Tuesday, July 09, 2019

이렇게 위험한 도로위를 운전해볼 강심장인가요? 그럼 달려 보시지요.

한번 달려 보시지요. Car Race를 좋아하는 친구들은 생명을 걸고 한번씩 해 볼 가치가  있다고 믿는다면....
길이 험악해서, 또는 Traffic Jam으로 움직일수 없을때....
지구촌에는 상상을 초월하는 최악의 조건을 갖춘 도로들이 생명을 삼킬 기회를 기다리고 있는 아수라장같은 곳으로 보여지는 아래의 도로상황들을 들여다 보자.  천태만상의 만화경같다.

The Pan-American Highway – Alaska-Argentina

This particular road runs from Alaska to South America, making it the longest highway in the world. One part of the road – The Darian Gap – is 60 miles of land with thick, dense, unmonitored rainforest. Located in between Colombia and Panama, it is incredibly dangerous.

Kevin’s Portfolio
There have been many documentaries made that explore the region and how travelers manage to travel across it. Hundreds of people each year flock to see it and admire the nature and passion involved with visiting such a place.

Ruta Nacional 5 – Chile

What makes this road so dangerous isn’t necessarily what it has going on around it. In fact, it’s the total opposite. This road has so little to keep drivers interested that they often find themselves falling asleep at the wheel.

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What’s more, the climate often attracts fog that suffocates the landscape – making visibility nearly impossible. These factors make it one of the most dangerous roads to use – don’t go it alone if you want to reach the other side.

James Dalton Highway – Alaska, USA

This is the first road on our list to appear from the western world – way up in North America’s Alaska. The road is completely isolated with nothing around for miles. That and the bad weather conditions make this a road far less traveled.

If you are unfortunate enough to crash, there are no services around to help you. Without streetlights or cell service, you might just find yourself stranded. You will want to stay well away if you can.

Karnali Highway – Nepal

One-lane highways are dodgy. One-lane highways that wrap themselves around tall mountain ranges are downright alarming. This one-lane highway encircles the mountain ranges of Nepal and is called the Karnali Highway.

Chapter Travel
Home to the tallest mountain on Earth (Mount Everest), Nepal has more than a few roads that would encourage the bravest of us to turn around and drive the other way. It is so dangerous that you’re not allowed to drive on it once the sun goes down.

Adriatic Highway – Croatia

Croatia is one of the most charming places on Earth. Did you know it is the location was chosen of King’s Landing in Game of Thrones? However, mountainous beauty often brings with it dangerous roads. Croatia is no different.

If you find yourself driving along the Adriatic Highway, you find abundant danger. Much of the road doesn’t have a barrier, making it all too easy to accidentally drive off its edges. Next time you drive along it, make sure to have a coffee and stay alert!

Commonwealth Avenue – Philippines

Most of the roads we’ve seen so far have been dangerous due to their infrastructure – but not Commonwealth Avenue. The road, which is located in Quezon City in the Philippines, is totally paved and protected with barriers. So what gives?

Well, it has an amazing 18 lanes, causing five traffic accidents every day. Usually, the drivers are rushing to get to work and don’t have time to play by the rules. Make sure to avoid this dangerous route if you’re ever there.

Stelvio Pass – Italy

Italy might be home to some great wonders – like Mount Vesuvius and Mount Etna – but it also has the entire Alps to play with, too! One road sits along the Alps and takes you directly to a lower region – but beware!

What makes it dangerous is the amount of thin and delicate turns, making you feel as if you’re descending down a dark and twisted road to Hell. When you think of it, you might want to avoid this icy deathtrap.

Paso de los Libertadores – Chile/Argentina

This winding road sits along the Chile and Argentina border and runs up to 10,000 feet high! The reason for its height is that it takes drivers up to the Andes – one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world.

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While it sounds great, it’s actually pretty intimidating. This particular portion of the road is called ‘The Snails’ and has 20 turns in its short distance. Add snow to the mix? Yeah, you’ll want to be careful.

Zoji La Pass – India

Some may say that mountains are some of the most serene parts of nature – but those people aren’t driving down this road! The Zoji La Pass takes you from the Indian State of Jammu providing a link between Ladakh and Kashmir Valley. Overall, it brings you to heights of around 11,000 feet.

Amazing India Blog
For tourists, they visit the road due to how thrilling it is. For the locals, it is a normal part of their daily commute. We would definitely recommend a different route if you find yourself here.

Yungas Road – Bolivia

This driveway has won the fame of adrenaline junkies everywhere with an extraordinary death toll of around 300 people. This amazingly high number of deaths occurred upon travel from La Paz, Bolivia to Corocio. The journey is 43 miles long and is not for those scared by stupidly steep heights.

Plug Daily
For most people, it’s doubtful whether the journey is ever worth the risk. It was recently where the path was replaced with a modern and smoother road – even the smallest bumps would knock people off! Still, without a barrier, we wouldn’t suggest traveling here.

Guoliang Tunnel Road – China

China is a wonderful place. Full of sights like the Yellow Mountains and the “Precipitous Pillars” of the Zhangjiajie, China has multiple naturally occurring attractions. But some of the most beautiful parts of the nation include the artificial areas in nature. For example – the scary cave-dwelling Tunnel Road in Henan Province.

Conde Nast Traveller
This tiny slice of terror was built within a steep mountain ridge that barely has space between the wall and the cliff. The road was built by only 13 people and has been open for a little over 40 years.

Kuandinsky Bridge – Siberia

This is probably one of the scariest roads that are open to the public today. The complete lack of structure and materials make it known that you better have a good reason for crossing this thing! When driving across this bridge, there are literally no safety concerns to consider.

According to local sources, only 35 people have successfully crossed it in its history. Let’s hope the person in this photograph is one of them! Would you cross this bridge?

We all love dangerous roads and road trips. To explore parts of the world unknown is a fantastic way to leave your comfort zone. What better way to see the world?
Sometimes, you’ll leave your comfort zone way back home!

Norway Travel Blog

Here are some roads that are definitely different than what you are probably used to. Whereas we think these are dangerous – for some it’s just their commute to work each day! Would you drive along these roads? Check out some of the craziest roads we could find.


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