Friday, January 10, 2020

왕자 Harry와 Meghan, 왕실의 작위 내려놓고 새로운 삶을 살겠다고 선언, 형식에 매인 삶이 무거웠었나 보다.

영국의 여왕님은, 내가 기억하기로는, 1980년대 초부터, 당시 Charles황태자가 결혼하면서 부터, 많은 심적 어려움을 겪으면서 여왕으로서의 임무를 수행해 오신것으로 이해된다.

오늘뉴스에 의하면, Charles황태자의 둘째 아들 Harry와 Meghan 부부가 영국왕실에서 나와 평민으로 살면서, 모든 왕궁의 작위를 내려놓고, 남은 생애를 살겠다고 발표를 한것이다.  이발표로 왕실은 발칵 소동이 일어났는데, 그이유는 이렇게 엄청난 왕세자 부부로서의 모든 특권과 의무를 내려놓고 평민으로 살겠다는 발표를, 여왕, Charles황태자부부, William왕자부부 그리고 왕실은 새까맣게 모르게, 이들 부부가 일방적으로 Instagram에 올린것이다. 이발표가 있은후 만 하루가 지나자 1.5백만명이 "잘하셨어요"라는 응원의 댓글을 한것이다.

이발표에 대한 왕실의 반응은 이러한 발표로 얽히고 설킨 모든 이슈들이 쉽게 끝낼일은 아님과 동시에 이사안은 매우 복잡하고 예민해서 모든게 공식적으로 확정될때까지는 처리해야 할들이 많이 산적해 있음을 직시해야 할 필요가 있다고 설명했다.

2019년도 크리스마스 카드에서 Elizabeth ll 여왕은 왕족들의 일상생활이 평탄치 않은 한해 였음을 간접적으로 피력했음을 느끼게 했었다.

왕실에서는 Harry왕자와 Meghan세자빈이 왕실에서 완전히 떠나 독자적으로 생활을 하게 될경우, 재정문제를 걱정했었다고 한다.  그러나 이들 부부는 범죄를 내용으로한 TV드라마에서 주연으로 출연하여 수입이 있고, Meghan세자빈은 2014년도부터 살아가는 얘기를 주제로 "The Tig"라는 블로그를 쓰고있다.

Harry 왕자는 결혼전에 영국의 육군항공대에서 헬리콥터 조종사로 근무했을 때부터 자유분망한 삶을 살아왔던 것으로 이해되는데, 결혼후 형식에 얽매이는게 많은 부담이 됐었던것으로 이해된다.

상세한 스토리는 아래의 Article을 읽으면 전체 그림을 상상할수 있을것 같다.

On January 8, 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made the startling announcement that they will be stepping down from their roles as senior members of the British Royal family. Breaking protocol, the couple issued their statement in an Instagram post that garnered over 1.5 million likes within the first 24 hours and apparently completely blindsided the Queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William. While Harry and Meghan appear to be pushing forward on their decision, the palace insisted that the move won’t be so quick, stating there are “complicated issues” that need to be worked out before anything becomes official.
Keep reading to find out where the couple will live, how they’ll make their money, and how long they’ve been planning this move while keeping it a secret from the palace.

They Didn’t Consult The Palace Before Releasing Their Statement

Buckingham Palace sources told BBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond that Prince Harry and Meghan did not consult the Royal family before making their decision and releasing their statement on January 8, 2020. The Queen and palace were “blindsided” by the news, a reflection of the rift that’s been made between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the rest of the Royal family. 

That may have been what Queen Elizabeth II was referencing in her 2019 Christmas card when she said it’s been a “bumpy” time for the Royal family.

The Palace Admits The Issues Are “Complicated”

Clearly there are communication issues between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the Royal family. After news of Harry and Meghan’s statement reached the palace, a spokesperson told BBC that there were “complicated issues” to work through before they were able to comment further. 

The couple shared their statement on their Sussex Royal Instagram account, garnering 1.5 million likes within the first 24 hours. The palace, completely stunned by the news, watched it all unfold while deciding what their official statement would be.

Meghan Was A Millionaire Before Marrying Prince Harry

In their statement, Harry and Meghan included that they wanted to break tradition and “work to become financially independent” from the palace. Before marrying Prince Harry, Meghan had a lucrative acting career as part of the lead cast in the crime TV drama Suits. She also founded a lifestyle blog in 2014 called “The Tig”.

Before marrying Prince Harry, Meghan’s estimated net worth was $4.8 million. She was reportedly making around $50,000 per episode of Suits which added up to $450,000 a year.

Harry Didn’t Make As Much As Meghan, But Is Worth More

Meghan’s salary before their marriage was more than what Prince Harry was making while he was serving in the military. He reportedly only earned $45,000 a year while serving in the British Army Air Corps. That means his yearly salary was less than Meghan’s pay for filming just one episode of Suits. 

But that doesn’t mean that Meghan is worth more than her royal husband. Prince Harry’s net worth is estimated at $40 million. When Harry turned 30 years old he also received a trust that his late mother, Princess Diana, had set up for him. On his birthday, $13.3 million was transferred into Harry’s name.

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