Tuesday, September 24, 2019

의정 활동을 일방적으로 중단시킨 Boris Johnson수상의 결정은 반헌법적으로 영국최고법원이 판결-너무도 파쇼적인것.

영국의 대법원은, 그동안 수상  Boris Johnson이 일방적으로, 유럽연합탈퇴를 빌미로, 의회활동을 중단시킨, 반헌법적 결정에 대한 심판을 하고, 오늘 그러한 조치는 영국의 헌법을 위반한 반헌법적 조치였었으로 이를 무효로 한다라고 판결한것이다.

지금 Boris 수상은 유엔총회에 참석중인데, 대법원의 위헌 판결로, 의회는 다시 수요일 부터 활동을 재개하기에,  그는 바로 짐을 싸서, 영국으로 되돌아갈 준비를 하고, 수요일 의회 개원에 참석할것이라고 한다.

대법원은 대법관 전원 일치의 판결로 , 의회할동을 중단시킨 수상의 결정은 그효력을 무효화시킨다고 선언한 것이다.

한국의 대법원도, 탈원전 정책을 비롯한 많은 전직공직자들과 대통령을 구속시켜 나라를 어지럽게하고, 경제를 폭망시킨 문재인 대통령에 대해서도 권력남용 유무를  헌법적 차원에서 법리심사를 해서, 나라가 자유민주주의 체제를 계속 이어가도록 했으면 하는 바램이다.

아래에 자세한 내용을 보자.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is refusing to step down amid growing calls for his resignation from leading politicians after the United Kingdom’s high court ruled that his suspension of Parliament amid debate over Brexit was illegal.
Downing St. said Johnson will head back to London from the U.N. General Assembly in New York by the time Parliament resumes on Wednesday.
"I strongly disagree with this decision of the Supreme Court. I have the upmost respect for our judiciary, I don't think this was the right decision," Johnson said in New York. "I think that the prorogation (suspension of Parliament) has been used for centuries without this kind of challenge."
Johnson did not rule out trying to suspend Parliament again.
"As the law currently stands, the U.K. leaves the EU on Oct. 31st come what may, but the exciting thing for us now is to get a good deal. And that is what we are working on," Johnson said. "And, to be honest, it is not made much easier by this kind of stuff in Parliament or in the courts."

In a remarkable decision, the U.K. Supreme Court unanimously declared that Johnson’s order to close Parliament earlier this month was “void and of no effect” and that his government had instead shut down the legislature in an effort to squelch debate on Britain’s divorce from the European Union.
“The suspension was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification,” Supreme Court President Brenda Hale said in a statement.
Immediately after the landmark ruling, opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn led the calls for Johnson’s resignation.
“I invite Boris Johnson, in the historic words, to consider his position,” he said during a party conference Tuesday, adding that Johnson should “become the shortest-serving prime minister there’s ever been.”
Meanwhile, Scottish National Party legislator Joanna Cherry said: "His position is untenable and he should have the guts for once to do the decent thing and resign.”
House of Commons Speaker John Bercow welcomed the historic verdict and said Parliament would resume its business Wednesday morning.
He said the ruling “vindicated the right and duty of Parliament to meet at this crucial time to scrutinize the executive and hold ministers to account.”

In a country without a written constitution, the case marked a rare confrontation between the prime minister, the courts and Parliament over their rights and responsibilities.
It revolved around whether Johnson acted lawfully when he advised the queen to suspend Parliament for five weeks during a crucial time frame before the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline when Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union.
Parliament erupted into chaos earlier this month after following through with Johnson’s threat to suspend the legislature. Days later, legal challenges were issued against Johnson’s government for allegedly “stymieing Parliament” with the suspension.
The government's opponents argued that Johnson illegally shut down Parliament just weeks before the country is due to leave the 28-nation bloc for the "improper purpose" of dodging lawmakers' scrutiny of his Brexit plans.
They also accused Johnson of misleading the queen, whose formal approval was needed to suspend the legislature.
The court rejected the government's assertions that the decision to suspend Parliament until Oct. 14 was routine and not related to Brexit. Government lawyers claimed that under Britain's unwritten constitution, it is a matter for politicians, not courts, to decide.
The court decision Tuesday followed three days of hearings last week.


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