Friday, July 26, 2019

환상적인 Cruise 사진에 현혹되여 booking했다가는 큰 낭패-현실은 완전히 다른.

많은 사람들, 특히 Senior들은 Cruise 여행이 생애 마지막 장식을 하게될것이라는 환상속에 모든것을 던지는 경우가 있다. 물론 많은 재미도 있는것 사실이다. 극장, 환상적인 식당, 쑈무대, 콘써트 그외 수많은 프로그람들이 있는것은 사실이다. 그러나 그러한 광고에 현혹되여 큰 기대를 갖고 cruise여행 떠났다가는 낭패를 당할수 있다. 예약하기전에 광고속의 환상적인 그림과 프로그람, 내용들을 다시한번 점검해보고, 나에게 꼭 맞는 Cruise ship을 선택해야 그러한 낭패를 줄일수 있다.

지난해(2018년도) 난생 처음으로 Alaska Cruise를 했었다. 알라스카하면 의례히 Anchorage까지 가는것으로 간주하고 승선했었는데, 뱅쿠버에서 앵커리지까지 거리의 중간에 있는,알라스카주 Capital City,Juneau까지만 가고,다시 되돌아오는 코스였었다.  이것 하나만 현란한 광고에 넘어갔다는 생각이 들었었다.  실망은 금물이다. 자세하게 꼼꼼히 살피면 최소한 환상적인 꿈에서 깨어날수는 있다고 본다.

아래의 링크를 연결해서 상세한 내용을 알아보고 후속조치를 취하면 좋을것같다.

Boarding the ship – what we think it’s like

When we’ve finally finished packing up all of our clothes, our electronic devices, and pretty much everything else you can think of that you might need on a crazy fun trip like this, the first thing that we have to do is wait in line to get on the cruise ship.

 As you can see here, sometimes a fun little snapshot is in order. And the smiles on these young ladies’ faces would suggest that every moment of boarding the ship is simply peaches and cream. But for those of you thinking about going on a cruise, we’d recommend not trusting the picture you see in front of you too strongly, because boarding a cruise ship isn’t always fun.

Boarding the ship – what it’s really like

Talk about night and day, right? When you consider the last picture you saw, and compare it to what you’re looking at now – you might be in for a dose of reality.

As you can see here, boarding the cruise ship isn’t always such a pleasant experience. Don’t forget, you have to board with hundreds of other people, and that means you have to painstakingly wait in line. Patience is truly a virtue in these types of scenarios, and while standing in line isn’t the worst thing you can do, let’s just say you probably won’t have many picture opportunities.

The hot tub – what we think it’s like

Ahh, what could be better than steaming off nicely in a warm hot tub on a cruise, with clear sunny skies to round out the experience?

As you can see here, this person has enough room in their hot tub to stretch their legs out leisurely – because whether or not you realize it, having room is pretty important to have in these scenarios. This may not be hard to come by if you’re in a private jacuzzi, but when you’re on a cruise ship, it’s not always quite so private.

The pool area – what we think it’s like

It’s probably easy for you to get enchanted by the vibrant colors of this picture, for they are truly captivating. This picture was taken with the sole purpose of selling individuals on the beautiful poolside atmosphere one can enjoy on a cruise – but we want you to take note of something important.

There aren’t that many people in this picture. And very soon, you’ll see that the large quantity of people can change the quality a pool experience.

The pool area – what it’s really like

See what we’re talking about? The picture you looked at only moments ago was truly beautiful, but a big reason for that was because there were no people there.

The reality of the situation is that when you’re on a cruise, the pool is the number one destination for most people, and as you can see – it might be extremely jam packed. Some ships have more than one pool, or an extremely large one – which might be a good pick for those who like to hang out by the pool.

The bedroom – what we think it’s like

For people that have never gone on cruises, it’s hard for them to imagine what the rooms are like. There are some who say that the rooms are actually quite lavish, and based on the picture you see here, this may be true some of the time.

But what about all of those other times? Something tells us that the room you see in front of you is somewhat of a fluke, and when you see the next picture, you’ll see what we mean.

The bedroom – what it’s really like

Cruise ships generally hold hundreds of people, so not all rooms can be big and luxurious. Sure, if you book a bigger room, it won’t be as cramped – but remember ships don’t have quite as much room as hotels do, so it won’t be as large as you might imagine.

Usually, the rooms barely have enough space to hold a queen sized bed, so if plenty of room space is important to you, make sure to check the actual size of the room and not just the pictures.

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