Saturday, July 14, 2018

복권 당첨 때문에 숙모와 조카간 법정싸움 시작. 돈이 뭐길래...치사한 인간의 본모습을 보는것 같다.

1백 20만 달러의 복권 당첨에서, 숙모는 조카에게 절반을 주기 싫어 법정투쟁할것을 선언한 사건이 캐나다의 Nova Scotia주에서 최근 발생하여, 돈이 뭐길래 이런 혈육간의 피나는 법정 전쟁이 시동을 걸고 있는걸까?라는 많은 사람들의 시선이 집중되고 있다.

숙모 Reddick은 복권 당첨되면 조카에게 절반을 주겠다는 약속을 한적이 없다고 주장한다.이에 대한 조카,Tyrone MacInnis는 복권에 같이 서명했기에 당연히 절반은 자기몫이라고 주장한다.

Nova Scotia의 조그만 마을, 3,400명이 살고있는 Margaree Forks, 옛날처럼 조용한, 인심좋은 마을이 변할 것임을 걱정하는것 같아 보인다.

숙모는 내일 당장에 변호사를 선임하겠다고 하면서, 조카가 거짖말을 하고 있다고 주장한다.
조카는 기자회견에서 당연히 서명했기에 절반은 자기몫이라고 주장하고 있다.

복권회사는 복권에 한명 이상의 서명이 들어 있는 경우는 흔치 않은 일로, 이런경우는 우리가 생각하기로는, 똑같이 나누어 소유하는게 이치에 맞는것으로 생각한다고  미디아와의 회견에서 설명한다.  그러나 우리복권공사로서는 당첨된 복권소유자에 상금을 지급했기에 우리로서는 할일을 다 했다. 더이상 이에 휩쓸리고 싶지 않다라고.

분명한것은 이들 두사람이 복권을 나누어 갖거나 말거나 주위를 흐믓하게 하는 결과는 나오지 않을 것이라는 예측이 든다. 이미 이돈은 신성한 그가치를 잃었기 때문이다.

A Canadian woman's first act upon winning the lottery was to threaten to sue her nephew for his half of the C$1.2m ($912,000; £690,000) win.
"See you in court," Barbara Reddick told Tyrone MacInnis as they both posed with the giant novelty cheque in Nova Scotia province.
Both their names were on the winning ticket from Wednesday night's "Chase the Ace" draw.
But Ms Reddick claims she never promised to split the jackpot with him.
"I'm taking him to court," she told those gathered at the winners' ceremony on Thursday in Margaree Forks, a small community of about 3,400 people, according to the CBC.
"I'm getting a lawyer tomorrow."
She denied the two had had an agreement.
But her nephew told reporters: "Yes, we did."
Ms Reddick said: "He's lying."
She said she just put her nephew's name on the ticket for luck "because he's like a son to me - he was".
Ms Reddick told reporters she only promised to share possible winnings from a smaller draw, not the jackpot.
"He was lucky, but not for half a million dollars," she said.
Bernice Curley, chairwoman of the Margaree Forks Chase the Ace committee, said she was taken aback by the family feud.
"I'm a little bit disappointed that happened at the end," she told CBC.
Chase the Ace is a lottery game popular all over Canada's east coast, and often raises money for charity, in this instance for the regional fire services.
She maintained the pair had no prior discussion about splitting the win, and that she recently bought him a car and had been helping him pay for college.
But the provincial agency that oversees lottery and gambling suggested there was little Ms Reddick could do.
In a statement to the BBC, the agency said it is not uncommon for more than one name to be listed on a ticket in these kinds of lotteries.
"In these instances, we expect the licensee to split the prize equally amongst those named on the winning ticket," it stated.
"From our perspective, the prize has been awarded and the lottery is concluded."

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