Saturday, December 08, 2018

Speyside area, Kythera Hiking Trail Trekking with compact team of friends on a sunny but cold day.

It was quite chilly day with light snowing but bright sunshine which unusual during winter season. I believed it was a gift given us after rain and wet days on every Saturday for 2 weeks in a row.

 This area of Bruce Trail is pretty much flat but rocky which could be a bit risky trekking on during snow covered like today. But we managed very well conquering these circumstances that everybody had felt thrill and breathed fresh air which made us smell as much like as playing on route covered by fragrances.


Yee-jang( Team leader) is pointing at Eastern sky where a dead tree stands,explaining the reason why the tree had to be died that was attacked by wood peckers a long time ago.

Kyo-jang snapped me that looked so comfortable but was looking at without certain points.

 This is not a pine tree but a unknown weeds conquering snow with cold weather, keeping greenery that I gazed for a while. I encouraged it not to get frozen during cold winter season. Who knows that my prayer would be accepted and survived through.

Bunny and Lunar were packing lunch box after eaten up lunch which was much like a gourmet. Thank you so much for you guys prepared these tasteful lunch which was still kept warm.

Kyo-Jang(Principal of Primary) was so busy taking pictures of scenery with opened widely to him.  This scene is a format he was photographed of pond covered ice and snow which made us feel so peaceful.

 A bunch of upsidedowned dead tree was shown to me as a donky with big burden on his waist.
This stump below looks so old that maybe over 100 or 200 years have sat here which is very rare to exist so long like this. Seeing this I hoped snow should be fallen right away and covered whole so be protected from getting rottened.

 Can you imagine what it looks like?  I felt it as if Eiffel tower has been moved to here by the creator just today for us to enjoy it.

Snow covered pond sat near by parking lot has still vomitted a lots of water to fill the Lake Ontario that I felt that way as if real. Icicles with beautiful mosaic is boasting that lured me to jump into stream to catch one of them. So fantastic with it's forms.

Trekkers were looking at Water Falls flowing down with sounds thunderous.

 I saw the very impressed notice that says that 'Donor plaque Garden under Construction'. Surrounding this notice there were several plaques from the variety of donors like a bank to individuals. I wishes one day TKPC members can join with these donation groups before not too late.

 This dead old tree would recognize me of desire until my dream come true that I don't know when will be.  Sunshine today with us until we finish our planed trekking was over that I felt so lucky under guidance of our creator, God.

I met a trekker by chance at the parking lot while preparing to leave for home after trail walk was over. He was from Hamilton,I was told. Actually he started to walk since 7AM in the morning, saying 25KM he walked. I checked our distance we walked through function from my cell phone that showed about 12 KM which was not bad.

Under way home we dropped by Tim Horton's taking a cup of coffee that has been so much familiar for a long time as routine after. Bye till we walk again.

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