Sunday, December 08, 2019

The President, Trump에게 보낸 청원서.(Feb.7,2018.)- 그냥 있을수만은 없어서.

아래의 글은 지난해(2018년도)2월 7일에, 동계 올림픽이 평창에서 개최될 무렵, 대한민국의 안보를 염려하여 트럼프 대통령에게 개인적인 서신을 작성하여 보냈던 내용이다.요즘 한국의 안보상태는 그때나 지금이나 변함없이,친북성향으로 질주하는 현정부를 보면서 걱정하는 것은 어찌 나혼자만의 걱정이겠는가?

Dear President.
Please protect my home land, S Korea from communist rogue regime in the North threatening.

Current S.Korean Government which I would call them leftist regime who's abandoning his people but leaning to North regime since occupy Presidential blue house in Seoul.
In the name of reformation in Korea, first of all, contents of Korean history text books for junior, high school students has been changed history of Korea leaning to N.Korea's history that is very much dangerous for S.Korea's security.  History books have shown about USA who aided and supported S.Korea to keep the country of democratic society, of course, but unfortunately there were power abuse by the rulers before but those kind of phenomenon was very much common in the developing countries, Korea was one of them.

Their political policies has been entirely set against US policies which has been protecting S. Korea as ally since Japanese colony over Korea. Nowadays the President Moon's regime are grabbing people including former high ranking officerss and ex generals from former governments  are in jail or under investigation that many Koreans have worried so much concerning security of nation.

The regime has crippled it's function of National Inteligence Service Bureau destroying functions of watching and inspecting to catch spies from North, so now there are tons of espionages and spies in S. Korea who's collected information from government dept. or private companies and sending it to N.Korea.  One of those examples are that policies including military exercises are transferred to North as soon as relating meeting's over.

This time, moreover, the regime has broken UN resolution that applied  economic blockade against N.Korea, allowing Ships and personnel to S.Korea.  This behaviour  is nothing but betraying allies including USA, Japan et'c. Kim Jung Un's sister who's also has been blocked is in S.Korea, even visiting Blue house to meet Mr.Moon that many koreans who's living in Korea and abroad worrying so much S.Korea's security about.

Not only that his regime has given tons of money in many ways sneaking from surveillance of allies.
I beg you, Mr. President after game's over, please military actions absolutely needed to discipline those leftist Mr.Moon and head of enemy of N.Korea. I believe you made mistakes not carrying out of military exercise but these two regimes got more chances to cooperate each other during olympic games.  As you know as winter olympic hosting country, S Korea doesn't raise national flag at opening ceremony, but instead they carry peninsula flag that nobody agree with, but two regimes's conspiracy.

I had served military service as nation's duty or conscription for 3 years proudly before immigrated to Canada 44 years ago. I am now 74 years old. Everyday praying for my motherland's security.

If war erupted there would be some casualties  no matter who's winner or loser that we should absorb for safe and free country in the future before too late. I am begging you, dear President.
Thank you so much, Sir.

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