Monday, July 29, 2019

러시아,중국이 왜 동해의 작은 섬들(독도)분쟁에 뛰어들어 늑대같은짖을 하는가. 문정부는 완전 무시당하고..

지난 화요일, 중국과 러시아가 합동군사 훈련을 핑계대고, 요즘 독도의 소유권 문제가 한국과 일본사이가 첨예하게 대립하고 있는 사이에 끼어들어, 독도상공을 선회하자, 한국공군투기들이 긴급출동하여, 한국전투기들은 360여발의 경고사격을 가했었다고 발표했었다.  한편 일본도 다케시마(한국명 독도)영유권을 주장하면서, 전투기를 발진 시켰었다고 한다. 러시아는 적반하장으로 영공침범한적이 없고, 한국의 전투기 출격을 맹비난하고 있다.  러시아와 중국의 주장은, 한국은 이번사건에서 아예 침범을 당한 당사자로 취급도 하지 않은, 철저히 외면 당한 양상이다.  한국,일본 그리고 미국의 반응을 점검한 작전인것 같았다.

일본은 한국의 전투기가 출격하여 일본 소유의 다케시마(독도)영공을 불법침입 했다고 맹비난을 퍼붓는, 그야말로 한국은 동네북 신세를 면치 못하고 완전 주객전도가 되었어도 벙어리가 된채 눈치만 보고있는 형국이다. 대한민국이 경제 10대국이 정말로 맞는 소리인가?

독도와 그주변의 조그만 섬들의 소유권을 놓고, 한 일간은 첨예하게 대립하고있으나, 이번 러시아의 정보탐지비행기의 독도 상공 비행에 대해서도 협조나 협의없이, 너는 너, 나는 나 식으로 막연히 절대로 용납할수 없다는 입장이다.

갈수록 중국과 러시아는 인근주변 국가들에 힘을 과시하면서, 관련된 인접국들의 힘이 약한틈을 타서, 기습작전을 세워 자기네 영토로 귀속시키는 나쁜짖들을 서슴없이 해대고 있다.  그중의 하나가, 러시아는 유크라이나의 크림반도를 기습작전으로 러이사영토로 만들었고,  중국은 필리핀 해협의 남지나 공해상의 해로를 자기로 영토로 주장, 관련국인 필리핀, 자유중국, 그리고 베트남과 첨예하게 군사적 또는 외교적으로 대립하고 있는 상태다.

이럴때 일수록 한국은 미국과의 동맹관계, 일본과의 동맹관계를 더 가까이 해서 한치의 영토라도 뺏겨서는 안된다는 각오로 국정을 살펴야 하는데, 문재인 정부는, 가까이는 이북의 김정은 괴뢰정권에 3/8선 방어설비를 다 걷어내고 남침 할수있는 고속도로를 깔아주는 멍청한 짖과 NLL도 양보하여, 서해 연평도 부근의 대한민국 영토, 함박도를 북괴에 넘겨준 망국적 행위외에도 이번 러시아 중국 전투기의 독도 영공침범에도 아직까지 한마디 항의나 이를 되찾겠다는 정부의 의지는 전연 보이지 않는다.

문재인 정부의 좌파정책때문에 골치를 앓고있는 미국도 한일간의 독도분쟁에 쉽게 끼어들 기미는 안보이고,  세계 각처에 이와 비슷한 영토분쟁이 일어나고 있어, 한국에만 신경쓸 여유가 많지 않다는점을 러시아와 중국이 시험삼아, 독도영공을 침범하면서 미국의 반응을 보는것으로 여겨진다. 아직까지 이번 영공침공사건에 미국에서는 공식적으로 항의 한것은 없다.

문재인 좌파정부의 파행정책 때문에 미국과 일본으로 부터 팽당하고, 중국과 러시아에서도 열외로 취급당해, 고래싸움에 새우등 터지는격이 되고있는 한국의 앞날이 풍전등화같은 위기다.
아래 CNN의 기사는 정말로 가슴이 섬뜩하게한다. 아래 기사를 보자.

Hong Kong (CNN)While Japan and South Korea may not agree on who owns a cluster of tiny, rocky islands off their coastlines, they do agree that Russian bombers shouldn't be flying above them.
The remote Pacific outcrop, called the Dokdo Islands in South Korea and the Takeshima Islands in Japan, made headlines Tuesday following an alleged violation of the airspace above them by a Russian jet.
South Korea said its fighter jets fired hundreds of warning shots at the Russian A-50 radar and intelligence plane after officials in Seoul say it twice entered the 12-nautical-mile limit that South Korea considers its airspace around the islands.
    Moscow has furiously denied Seoul's account of the encounter, claiming that South Korean military jets recklessly intercepted two of its bombers during a first-of-its-kind military exercise with China over neutral waters.
    Two Chinese long-range bombers were flying with the Russians as part of a joint exercise, which Beijing said complied with international law. A Russian general denied that any warning shots were fired and said the involvement of the A-50 was only to support the overall mission.
    The islands may be just the wedge Moscow needs to further splinter the United States' most important security relationship in Asia, and distract Washington from other parts of the world currently higher on Russia's agenda.
    Like South Korea, Japan also scrambled fighter jets to intercept the Russian and Chinese warplanes. And like South Korea, Japan agreed the Russian A-50 airborne warning and control jet (AWACS) had violated airspace. But that's where the similarities end.
    As far as Japan is concerned, the islands belong to Japan. Therefore, according to Japanese officials, Russian jets had entered Japanese airspace -- and what's more, South Korean fighter jets had no business firing aircraft cannons over Japanese territory.
    The highly contentious incident comes as Washington is trying to bring together South Korea and Japan -- its two closest Asian allies -- as partners to push back against increasing Chinese influence in Asia, the Pacific and beyond.
    It also comes as Japan and South Korea are embroiled in a series of disputes, including a widening trade row over materials to make memory chips for cell phones and a spat stemming from colonial-era reparations.
    Which takes us back to the islands -- and a dispute which dates back centuries.

    A dispute dating to the 17th century

    The disputed Dokdo/Takeshima islands
    A Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs primer on the islands claims they have been part of Japan since the 1600s, when ships were sent there to hunt sea lions and harvest abalone.
    Formal incorporation into Japan came in 1905, when the Japanese Cabinet, seeing a burgeoning business in sea lions, made the islands part of Shimane prefecture to license and tax the hunt.
    Additionally, according to the primer, Washington recognized the islands as Japanese in the 1952 Treaty of San Francisco, which established the post-World War II order in Asia. The US specifically excluded the islands from other territories it said Japan, which occupied the Korean Peninsula in World War II, should return to Seoul, the primer says.
    South Korea says its claims go back hundreds of years before Japan's. The Dokdo Research Institute in Seoul quotes texts from the 15th century that refer to the islands as Korean. The Dokdo website adds that Japanese Navy maps from the late 1800s show the islands as Korean. And in 1906, Korea formally made the islands part of Gyeongsangnam-do province, it says.
    South Korea cemented its claim for control over the islands in the 1950s, when it stationed a rotating contingent of semi-permanent armed guards there.
    The islands, which are largely barren and uninhabited, have continued to divide the two countries throughout the postwar period.

    A tool for Russia

    Japan and South Korea have not been able to resolve the Dokdo-Takeshima dispute via any international legal forum, the basis of what Washington calls "the rules-based order" that governs how the US approaches conflicts, for instance in the South China Sea or Crimea.
    If they can't work out their own dispute, can they really help Washington make the case for the "rules-based order" elsewhere?
    And analysts say that's a wedge that Russia could exploit.
    "The Russian intention may have been to discourage America's Asian allies from working closely with the United States in other parts of the world that could affect Russian interests," said Timothy Heath, a senior analyst in Washington with the Rand Corp. think tank.
    One such example is North Korea, which on Thursday launched two missiles toward the East Sea, also called the Sea of Japan. The first flew approximately 430 kilometers (265 miles), while the second flew 690 kilometers (428 miles), South Korean officials said.
    Thursday's launches came as US national security adviser John Bolton -- a noted hawk on North Korea -- visited South Korea to discuss bilateral strategic issues.
    "Bolton was scheduled to talk mainly about including the Asian allies in efforts to monitor and pressure Iran, something Russia opposes," Heath said.
    Conflict between Japan and South Korea could complicate those discussions and force the US to spend more time mediating between the Asian allies and preparing responses to the incident, said Heath.

    Big Russian intelligence haul

    The incident could also have provided an intelligence bonanza for Russia, another analyst said.
    The Russian A-50 that is alleged to have flown into disputed airspace is equipped with an array of radars and monitoring instruments which could potentially detect key details of how South Korea could deploy and communicate with its forces in a full-blown combat situation.
    Russian A-50 AWACS command and control aircraft as photographed by Japanese jets on Tuesday.
    "The A-50 will have been collecting electronic signals intelligence from the radio communications, the radars on the intercepting aircraft, the ground-based air surveillance radars and the command and control network," said Peter Layton, a former Royal Australian Air Force pilot and fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute.
    "This mission will have given (Russia) a comprehensive map of the ROK national air defense system," he said.
    Other analysts point to another message to Washington from Tuesday's incident.
    "The most significant strategic aspect of this incident is it highlights a new and higher level of Sino-Russian military cooperation," said Carl Schuster, a former US Navy captain and former director of operations at the US Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Center.
    Artyom Lukin, an international relations scholar at Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, said Moscow and Beijing have been steadily ramping up what he described as a "quasi-alliance." He described the incident as one designed to showcase their shared power, "sending a message to Tokyo, Seoul and Washington."
    Lukin called the Russia-China mission "bold and provocative."

    Something Washington has been dreading

    The analyses of Schuster and Lukin point to something that Washington has long feared -- or even predicted -- a closer alliance between two allies traditionally at odds with the US.
    "China and Russia are more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s, and the relationship is likely to strengthen in the coming year," Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told a US Senate committee in January.
      "As China and Russia seek to expand their global influence, they are eroding once well-established security norms and increasing the risk of regional conflicts, particularly in the Middle East and East Asia," Coats told the senators.
      That's what the world saw Tuesday morning over some tiny islands that few people outside of South Korea and Japan had even heard of.

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