced his collaborator and friend Bobby Gadda to strap on the social distancing machine and attempt to walk around some of Toronto’s busiest neighbourhoods, including Kensington Market.
The experiment, which was filmed by Rotsztain and shared online, showed Gadda repeatedly running into obstacles, including cyclists, pedestrians, light standards, and cars, while trying to navigate city streets.
On multiple occasions, he was forced to walk into live lanes of traffic to maintain a safe distance from others.

Speaking to on Monday, Rotsztain said he decided to make the video after seeing how challenging it was for pedestrians to get groceries and run essential errands safely.
“I just wanted to contribute to that conversation and kind of make a funny, accessible video that could be shared widely,” he said.
In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, public health officials have recommended people remain two metres apart while in public spaces, including while walking on sidewalks and shopping at groceries stores.
Torontonians who do not respect the two-metre rule at city parks and public squares could face a hefty fine thanks to a new city bylaw enacted earlier this month.
“I think that even in the pre-COVID times, in the best of times, the inequality of space between cars and pedestrians in Toronto is very obvious,” Rotsztain said.
“Once quarantine kind of hit and we are all in this new paradigm…now it is really obvious how little space pedestrians have. It is almost impossible to safely navigate the city.”
Rotsztain is urging the City of Toronto to shut down major streets, including Yonge Street, during the pandemic to ensure pedestrians can keep a safe distance from others.
If the city is not prepared to take that step, he noted that there are other things that could be done to improve the situation for pedestrians.
“I know Brampton has widened the sidewalks and has created temporary bike lanes…There are many things you can do besides entirely closing the streets,” he said. “I think that if enough people are saying this, then it is the duty of politicians to listen to their constituents.”
Overall, Rotsztain said his message has been very well received by members of the public, including Jennifer Keesmaat, Toronto’s former chief city planner, who shared his video on social media.
“Streets are essential pedestrian infrastructure for maintaining a safe physical distance as essential workers walk to work, we get groceries, and walk for sanity in the dense part of our cities,” Keesmaat wrote on Twitter. “Easy policy fix: designate some lanes currently wasted for driving, for walking.”
Toronto-Centre city councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, who has been advocating for some major streets to be closed to vehicular traffic amid the pandemic, also shared Rotsztain’s video on Twitter.
“Keeping a minimum distance of 2-metres on narrow sidewalks is impossible as shown here and why people #TakeTheStreet,”she wrote.
Mayor John Tory told CP24 on Monday that he is not necessarily against the idea of designating “one-way sidewalks” but said he does not support closing certain streets to cars.
He said the move may have the unintended consequence of attracting more pedestrians to streets that have been closed to traffic.
Rotsztain rejected that assertion, suggesting that residents in the city know now is not the time to gather.
“We often associate closing down streets to cars with celebrations like Open Streets Toronto or Taste of the Danforth, but it is a different world right now,” he said. “I think Torontonians understand that gathering is not what the city needs to help flatten the curve.”

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