Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tiger Woods와 그 전처 Elin 사이의 결혼생활 이야기. 그녀가 밝힌 얘기, 득이될까?해가될까?

지난 수년간 골프계에서는 Tiger Woods가 벌인 애정행각으로 뉴스의 Spotlight를 받았었는데, 그로 인해서 당시 그의부인, Elin Nordegren에게는 무척 괴로웠던 시간이었었다.

2009년에 그사건은  전세계를 훌쩍 달구었었다. 사람들이 나눈 얘기의 화제는 타이거우드에 관한 것이었었고, 사람들은 동시에 그의 부인으로 부터 이사건에 대한 얘기가 흘러나오기를 목마르게 기다리고 있었다. 그런 와중에도 타이거우드는 다른 여인들을 만나면서 살아갔던 것이다.  이제 그의 전부인, Elin은 이제 그때의 일들에 대해 전세계에 진실을 알릴때가 됐다고 말한다.

Tigher Woods와 사귀고 있다는 사실이 세상이 알려지면서 세상은 온통 Elin, 그녀에게 온통 집중됐었다.  그이후로 사람들은 이두사람의 관계에 흥분까지 했었다. 그러나 그들 부부가 갈라섰을때는 그들이 세간의 관심을 받았던것 처럼 그들의 실제 삶은, 세간의 관심에서 벗어나 있었다.

Elin Nordegren은 1980년 1월 1일에 스웨덴의 스톡홈에서 쌍둥이 자매로 태어났다. Elin보다 약 3-4분 뒤늦게  태어난 여자동생, Josefin이 있다. 또한 그녀에게는 오빠, Axel이 있다.

 쌍둥이 자매, Elin과 Josefin은  항상 같이 붙어  다녔었고,  둘사이에는  아무런 비밀이 없었고, 그런 관계는 계속 됐었다.

Elin은 다른나라에 가서 새로운 삶을 산다는게 뭘 의미하는지 그녀는 잘 알고 있었다.  그녀는 사랑하는 가족들과 또 오랫동안 사귀어왔었던 남자친구를 떠난다는 의미를 알면서도, 미국에 가서 새로운 생활을 한다는것에 대해 무척 고무되여 있었다.

서글프게도 Elin과 그녀의 남자친구관계를 떨어 뜨리게 하면서 이제 그녀는 싱글로 있었다. 그러나 그관계는 오래가지 못했다. Parneviks 얼마 지나지 않아 그녀를 한 친구에게 소개해 주게된다. 그는 바로 골프황제 Tiger Woods였다.

Elin은 Parneviks가 그녀를 위해서 새친구를 찾아볼려는 시도에 크게 개의지 않았었다. Tiger Woods는 그녀의 마음으로 부터 멀리 떨어져 있었던 것이다. 그녀는 혼자 있는 그자체로 행복해 있었고, 새남자친구를 사귀는데 그와같은 대스타와 엮이는것은 원지 않았었다.

Tiger는 일세기에 한번이나 있을까말까한 황홀한 결혼식으로 치르기위해 다른 모든 걸리적 거리는 것들을 완전 차단했다.   Elin이 Tiger Woods와 처음에 그에 대한 신뢰가 있지 않았었다면, Tiger Woods는 그녀의 마음을 돌렸을 것이다. 이들은 모든 사람들이 꿈을 꾸어온 결혼식을 했었다. 그것은 오직 결혼식한날 하루뿐만이 아니고, 일주일 이상이 었었다.  

처음 이기사를 읽으면서, 이들 부부가 다시 합쳐지나? 라고 기대를 갖고 읽었는데...

이상은 그녀가 밝힌 내용의 일부다. 아래의 기사를 꼼꼼히 읽어 보면,자세한 내막을 이해할수 있을 것이다.

In the past years, golf sensation Tiger Woods has caught the spotlight for his numerous affairs. It probably wasn’t smooth sailing for his then-wife, Elin Nordegren.

The scandal became a world sensation in 2009, with the majority of people involved in the story criticising Woods and desperately waiting to hear her side of the story. Meanwhile, Tiger Woods has moved on with a new woman in his life. Now, Elin felt the time was right to reveal the truth to the world.

Elin Nordegren first caught the nation’s eye when people found out she was in a relationship with Tiger Woods. Since then, people were dazzled by the couple. But they weren’t quite as interested in their lives when they were together as they were when they split up.

The media was abuzz with news of their break up. Thousands of articles were published detailing the reasons for their split. Through it all, Elin was able to keep herself out of the public eye. But now, she has finally gathered up enough courage to speak of the tragic events.

By the time his marriage approached its tragic climax, Tiger Woods had become a notorious figure. He had trouble with the police, had slept with many women, and went into rehab. Not to mention his hiatus from golf activities and the looming break up with his wife.

But almost every coverage had focused on Tiger’s background. Elin remained a mystery. Did she have her own share of unsavory secrets? Let's take a closer look?

Elin Nordegren came into the world on January 1, 1980, from Stockholm, Sweden. She also had a twin, Josefin, who came a few minutes after her. They also had a brother named Axel, who was older than them.
Unfortunately, at the young age of 2 years old, their parents went through a divorce. This left their family torn in two.

Elin did not let the divorce of her parents get in the way of her life. She grew up energetic and curious, always on the lookout for the next big thing. She had great grades at school and demonstrated sporty skills when playing soccer.

Still, Elin left this successful life behind in the late 1990s. This was when she moved to Berlin with her father. However, a few years later she moved back to Sweden and was then discovered by a well-known photographer.

Elin’s work with photographer Bingo Rimer proved to be a success. Since then, she had been approached by many famous companies. She even became a swimsuit model for a famous magazine in Sweden.

But Elin felt that there was more to her than simply modeling. She had aspirations of becoming a child psychologist. Eventually, she would leave modeling to take up various side jobs to fund her return to college.

But the road to college was long and hard. Elin had to work part-time and was barely making it. However her luck quickly changed - during her shift at a Stockholm store, she met a lady who was looking for a nanny. 

This lady turned out to be the wife of Jesper Parnevik, a famous golf player from the US. Elin was not one to ignore the opportunity presented to her. So she dropped out of college and left her work and family in Sweden behind.

Elin was well aware of what it meant to move to a different country. She’d have to leave behind her family and her boyfriend of many years. Still, she was thrilled to start her life in America.

The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Sadly, the distance would break Elin and her boyfriend’s relationship apart. She was now single—but not for long. The Parneviks would soon introduce her to a friend. This would turn out to be golf superstar Tiger Woods.

Elin did not mind the attempts of the Parneviks to find her a new boyfriend. Though Tiger Woods was farthest from her mind. She was quite happy as she was and didn’t want all the buzz attached with dating such a star.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
In the beginning, Elin was not receptive to Tiger’s advances. But in time, she agrede to go on a date with him. The two had chemistry and, after 2 years, they were engaged.

A Dream Wedding

If Elin wasn’t convinced about dating him at first, Tiger Woods changed her mind. They had the kind of wedding that most people only dreamed about. It wasn’t even a wedding day, but more of a one-week wedding celebration.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
The two lovebirds flew all the way to the island of Barbados in the Caribbean wirth their friends and family. Tiger reserved an entire hotel to accommodate all their guest, which cost him $2 million.

Air-Tight Security Measures

Tiger pulled out all stops to make their wedding a once-in-a-century affair. Having the whole Sandy Lane Resort reserved was just the first step. He also had 500 roses brought in by plane. This was because the flower was hard to find on the island.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Security for the wedding was air-tight. Tiger made sure of that - in fact, no wedding photos have been released in public. Not even unofficial one's taken by the paparazzi. For one, people have been debating if photos like this one is a genuine shot of the couple.

A Luxurious Life

There was no doubt that Tiger and Elin lived the high life during their marriage. Tiger was at the top of his game during those years, which meant he definitely had enough money to buy some great properties.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
On top of their wonderful waterfront mansion, they also kept other properties throughout the country. This included homes in Jackson, Wyoming, and California. They even had one in Sweden. And who could blame them? We’d be the first ones to buy a house like this if we could.

The Beginnings of a Scandal

In 2006, Elin came face-to-face with her own scandal, feeling the hardship and struggle of worldwide attention and fame. A magazine in Ireland released nude photos of a woman whom they alleged to be her.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
The magazine had no evidence to back their allegations. In addition, Elin refuted all claims that the woman in the photos was her. But this proved to be the beginnings of a scandal that would swallow the couple in the years to come.

Elin Clears Her Name

Elin knew better than others when it came to the scandalous photos. She was now on the path to clear her name and debunk the magazine’s theories. After consulting with private eyes and attorneys, they finally traced its origins. These turned out to be photos of a former model for Playboy.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Now with evidence in hand, the couple sued the Irish magazine. The court ordered the magazine to issue a public apology and pay Elin almost $200,000.

Tiger Becomes a Dad

Once they put an end to all bad rumors, Elin and Tiger prioritized their family life. Elin gave birth to their first child, daughter Sam Alexis Woods, on 2007.

The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Looking at this photo, you wouldn’t think of anything except what a great father Tiger is, loving his daughter above all else. However, this was far from the scandalous image that befell him in the years to come.

Children of the Golf Legend

Then, after two years, the couple was blessed with another child, a son named Charlie Axel Woods. They seemed to be one big happy nuclear family of an ideal mother, father, daughter, and son.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Now the children seem to be following in their father’s footsteps, both inheriting their father's golfing talent as they played at amateur golf tournaments. You sure can’t deny their lucky DNA.

The First Signs of Trouble

Thanksgiving 2009 signaled the first signs of trouble in their married life. A few days before, Elin came across an online article which alleged that, while on a trip to New York, Tiger had an affair with Rachel Uchitel.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Of course, Tiger denied all allegations. However, Elin remained doubtful of her husband. In the end, she looked into Tiger’s phone and found damning proof of his infidelity.

Hell Hath No Fury Like... A Woman and a Golf Club

Now sure of her husband’s infidelity, Elin was in a rage. Reports even suggested that she came at Tiger while holding a golf club. Luckily, Tiger found a way out. He ran inside his car and drove off.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Unfortunately, Tiger took some sleeping pills a couple of hours before the incident. This made him really groggy, and he ended up getting into a car accident. He was found beside a fire hydrant, unconscious. Miraculously, he sustained only minor injuries.

Money Keeps Secrets from Spilling Out

As soon as the incident reached the news, Rachel Uchitel hoped to spill the beans and tell her side of the story. But one day before her scheduled appearance to the media, she dropped the whole plan.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
In the end, it was revealed that Tiger had given Rachel $10,000 worth to keep her lips sealed. Unfortunately for him, he conveniently forgot to do the same for his other affairs. More than 15 women later claimed to have slept with the golf legend in exchange for money.

A Gathering of Ladies

Pictured here are a few of the women that Tiger had lured to his bed.  At least, those who claimed to have slept with him. Among the ones here are Holly Sampson, Kalika Moquin, Mindy Lawton, Jamie Jungers, and Cori Rist.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
But there were a dozen more where they came from. Elin would have been heartbroken hearing women appearing on talk shows, one after the other, proving her husband’s infidelity.

The Second Mistress

This is Jaimee Grubs, the next woman to claim she was Tiger’s mistress. They met each other quietly for more than two years. She worked as a cocktail waitress and used to be a contestant at Total Academy.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Jaimee claims she did not know that Tiger already tied the knot. Considering how much of a celebrity Tiger is, we are not convinced by her claim. To prove their relationship, Jamiee released a voicemail from Tiger.

Yet Another Mistress

Here, we have one more Jamie. The lady in question is Jamie Jungers. She worked in Las Vegas, modeling lingerie. She told her story to the press, even going so far to say that she used some of Tiger’s money on her liposuction.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
According to Jamie, she and Tiger were tight for about a year and three months. After that, she again made headlines after getting caught in California for a drunk driving offense.

Yet Another One

Next up is Theresa Rogers, the self-proclaimed “cougar” among Tiger’s countless women. She is number 11 of those who revealed their affairs in public.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
But that’s not all. She even claimed that her child’s father was none other than Tiger. Their affair supposedly lasted for five years. Reports suggest they were together even before Tiger got hitched to Elin.

Maintaining a Low Profile

It was quite natural for Elin to stay low in the middle of the controversy. For one, it was a shocking and mortifying experience for her, and considering the golf club incident, she was seething with rage.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
The world was wondering, what went through her mind during the whole ordeal? Did Tiger try to convince her otherwise? Did she think about staying with him despite what had happened? Who can say? One thing’s for sure though, she found many reasons to stay strong.

Through Thick And Thin

With all that had been happening in her life, Elin felt more and more alone. Thankfully, she had her twin sister to turn to. To distance themselves from the trouble, Elin and Josefin went to the French Alps. It was also a way to celebrate their 30th birthday together.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
Elin left her troublesome husband to take care of his upcoming tournament. She felt no particular need to be around to support him.

True Twin Sisters

It might be because they’re twins, but Elin and Josefin have done things together and had a close relationship their whole lives. They have even shared their secrets, and continue to do so.

The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
The truth was that they worked in the same store when Elin got the offer from Mrs. Parnevik. They both ended up getting the job and moved in together to America.

Testing the Waters

The twins took to caring for the Parneviks’ children, at the same time getting ready to secure citizenship. Elin was a natural, getting used to living in America. She even got married to a golf legend.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
But Josefin had trouble adjusting to life in the country. In the end, she moved to England. Here, she found work at a London legal office which proved to be important later on.

Help From Her Twin

Josefin was a great help during Elin’s divorce proceedings. She helped not only in the personal sense but also in the professional. Elin would hire the same legal office where Josefin worked to take of both her divorce and businesses.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
At first, Josefin did not agree with Elin’s decision to get divorced. She thought there was still a chance for her sister to make things work. But Elin was adamant, requesting Josefin to keep working on the proceedings. In the end, Josefin gave in. To this day, she remains with the same legal office.

Many fans were sad that such a dream marriage came to an end. But some couldn't help but think how much Elin would get from the divorce.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
After all, Elin wasn't walking out on just someone. She was divorcing a millionaire cheater. But would she end up a millionaire herself after all the trouble she went through?

The Million Dollar Question

You bet she would! For one, their prenup agreement ensured that Elin would get $20 million. But after everything that happened, that was not enough. The press gave varying reports on how much she would get. The least was $750,000, while the most would be $1 billion.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
In the end, Elin would get an astounding $110 million. This totaled only about a sixth of her husband's total worth. But it amounted to $20 million for every year she spent with him. That's quite hefty, even for celebrity rates.

A Private Hearing

But the divorce proceeding remained inaccessible to the public. The press was barred by the court from entering. This was a good thing for Elin, who wanted to keep things on the hush.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
But it was likely that the oath to silence was paid for by Tiger Woods. Some assume that he requested parties involved to keep things quiet. And for a while, it was effective.

Who Keeps the kids?

It's true that access to the hearing was kept to concerned parties. Of course, that didn't stop them from wondering. Would Elin get sole custody of the kids, or would Tiger?
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
In the end, Elin did not deny partial custody to Tiger. It's true that he was a bad husband. But maybe he wasn't such a bad father. We'd like to think that Elin felt the same.

The Price for Infidelity

Other people wondered regarding the amount paid in the divorce. Elin got $100 million out of it, but no one is sure why. She got way more than their prenup stated.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
We believe Tiger was either given a hint or ordered by the court to pay more. It could have also been compensation for all the suffering he brought to Elin.

Lingering Feelings

While Elin went through a lot during their marriage, she admitted to having some lingering feelings. Tiger was still their kid's dad. And through their troubles, she stayed faithful to him.
The Real Story Behind Tiger Woods and His Ex Wife Relationship
She also owned up to the night of her golf club rage. For Elin, her husband's repeated lies just got the best of her.

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