Thursday, January 09, 2020

이란이 러시아 기술이용 제작한 미사일발사, 유크레인 항공기 격추 176명 사망.63명 캐네디언도 포함.

176명이 목숨을 잃은 Ukraine 항공, PS752의 추락 원인이, 이란에서  실수로 Trigger를 당겨 격추시킨 사실이 방금 확인됐다. 미사일은  러시아의 기술을 도입하여 제조된 지대공으로, 이란소유 미사일이었다.

이란은 북한과 미사일 Technology를 교환하면서, 탄도 미사일을 개발해온것으로 보아, 이북에서도 이와 비슷한 미사일을 소유한것으로 전문가들은 추측하고 있다고 한다.

문재인대통령은,  검찰총장 죽일게 아니라, 이충격적인 미사일 발사로, 방학을 맞아, 신년휴가를 맞아 고향을 방문했다가, 살고있는 캐나다로 되돌아가는 이란출신 케네디언 63명이 희생된 날벼락 사고였었다는것을 인식하고, 김정은에 대한 막연한 연정을 그만 버리고 사태를 주시하기 바란다.

김정은이 이시점에 한국을 방문한다고해서 5천만 국민들에게 뭐가 도움 될것인가? 적인지 아군인지, 민간항공인지 적국의 전투기인지 확인하는 기술도 없는 나라가 미사일 소유하는것은 미친자에게 M16을 쥐어준겪인데.... 한국의 대통령, 문재인이 정말로 5천만 국민들의 안전을 김정은에 맡기는 방안퉁수짖을 하지 말아야 하는데.....

Ukrainian airliner was shot down by Iran with Russian-made surface-to-air missiles

The Ukrainian plane that crashed Wednesday was shot down by two Russian-made surface to air missiles (SA-15), according to a US official familiar with the intelligence. 
The US saw Iranian radar signals lock onto the jetliner, before it was shot down.
The morning after the incident, US analysts discovered the data but took another day to verify.

Trudeau says Canada has intelligence showing the plane was shot down by Iranian surface-to-air missile

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canadian officials have intelligence from their own sources and Canada's allies that shows Ukrainian International Airlines flight 752 was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile.
"This may have been unintentional," Trudeau said today, adding that international partners should be involved in the investigation.
Trudeau added: "It is extremely important that there be a thorough and credible investigation."
Iranian authorities have indicated that they want to keep the plane's black boxes within the country, Trudeau said.

They were dentists and doctors, whole families with small children, a newlywed couple and students returning from holidays.
Many were academics and professors, pursuing careers in engineering, computer science, business and finance.

They were among the people with connections to Canada who were killed when Flight PS752 crashed Wednesday shortly after taking off from Tehran's main airport on its way to Kyiv. All 176 people aboard were killed, including 63 Canadians.
They had roots across the country, in six provinces, including British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.
More than 30 of the victims were from Alberta, most from the Edmonton area, which had 4,630 people who identified as being of Iranian origin, according to the 2016 census.
"It's devastating and shocking," Reza Akbari, president of the Iranian Heritage Society of Edmonton, who knew many of the Edmonton victims.
"All these wonderful people ... these people who really were actually impactful in our community, they're not among us anymore. And in one incident all of them are gone."Here's what we know so far about the victims.

British Columbia

Kimia Pourshaban Oshibi, 19, lost her parents Naser Pourshaban Oshibi and Firouzeh Madani, of North Vancouver, in the crash.
A student at Simon Fraser University, she had returned early from their family trip to Iran — on the same route — in order to attend classes.
WATCH: Pourshaban Oshibi talks about her parents, and her devastating loss 

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