Monday, February 24, 2020

어린 3형제의 보기드문 암투병, 세상에 이럴수가.엄마가 어린애였을때 앓았던 똑같은 암.

어린 3형제가, 그들의 엄마가 아이였을때 암으로 아파 고생했었던, 똑같은 암을 앓고 있어 안타깝다.

3형제가, 그것도 모두가 5세가 넘지않은, 매우 희귀한 어린아이 암에 걸려 힘든 투병을 하고 있어 주위를 안타깝게 하고있다. Aaron, Angie Rush 부부는 3형제( Tristen,5세, Caison,3세, 그리고 Carter,7개월 )를 낳았는데, 모두가 시력을 잃을수 있는 망막암( Retinoblastoma )으로 판명되여 치료를 받고 있다.

"정말로 충격적이고 놀랄뿐이다. 가슴아픈일이다. 때로는 너무도 보살피기에 피를 말린다. 그래도 우리 아이들은 축복을 받았다"라고 엄마, Angie씨는 HLN과의 인터뷰에서 심경을 털어놓았다.

이눈병은 눈에 발생하는 암의 일종으로, 눈의 망막에서 나타나는 눈병인데 통상적으로 어린아이들에 발생한다고 Mayo 진료소측을 설명하고있다. 이암은 한쪽눈 또는 양쪽눈에 발생하며 주로 어린아이들에게서 많이 발생한다.

엄마, Angie가 어린아이였을때, 같은 눈병암으로 앓았었다. 엄마의 설명에 따르면 이암은 50%이상의 확율로 자손에게 유전된다고 는  알고 있었으나, 이렇게 3아들이 모두 이병에 전위될줄은 상상도 안했었다라고 울먹인다.
"그러나 나는 무사히 다 극복했었다. 지금은 선생으로 근무하고 있는데, 우리 아이들도 나처럼 무사히 완치되기를 바라고 있다"라고.

인생살이는 하나도 편한 삶은 많이 않은것 같다. 그들 3형제가 무사히 치료되기를 기원한다.

According to Mayo, gene mutations increase the risk of retinoblastoma being passed on from parents to children. Hereditary retinoblastoma tends to develop at an earlier age.
Tristen was 4 weeks old when he was diagnosed. Caison was diagnosed at birth. Carter was born cancer-free, but at 6 months old, two tumors were discovered in his eyes. He started chemotherapy treatments last month.
"It's not one that gets a lot of spotlight when you hear about childhood cancer," Aaron said.

Treatments and cost

In families with the inherited form of retinoblastoma, preventing it may not be possible, according to Mayo. However, an early diagnosis is key for a high chance of a cure and preserving vision.
The three boys have endured chemotherapy, laser treatments, MRIs, evaluations under anesthesia and countless visits to Children's Hospital of Atlanta.
Because of the cost of cancer treatment for three children, Angie and Aaron have sold their suburban Atlanta home and moved in with family to pay the medical bills.
"We set up a GoFundMe even just to try to raise a little bit of money, because it does cost a lot of money, even with insurance," Aaron told HLN.
Sometimes people think everything's covered, he said, but that's not the case.
"We have to sacrifice," he said.
The GoFundMe page has exploded, Aaron said, adding that people have been generous in helping raise funds that will go toward the boys' treatments.

Mother: Sickness has 'made them stronger'

While Carter's treatments have just begun, Angie said Tristen and Caison are doing well.
"They haven't had any new tumors in a very long time," she said. "They still go for checkups and they go for MRIs and they're watched closely by the doctors."
Tristen said he hopes to become a doctor one day to research this type of cancer.
"It's made them stronger," Angie said. "It's something that they can talk to other people about and encourage other kids with cancer just to give them strength and be a blessing to others."

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