Monday, March 02, 2020

여행자들이 Coronavirus전염병때문에,한국포함, 피할곳으로 지명된 나라들-캐나다정부 권장.

전세계가 지금 Coronavirus 전염병 확산으로 전전긍긍하고 있는 이때, 오늘 캐나다 정부가, 여행중이거나 여행을 계획중에 있는 캐나다인들에게, 매우 강하게 여행 가이드를 발표했다.  내조국 한국이,사진으로 봤을때는, 마치 큰 훈장이라도 수여받은것 처럼, Coronavirus 전염병의 상징으로, 등장하곤 하는데, 이를 보면서 비참한 심정이다. 바로 옆나라 일본은 대한민국과 비교해서 발병율이 무척 낯지만, 여전히 여행 자제국가로 발표는 하고 있었다.

지난 50여년동안, 한국은 가장 못사는 농업국가에서 G20 국가군에 들어가는 잘사는 나라로, 그명성이, "Made in Korea"그상표 자체로 인정을 받고, 한국인으로 긍지를 떨쳤었는데..... 그 Credit이 완전 추락하여, 앞으로 이를 회복하기위한 피나는 노력이 필요한데.... 5천만 국민들이 지치지 말고 잘 헤쳐 나가기를 빌고 또 빈다.  그래서 이번에 또한번 크게 느낀것은, 국가를 이끌어가는 대통령의 선택이 나라의 흥망을 좌우 한다는 교훈이었다.

이시간(월요일.3월2일 오후3시현재)에 온타리오주 보건관련 최고책임자는 이번 전염병확산에 대한 기자회견이 진행중에 있다. 기자들은 현장경험을 통해 미쳐 관계자들이 생각못했던 점들을 심도깊에 질의 응답하고있다.

캐나다 연방정부가 여행삼가 지역으로 발표한 나라들은 다음과 같다.


이번 Coronavirus 전염병의 발원지(epicentre)로 알려진 중국은 확인된 환자가 80,000이상이고, 사망자는 월요일 아침 현재 2,912명으로 밝혀졌다.  꼭필요치 않은 여행은 자제하고, 특히 이번 전염병이 처음 발생했던 Hubei Province의 여행은 절대로 피하라고 경종을 울리고 있다. (avoid all non-essential travel to China).
만약에 중국여행중에 발병이 됐다면, 여러면에서 매우 어려움을 겪게 될것이라고 경종하고있다. 만약에 Hubei성 여행후 귀국하는 시민들은 즉시 인근의 병원에 연락해주기를 바라고, 적어도 2주간 사람들과의 접촉을 자세해달라고 했다.


한국에서, 이번 전염병에 대한 확산은, 지난 2주동안에 매우 높게 퍼져나갔었다. 현재 확진자는 4,300명이 넘었으며, 사망자는 26명에 이르고있다.  이번 전염병은, 특히 경상도지역의 청도,대구지역이다. 캐다다 정부는 이들 두지역의 여행을 피할것을 당부하고 있다. 특히 꼭 필요치 않은 여행은 자제하고, 이미 그지역을 여행중에 있는 시민은 즉시 그지역을 떠날것을 당부하고 있다. (Canada has issued a travel advisory for these two cities).
그외 지역을 여행하는 시민들은 최고의 경계심을 갖고, 특별한 주의를 기울여주기 바란다. 또한 사람이 많이 모인곳을 피하고, 수시로 손을 씻기를 권한다. 현재 한국은 전국적으로 COVID-19환자가 발생하고있다.


이태리는 유럽에서 가장 심하게 전염병이 확산되고있는 지역이다. 현재 약 1,700여명이 확진자로 밝혀졌으며,사망자는 현재 34명이다. 이번주에도 계속 빠른 확산되고 있으며, 이태리 당국은 관광사업에 치명적으로 영향이 미칠것을 걱정하고 이로인해 경제활동에도 영향이 클것으로 고민중이다. 미국은 금요일 저녁부터 이태리 여행에 대해 두번째로 높은 여행자제 경고를 발표했다.  캐나다정부는 미국의 경고가 있은지 3일후에 같은 경고등급을 적용하기 시작했다.  미국은 중국여행을 피하고, 꼭필요치 않은 한국여행도 자제할것을 밝혔다.

그외 나라들에 대한 여행자제 경고는, 꼭필요지 않은 경우를 제외하고, 계속 발표되고있다.

TORONTO -- The federal government has issued travel advisories for several countries where COVID-19 has posed an especially serious problem.
An advisory for northern Italy, which was issued Monday morning, is the latest in the series of recommendations the government has issued in a bid to protect citizens from unnecessary risks vis-à-vis coronavirus exposure.

Here is a look at some of the countries that have been hit hardest by the new virus, and what the government says about travelling to each of them.


The epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak, China has seen more than 80,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,912 deaths as of Monday morning.
Canada has issued a travel advisory urging citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to China, and completely avoid all travel to Hubei province, where the outbreak originated.
The government also notes that anyone who falls sick while travelling to China may have difficulty accessing health care in a "timely and appropriate" fashion.
Anyone returning to Canada from Hubei specifically is asked to contact their local public health authority within 24 hours of their return, and limit their contact with others for 14 days.
Prior to the outbreak, Canada had advised travellers to China to be cautious "due to the risk of arbitrary enforcement of local laws." This wording was introduced in 2019, following the arrests of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor and awarding of the death penalty to Robert Schellenberg -- all Canadian citizens -- and has disappeared in recent weeks.


Coronavirus activity in South Korea has significantly escalated over the past two weeks, with the country now reporting more than 4,300 cases and 26 deaths.
Many of these cases are clustered around the cities of Cheongdo and Daegu in the country's southeast. Canada has issued a travel advisory for these two cities, recommending that non-essential travel be avoided and anyone already in the area consider leaving.
For the rest of the country, the government suggests any Canadian visitors exercise a high level of caution and practise special precautions, such as avoiding crowds and frequently washing hands. Cases of COVID-19 have been reported in all provinces of South Korea.


The most hard-hit country in Europe based on reported figures, Italy has seen nearly 1,700 coronavirus infections and 34 deaths.
The rapid increase, which was still unfolding this weekend, has led to fears of severe damage to the country's tourism industry, and in turn its overall economy.
The U.S. issued a level three travel advisory – the second-highest in its arsenal – for Italy on Friday night.
Canada waited three days to follow suit. On Monday morning, the government announced that it was recommending against non-essential travel to eight regions in northern Italy, including the major cities of Milan and Venice.
The U.S. has been more aggressive than Canada in issuing coronavirus-related travel advisories, also urging its citizens to avoid all travel to China and non-essential travel to all of South Korea.


Officially, Iran has reported 978 cases of COVID-19, 54 of them fatal.
There is, however, much speculation that the real number of those infected may be significantly higher. Authorities said this weekend that they are preparing to test "tens of thousands" of Iranians for the virus.
Iran has the highest number of coronavirus-related deaths outside of China, and the government has said that the number of cases of infection may increase rapidly as testing is rolled out to more patients.
Canada already had significant travel advisories in place for Iran prior to the spread of COVID-19. The government suggests avoiding all travel to Sistar-Baluchistan province and areas along Iran's borders with Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as avoiding non-essential travel to the rest of the country.
The government added Monday that the new coronavirus is another reason to skip non-essential trips to Iran, additionally warningthat the risk of sickness could increase later this month during Iranian New Year celebrations.


The effects of COVID-19 on Japan have been relatively mild as compared to other developed Asian nations, with the country reporting 256 cases and six deaths as of Monday.
Those totals do not include the more than 700 cases connected to the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was subject to a widely criticized quarantine for two weeks. The last crew members under quarantine left the ship Sunday.
Japan is nonetheless taking the possibility of an expanded outbreak seriously, closing schools and asking companies to allow employees to work from home. A state of emergency has been declared on the northern island of Hokkaido, and there are concerns about whether the Tokyo Olympics will be able to go ahead in August.
Canada updated its travel advice for Japan on Monday, bringing it into line with the American suggestion that visitors should exercise a high degree of caution.
The government specifically singles out Hokkaido, saying older Canadians and those with weakened immune systems "may want to consider postponing travel" to the island.
Only two other places have been singled out for coronavirus-related attention in Canadian travel bulletins: Singapore and Hong Kong.
Although there has been evidence of person-to-person spread in both Singapore and Hong Kong, the government says there is no need for travellers to either jurisdiction to practise any special precautions to avoid catching COVID-19.
Canadian travellers to Hong Kong are advised to exercise caution, but that is due to the pro-democracy protests that focused the world's attention on the semi-autonomous region for most of 2019.
As of Monday, there had been 106 confirmed cases of the virus in Singapore and 98 in Hong Kong.
The Canadian government has not issued any specific travel advice for several other countries that have reported similar numbers of infections, including Germany, France, Spain and the U.S.

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