Thursday, January 23, 2020

트럼프 대통령 탄핵절차, 공화당과 민주당간의 다음선거에서 죽느냐 사느냐의 싸움인데, 고함소리 하나 들리지 않고, 순리데로..부럽다.

우리 모두가 알다시피,트럼프 대통령이, 반대당 민주당의 발의로  하원에서 탄핵당해, 현재 상원에서 최종적인 탄핵절차를 밟아, 토론시작한지 오늘도써 3일째다.

탄핵절차를 법에 따라 확실하게 하기위해 대법원장이 주심(Refree)이 돼고, 그가 상원의장석에 앉아 탄핵절차를 공정하게 진행하는 주심역활을 하고있다. 물론 공화당과 민주당의 고수들이 머리를 짜내서, 민주당은 꼭 트럼프대통령을 탄핵 시킬려는 작전으로, 허용된 변호사(Managers)들 5명이 선정되여 그들이 전체 상원의원들 앞에서 "왜탄핵을 해야 하는가?"에 대한 변론을 진행해 왔었다. 그들 변호사들은 하원에서 탄핵절차를 위한 법사위에서 역량을 발휘했던, 민주당 율사출신들이 대부분이었다.

탄핵의 두가지 죄목은, 대통령의 권력남용과, 의회모독죄다.
오늘은 16시간 넘게 민주당의 Manager들에게 시간이 주어지고, Lawyer 들중에서 Leading lawyer인 Adam Schiff의 변론은 러시아를 견제하기위해 유크레인(Ukraine)에 원조를 해주는데, 당시 부통령이었던 Joe Biden의 아들, Hunter Biden 이 Ukraine정부와 깊은 Connection을 맺고, 근무하고 있는것에 대해서 조용히 조사를 해달라는 단서를 부친것은 엄연히 대통령의 Power를 남용했다는 논리를 펴는데 집중하는것으로 이해됐다.

트럼프 대통령의 인기는 여전하고, Job Creation은 지난 50년이래 초고여서, 지난해 같은 경우는 전세계적으로 경기 침체가 심해서, 중국같은 경우도 겨우 6%성장에 그쳤고, 한국은 2%정도였는데,  한국보다 더 성장율이 높았다.  금년말에 치러지는 선거에서 재선이 거의 확실시 되고있는데, 민주당에서 트럼프를 공격하고있지만, 상원에서 탄핵이 통과 되기는 거의 불가능한것으로 전문가들은 보고있다.

주심을 보고있는, 대법원장 John Roberts도 공화당 대통령이 추천 임명했던 분이고, 상원은 공화당이 다수당이 되여, 민주당으로서는 탄핵통과를 못시켜도, 트럼프대통령의 권력남용 및 의회모독죄를 전 미국인들에게 알릴수 있는데까지는 알려서 재선에 영향을 미치겠다는 계산인것 아닐까?라는 생각이다.

하원 법사위원장, Jerrold Nadler 의원의 변론중에서, 새로운 증거와 사실을 완전히 덮을려고 하는것을 밝혀야 하는데 이를 공화당 의원들이 허용하지 않는다고 주장한것에 대해, 비교적 합리적인 성향을 갖고있는, 공화당 상원의원, Lisa Murkowski(알라스카주)씨가, 수요일, 그의 변론에 실망했다고 소감을 밝히면서, Nadler의원에게 모욕을 당했다고 격로했는데, 자칫했으면 민주당측에 합류할번 했었던 한표를 결국 잃어버린 결과로 탄핵이 가결될 확율은 더 없어진것으로 보인다.

앞으로도 계속, 탄핵토론이 완전히 끝날때까지 눈여겨 지켜볼 가치가 있다고본다.
한국의 청와대와 의회가 하는 당리당략을 위한 행위와 비교해 보면, 미국의 민주주의 운영방법에 너무도 부럽게만 느껴지기 때문이다. 

(CNN)The Senate is still reeling from a combative exchange between the House impeachment managers and the President's defense team that triggered a rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts and highlighted rising tensions at the impeachment trial.
Roberts, who is presiding over the trial, called for decorum in the early hours of Wednesday, saying, "It is appropriate for me to admonish both the House managers and the President's counsel in equal terms," after listening to the managers and the defense team tear into each other. In heated rhetoric, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, one of the Democratic impeachment managers, had said, "I see a lot of senators voting for a cover-up," while White House counsel Pat Cipollone fired back, "The only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler, is you."
Senators on both sides of the aisle said on Wednesday that it was appropriate for the chief justice to deliver the admonishment, but a number of Republican senators are bristling over the cutting commentary from Nadler.
"You don't come into the Senate and accuse senators of engaging in a cover-up or saying that we're on trial. No, we're not," Sen. Ron Johnson said, adding that the comments were "jaw-dropping, couldn't really believe what we were hearing."
The Wisconsin Republican called the admonishment "completely appropriate," adding, "I think we all realize he was admonishing the House Democrats, but, again, trying to keep it nonpartisan."
Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said, "I thought what Chairman Nadler said and how he conducted himself was outrageous."
Cornyn said the suggestion that GOP senators were participating in a cover-up was "insulting" and a "shock to all of us," but that he appreciated the chief justice admonishing all the senators to "do better."
"Chairman Nadler ... when he started talking, I mean, people kind of jerked to attention, because what he was saying and the way he was conducting himself -- I think it was so insulting and outrageous it was a shock to all of us," Cornyn said.
Sen. Dick Durbin said he was "glad that the chief Justice admonished both sides to remember where they are."
"I could understand how people on the other side could take offense, but there were some things said as well by the President's counsel," the Illinois Democrat said, but added, "It's behind us. We've got a bigger job to focus on."
Other senators expressed hope that there won't be any more reprimands from the chief justice.
Republican Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota said of the incident, "It was late in the evening and there were some inappropriate comments made primarily by the House managers, but the fact that he (Roberts) tried to keep it on an even keel was appropriate and hopefully they got the message."
Republican Sen. John Hoeven of North Dakota said the scolding served as a kind of "reset."
"We'd been there by that time for almost 12 hours straight. I think it was just kind of a good reset. He did it in a good way," Hoeven said.
Hoeven added, though, of the proceedings overall, "It's a very serious matter. It's impeachment. Of course it's intense."

Washington (CNN)Can't get a new witness? Call Donald J. Trump.
Republicans might be blocking new testimony in the Senate trial but Democratic impeachment managers keep returning to the person who makes their case better than anyone: the President himself.
Trump, of course, is not literally in the Senate chamber -- though he said Wednesday he'd "love" to be in the front row to stare at his "corrupt" accusers.
But for Democrats, there's no better evidence with which to paint a picture of what they say is a self-dealing, obstructive leader with a kingly view of his own powers than the highlight reel already compiled by the most television-obsessed president in history.
"I have, in Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as President," Trump says in one clip aired on Tuesday by lead impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California.
The Trump tapes not only break up hours of dense legal arguments. They also put the President at the center of the action, portraying him as the ringleader of the scheme to pressure Ukraine for political favors, and not an outsider player.
They also confront the Republican senators, serving as jurors, with the direct evidence of what Democrats say is outlandish, impeachable behavior in a way that may not change their minds but is deeply uncomfortable.
Driving home the case for new witnesses, currently being thwarted by GOP senators in multiple votes, Schiff turned to a clip of Trump on December 3.
"When it's fair, and it will be fair in the Senate, I would love to have Mike Pompeo, I'd love to have Mick (Mulvaney), I'd love to have Rick Perry and many other people testify," the President said at the time, taking a position at odds with the current arguments of his legal team and Republican Senate leaders.
On Wednesday, Democrats wanted to establish a pattern of behavior on Trump's part of soliciting foreign interference in US elections, as he is alleged to have done in a quid pro quo in Ukraine, as they seek to prove corrupt intent.
So Schiff dug out the famous clip from the 2016 election when Trump called on Russia, "if you are listening," to find Hillary Clinton's 30,000 "missing" emails. Last year's call by the President for China to "start an investigation into the Bidens" also came up, as did Trump's comment to George Stephanopoulos on ABC News that if a foreign power had election dirt: "I think I'd want to hear it."
As that last clip echoed through the chamber, impeachment manager Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, bemoaned the "shocking video" to underline the point.
Every time Trump's unmistakable tones started reverberating through the chamber, the heads of senators snapped toward the screens showing the clips. The President's lawyers argue that he did nothing wrong in Ukraine, that he acted within his powers and that the Democratic case that he abused his power is "ridiculous" and unconstitutional.

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