Tuesday, April 30, 2019

마침내 인류고고학자들이 Pyramids의 신비함의 비밀을 찾아 낼수있을까? 확실한 믿음이 관건인데...

지구상에서 쉽게 믿어지지 않는, 이해하기 어려운 여러곳에 있는 인류가 만든 유적중의 하나가, 이집트, Giza지역에 있는 Pyrimids이다.  오랫동안 지구상에서 존재하는 희한안 궁금증에 쌓여있는 이 피라밋에 대한 의문은 인류가 가장 궁금해 하는 질문들이다. 어떻게 해서 피마밋이 그곳에 건축됐을까? 그리고  어느 누가 거대한 피라밋을 창조해 냈을까? 아직까지는 수많은 의문점에 대한 약간의 제약적인 해답들이 있을 뿐이다.  고고학자들의 가설을 그대로 믿는다는것도 쉽게 수긍이 가는 대답이 될수는 없고.... 암튼 궁금증이 더 증폭될 뿐이다.

Pyramids와 Sphinx는 오래전에 이집트 남쪽 지방과 북쪽의 지중해 연안에 접해있는 이집트 제2의 도시, Alexandria를 방문해서 여행 기행문을 당시의 웹싸이트, ahaidea.com 에 올렸었는데, 어찌된 영문인지 싸이트 자체가 없어져 버려 무척 아쉽기만 하다.


어렵게 자료를  일부 찾았는데, 그나마 사진은 완전히 다 없어져, 더 아쉽기만 하다.

아래의 Sphinx를 비롯한  Pyrimids를 둘러싼 관련 내용들을 살펴 보면 이해하는데 도움이 될것 같다.

Secrets Of The Sphinx

Although evidence suggests the Egyptians built the pyramids, there are some signs they  could’ve been built long before the time of the Pharaohs. Gerry Cannon and Malcolm Hutton believe that the Sphinx must have been carved out of natural rock. “You can’t carve a rock when it’s under sand,” Cannon said. “When it was not under sand was about 12,000 years ago and the Egyptians weren’t there.”

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Secrets Of The Sphinx

Who Built Them?

Early Greek theorists thought that the Egyptians used slaves to construct the pyramids. This was a theory that many subscribed to for years. Historians such as Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus wrote detailed accounts of how the pyramids could have come to be. The groundbreaking book from the 5th Century BC illustrated just how ahead of his time he really was…

Who Built Them?

The Most Reliable Information?

Herodotus’ accounts of the construction of the pyramids are still considered the most reliable documents surrounding the topic to this day. However, over time, archaeologists have become more and more skeptical about his work, as they believe it only gives one side to a multifaceted story…

The Most Reliable Information?

Best Of The Best

For a long time, many Egyptologists and historians have agreed on certain details about the historical context surrounding the construction. The general consensus is that it was the Pharaohs who ordered the structures to be built and that they hired the most respected architects and engineers of their time to oversee preparations. However, it was the slaves who were ordered to do the heavy labor. Another popular belief revolves around some of the construction techniques that were implemented…

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Best Of The Best

Construction Techniques

Theorists have conflicting ideas about the circumstances in which the pyramids were built. But many share similar details, specifically some of the techniques that were believed to have been used by the builders. The main similarity is the idea that workers painstakingly carved boulders with copper chisels. Then, the final product was dragged and lifted as the overseer saw fit. However, is there any possibility that it wasn’t actually the Egyptians? Could it have been somebody else who built them?

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Construction Techniques

Aliens Built The Pyramids?

Although it’s outside the box, many speculators genuinely believe it’s possible that extraterrestrials had a part to play in the construction of the Pyramids of Giza. Some of the reasons behind this include the eerily accurate alignment the structures have with Orion’s Belt. Also, the pyramids are in much better condition than many of those that were built hundreds of years later. However, who’s to say that another group of humans weren’t responsible for their construction?

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Aliens Built The Pyramids?

Hebrew Slaves?

Early signs of who may have constructed the pyramids can be traced back to Biblical times. In the book of Exodus, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Although this suggests that the Hebrews may have been ordered to build the pyramids for the Egyptians, historians will be quick to address this misconception. According to most archeological research, the Giza pyramids were built around 2580BC. The Israelites, however, weren’t slaves until the 13th Century BCE. The numbers simply don’t line up…

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Hebrew Slaves?

Was It Really The Egyptians?

This could imply that the ancient structures are much older than archeologists originally anticipated and that an earlier civilization may have constructed the pyramids. “Nobody knows who was there 12,000 years ago,” Cannon said. “It had to have been done by a civilization that was more advanced than any of us.” Naturally, Egyptian authorities were quick to shoot down the pair’s wild theory. However, this doesn’t mean that there are some more logical theories in circulation…

Was It Really The Egyptians?

Pyramid Of Power

One of the most respected Egyptologists of his generation, Miroslav Verner, theorized that a hierarchy must’ve been put in place to create the pyramids. He believed that it probably took over 100,000 men, who were divided into a variety of teams with different purposes, and then more divisions related to individual skills. The theory implied that, in a way, those who constructed the pyramids had roles that were organized in the style of a pyramid. But there was more to the intricacies of the Egyptian operation…

Pyramid Of Power

Finding The Truth

The legends of Ancient Egypt have captured the imagination of millions over the years, with many people dedicating their lives to unearthing the truth of these mysterious pyramids. Many have theorized about how the magnificent structures came to be, with the three main arguments revolving around whether the blocks used to build them were lifted, rolled or dragged to their planned location. However, there was one specific group of people who had the most convincing theories of all…


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