Tuesday, December 17, 2019

미스USA, 미스 America, 미스 Teen USA, 미스 Universe,미스 World, 전부 흑인미인들이 정복.축복있기를...

지금은 임기를 마치고 자연인으로 돌아간 Barack Obama 대통령은, 미국 역사상 최초의 흑인 대통령이었다.  그것도 재선까지 해서, 8년간 무사히 대통령직을 마치고, 트럼프 대통령에 바톤을 물려 준바 있는 세계적인 명사다.

전세계적으로 매년 미인선발대회를 해오고 있는데, 또 다른 경사가 난 것이다. 전세계적으로 미인을 뽑는 미인 대회에서, 금년에는 5개의 미인대회를 전부 흑인 미녀들이 다 석권해서, 또 하나의 이변을 낳았다고 전지구촌이 떠들썩 하다. 미인의 선발 기준이 바뀐것은 아닌것 같은데, 혼혈흑인미녀들이 전면에 용감하게 나와서 미를 과시하게된것이 이번 5개의 미인대회의 왕관을 휩쓸게 된것으로 이해된다.

미스 USA, 미스 America, 미스 Teen USA, 미스 Universe 그리고 미스 World... 대단하다.

Miss World의 왕관을 쓴 흑인 미녀의 꿈은 환자를 치료하는 의사가 되는게 꿈이라고 한다.
Miss Universe 왕관은 S. Africa출신의 흑인 여성으로 그녀의 꿈은 남녀간의 성차별을 극복하는데 헌신하겠다는 다짐이 대단하다.
Miss USA는 법학을 전공하고, Law firm에서  변호사로 근무하면서, 죄수들에 대한 뒷바라지를 하는데 헌신하고 있다. 혹시라도 억울하게 옥살이를 하는 죄인이 있는지의 여부를 추적하는데 헌신하고 있다.
Miss Teen USA 미인을 선발하는 기준을 좀더 자연적인 면에서 찾도록하기위한 기준을 정착시키기위해 싸울것이라고 한다.
Miss America는 노래가 오늘의 영광이 있게 해준 힘이 됐었고, 음악을 통해서 도움을 필요로 하는 이웃들을 돕는데 헌신하겠다는 다짐이다.

이들 왕관을 쓴 미녀들의 앞날에 영광이 있기를, 그리고 그녀들의 꿈이 무사히 이루어지기를 빈다. 

대한민국의 미녀들중에서도 국제적 미인대회에서 자연미를 그대로 보여주어 영광의 면류관을 쓰게되는 그날이 왔으면 한다.  한국의 젊은 여성들은  전부 미인으로 평판이 자자한데, 자연미가 없다는 평이 있다. 그래서 한가지 걱정이 떠나지 않는다.전세계적으로 한국하면 성형수술의 메카라는, 별로 달갑지 않은 면류관이 씌워졌다고 하는 점이다. 자연미가 빛을 보는 시대가 됐다는것 새겨두자.

 더 자세한 이들 왕관을 차지한 미녀들에 대한 자세한 내용을 들여다 보자.

(CNN)For the first time, top beauty pageants -- Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, Miss America, Miss Universe and now, Miss World -- have crowned black women as their winners at the same time.
And that's a big deal if you know pageant history.
Beauty pageants early in their histories, some dating back to the 1920s, barred women of color from participating. Even after organizations began changing their rules to accept women of all races, there was still a lingering frustration and opposition to join.
Only in the last 50 years have black women become more prevalent in these competitions. Janelle Commissiong was the first black Miss Universe in 1977, Vanessa Williams was the first black Miss America in 1983, and Carole Anne-Marie Gist, the first black Miss USA contestant, was crowned in 1990. The following year Janel Bishop became the first black Miss Teen USA.
When Toni-Ann Singh of Jamaica was crowned as Miss World on Saturday, she joined a historic group of black women, along with 2019 Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, 2019 Miss Teen USA Kaliegh Garris, 2019 Miss America Nia Franklin and 2019 Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi.
Here's what you should know about these five women:

Miss World plans to be a doctor

Newly crowned Miss World 2019 Miss Jamaica Toni-Ann Singh smiles during the Miss World Final 2019 at the Excel arena in London on December 14, 2019.
Singh, 23, from Morant, Jamaica, graduated from Florida State University with degrees in psychology and women's studies. She plans to enroll in medical school soon, according to the Miss World website.
"I will continue to be an advocate for women," she said, after winning the Miss World Jamaica crown in September. "I believe women are the lifeblood of our community. So, I will continue to inspire and work with them, so they understand just how great their potential is."

Miss Universe fights against gender-based violence

Tunzi hails from the town of Tsolo in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Along with English, the 26-year-old speaks Xhosa and has launched a social media campaign against gender-based violence.
In a recent Instagram post, she called on her fellow South Africans to write love letters pledging support for women in her country.
"It is my hope that these pledges will start, and continue a conversation around gender-based violence," Tunzi wrote. "We have to start the narration where right-thinking people act as role models for those who think it's okay to mistreat women."
At the Miss Universe pageant, Tunzi spoke about how conventional beauty standards haven't typically included skin and hair like hers, encouraging women to embrace themselves and love who they are.
"I grew up in a world where a woman who looks like me — with my kind of skin and my kind of hair — was never considered to be beautiful," she said in her last response before she was crowned. "I think it is time that that stops today. I want children to look at me and see my face and I want them to see their faces reflected in mine."

Miss USA works on behalf of prisoners

Kryst has a law degree and MBA from Wake Forest. She also studied at the University of South Carolina.
Receiving three degrees from two universities, Kryst is a 28-year-old attorney with a mission to help reform America's justice system.
Hailing from North Carolina, Kryst practices civil litigation for a law firm and has a passion for helping prisoners who may have been sentenced unjustly get reduced punishments, free of charge.
Kryst, who is licensed to practice in two states, earned both her law degree and MBA from Wake Forest University and completed her undergraduate work at the University of South Carolina.
In a video played during this week's competition, Kryst told a story about how a judge at a legal competition suggested she wear a skirt instead of pants because judges prefer skirts.
"Glass ceilings can be broken wearing either a skirt or pants," she said. "Don't tell females to wear different clothes while you give the men substantive feedback on their legal arguments."
Since then, she's built a blog for women's workwear fashion and volunteered for Dress for Success.

Miss Teen USA defies pageant beauty norms

Garris says she feels more confident and comfortable with her naturally curly hair.
When Garris took the Miss Teen USA stage Sunday, she did it with confidence as she wore her natural hair.
"I know what I look like with straight hair, with extensions, and with my curly hair, and I feel more confident and comfortable with my natural hair," the 18-year-old from Connecticut told Refinery29.
When she began competing in pageants, Garris said she had to fight against beauty standards suggesting that straight hair was better than her natural curls.
There were people who told her how they thought she should style her hair, she said. But she ignored their criticism and went on to win the title of Miss Connecticut Teen USA with her natural hair and then Miss Teen USA.

Miss America says music helped her find herself

Franklin works with the nonprofit group Sing for Hope to help others through the power of music.
Franklin remembers what music did for her. Now she tries to inspire children in the same way.
An opera singer, Franklin discovered her identity through music, she explained during the Miss America competition in September.
"I grew up at a predominately Caucasian school, and there was only 5% minority, and I felt out of place so much because of the color of my skin," the 23-year-old North Carolina native said. "But growing up, I found my love of arts, and through music that helped me to feel positive about myself and about who I was."
Representing New York, Franklin showed her passion for music when she sang "Quando m'en vo'" from Puccini's "La Bohème." Wowing the judges, she was crowned the 2019 Miss America.
This past year, she has been an advocate for the arts. She works with Sing for Hope, a nonprofit focused on helping people, including children and artists, through the power of music.
This story was originally published in May 2019 and has been updated to reflect the results of the Miss World pageant.


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