Thursday, February 13, 2020

부자 정부와 놀아난 아내의 부도덕한면을 그린 파키스탄 TV방송 큰인기, 극본 쓴 작가는 법원에 소환.남성들 흥분.

머슬림 국가에서는 남자가 사회적으로 기득권을 다 잡고, 법적으로도 4명 이상의 부인을 취할수 있는사회다.  돈이 있으면 더 많은 Wife를 취할수 있는 사회가 머슬림국가의 현사회의 전형적인 삶의 패턴이지만, 반대로 여성이나 부인이 남자들 처럼  남편을 Cheating하면 절대로 용납안하는 사획가 머슬림방식의 삶이다.

요즘 머슬림 국가, 파키스탄에서 TV연속극이 대힛트를 쳤는데, 그내용이 평범한 가정의 아내가 남편과 관계가 좋지않아, 돈많은 남자와 불륜을 저질렀는데, 이경우 과연 이아내는 사회적으로 용서를 받을수 있을까?라는 문제를 사회에 던져주고 있는것이다. 마치 남성이 불륜을 저지르면, 의례히 그러려니 하면서 별탈없이 넘어 가듯이 말이다.  그러나...

파키스탄 법원에서는 이연속극을  만든, 극작가를 소환했다고 한다.  한여인이 탄원서를 제출했기때문이다.
이연속극이 파키스탄 여성들을, 마치 욕심쟁이, 자가밖에 모르는 여자, 전문성이 전연없는 여자로 표현했기 때문이라고 한다. 변호사, Sana Saleem 씨는, 연속극 " Meray Paas Tum Ho" (I Have You)는, 연속극 속의 여인은, 모든 남성들이 불륜을 저지르고도 그들위주로 결정을 하듯이, 처신한것은 정말로 가당치도 않는짖이라고 뻔뻔스럽게 여인을 비난하고있다.

머슬림사회에 여성의 바람이 일어날수 있을까?  두고볼일이다.

Creators of Meray Paas Tum Ho could be facing legal suit amid accusations the hugely popular show was ‘misogynistic’

A court in Pakistan has summoned the creators of a wildly popular television series after a petition was filed demanding they apologise for portraying Pakistani women as “greedy, selfish and non-professional”.
In the petition filed at the Sindh high court last month, lawyer Sana Saleem said the television series Meray Paas Tum Ho (I Have You) was “ridiculing a woman who makes the same decision as every other man in society”.

The series followed the story of a married couple whose relationship falls apart when the woman has an affair with a wealthy man. Pakistani television dramas routinely show women forgiving cheating husbands, but this series presented a fresh question: should a man forgive his unfaithful wife?

The show polarised the country. Women turned to Facebook and Twitter to call out the show and the writer, Khalilur ur Rehman Qamar, for his misogynistic storytelling. As the show gained popularity, Qamar courted controversy when he appeared on talk shows to justify the script and made statements such as “women should gang rape men if they want equality”, and “women are able to resist temptation, but men cannot”.

The 23 episodes ran from August 2019 to January this year on channel ARY Digital, becoming the most watched TV show in Pakistan. The finale was watched by 80 million viewers and was screened in cinemas across the country, raking in a record-breaking 38 million rupees (£414,231) on the first day in ticket sales.

Television critic and journalist Mahwash Ajaz said: “These characters are unrealistic: overtly beautiful and modern, but also astoundingly stupid. Only a man could write such a script.”
However, many viewers sided with the character of the male lead, the victim of the infidelity, and praised him for one particularly controversial scene in which he tells his wife’s lover that she’s “barely worth spare change” and not the 50 million rupees the businessman had offered him for a divorce.
The court has summoned the producer, Humayun Saeed, who also plays the lead role, to appear on Thursday along with the lawyers of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority.

Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar has said if the bench finds that the show features immoral discourse, action will be taken against the producers.
The case is significant. Although it is not uncommon in Pakistan for people to ask the courts to mediate in this way, it is unusual for the petitioner to demand justice for women. A separate petition to stop the airing of the final episode of the show was thrown out last month.
Sana Saleem said: “The show had a huge impact and hurt women. The courts have a duty to correct something which is negatively affecting society.”
In her petition, she also objects to the storylines of an unmarried couple living together and a six-year-old child playing Cupid to set up his father and schoolteacher.
However, lawyer Reema Omer said prohibiting content, regardless of its “offensive” nature, is an anathema to the freedom of expression. “It is not the business of the state to decide what people should and should not watch on television unless the content violates certain clearly defined limitations set by law, such as incitement to violence, for example.”
Omer added that critiquing the show in the media was a “far more potent way” to respond to sexism than censorship and court directions to make the actors apologise.
Salman Iqbal, the founder and CEO of ARY Digital, defended the show. “Pakistani dramas for years have shown men abusing and cheating on women, yet no petitions were filed by men against such content. So why now?
“If Tom kills Jerry in the cartoon, should we feel compelled to launch a campaign for animal rights? No, we should just enjoy it. [We need to] forget about the nitty-gritty for a while and experiment to see what the audience responds to. It’s fiction and it’s fun.”

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