Tuesday, July 10, 2018

의사들 설명, "임산부들 자연분만의 고통을 덜기위해 제왕절개 선택 권리있다." - 창조주에 도전?

"자 한번만 더 힘주세요". 뼈를 깍는고통. 수박한덩이 크기와 같은, 보통 맛있고 친근한 수박이 아닌, 그어떤것을 그곳을 통해 밀어낸다는 상상을 해 보자.

요즘 캐나다에서는 자연분만보다는 제왕절개수술이 성행하고 있고, 캐나다 전체적으로는 출산율은 더 떨어지고 있다는 통계가 나왔다.

특히 노산인 경우 제왕절개 수술을 많이 하는 추세라고  의사들은 설명하고 있다.
그러나 제왕절개수술로 아이를 분만하겠다고 결정하기전에, 산모와 관련의사들, 관계자들은 두려움함께 여러상상들을 포함한 제반 사항들을 잘 이해해서 최종 결정을 해야 한다고 주의를 당부하고 있다.

자연분만을 하지않고 아랫배쪽을 갈라서 즉 제왕절개수술로  아이를 분만할 경우 수술상의 문제와 마취들의 위험이 뒤따를수 있다고 주의를 환기 시키고 있다. 그뿐만이 아이고 장차 또 아이를 출산하길 원하는 경우 더 문제가 많을수도 있고, 특히 모유로 양육시키는 기회가 적게되고, 반대로 신생아는 아스마라는 질병에 걸릴 위험이 높아진다고 경종을 울리고 있다.

신생아 분만에는 항상 산모와 아이의 건강이 우선시 돼야함을  염두에 두어야 한다는 결론이다.

영국의 The Royal College of Midwives에서는 신생아 양육에 우유를 먹이는것은 산모의 선택권으로 존중해 주어야 한다 라고 성명서를 발표한바 있다.

병든자들을 치료하기위해 병원은 존재한다.  자연분만은 창조주의 뜻이고, 다른 동물의 세계에서는 제왕절개수술을 해서 새끼를 낳았다는 뉴스는 아직 들어 보지못했다. 산모의 건강이 먼저 생각해야 할 문제이기 때문에 의사들이 선택해서  자유분만, 제왕절개 수술등의 방법을 통해서 신생아가 세상에 태어나지만, 분만의 고통을 덜기위해, 건강한 산모임에도 굳이 제왕절개 수술을 선호 한다면, 생각해 보아야 할 문제가 아닐까? 성장기에 아스마, 또는 인내심 부족들의 후유증이 뒤따를수 있다면, 엄마로서의 선택은 선명할것이다.


날이갈수록 많은 임산부들, 자연분만피하고 제왕절개수술 선택한다.

The pushing. The pain. The idea of forcing something the size of a watermelon through an opening that is ... normally not watermelon-friendly.

A vaginal birth can be intimidating, and while a caesarean birth (or C-section) is still considered major surgery with its own risks, more and more Canadians are electing to give birth under the knife.
In light of this, Canada's obstetricians and gynecologists have softened their previous position that C-sections should only be performed when there's a medical reason for one. In a new statement issued Tuesday, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) now emphasize that how a woman gives birth should be a mutual decision, made "without bias or coercion."
"All maternal health care providers need to understand and hear the reasons why some women consider pre-planned caesareans the best option for them. This includes understanding the person's values, fears and concerns," Dr. Jennifer Blake, CEO, SOGC, said in a news release.
"But any final decision should not be made until women are equipped with the most up-to-date and evidence-based information to help them make such an important decision about how their baby will be born."

C-section rates have climbed in Canada

C-sections are the most common inpatient surgical procedures performed in Canadian hospitals, according to new data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). Last year, 28.2 per cent of hospital births in Canada were performed by C-section, up from 26.7 per cent ten years ago. The rate was 19 per cent in 1997, according to the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada.
Women age 35 and older were more likely to have a primary C-section than younger women, according to 2015-2016 data from the CIHI.
"Each hospital needs to understand the contributing factors to caesarean sections in its population, but the ultimate goal will always be to have a healthy mother and baby," the SOGC's Blake said in a CIHI news release.

There are still risks to C-sections


A C-section, where a baby is delivered through a surgical opening in the lower abdomen instead of through the vagina, includes risks associated with major surgery and anesthesia, the SOGC notes. There are also potential longer-term risks that could complicate future pregnancies, and elective C-sections are associated with a decrease in breastfeeding and an increased risk of asthma in babies, the SOGC said.
But the SOGC also noted that elective C-sections have a lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage or complications compared to emergency C-sections. And — bonus! — a planned C-section before labour begins could "reduce the lifetime risk of urinary incontinence."
Women who want a planned C-section need to be "fully briefed" on the pros and cons, the SOGC said Tuesday.
"Some physicians may not agree with the request because of ethical or medical reasons. But if a patient decides they want to go ahead with the procedure, contrary to the wishes of their doctor, that doctor has a responsibility to refer the patient for a second opinion or transfer care," Blake said in Tuesday's statement.


More emphasis on choice lately

This latest statement from the SOGC is part of a worldwide trend encouraging more choice in childbirth and caring for infants.
Earlier this month, the The Royal College of Midwives in the U.K. issued a position statement emphasizing that the decision to bottle feed is a woman's choice that must be respected. The statement is significant because medical communities tend to advocate for breastfeeding's health benefits, but the reality is not all mothers are able to do, or wish to do so.
And in February, the World Health Organization said that women should be more involved in the decision-making when it comes to giving birth, including choosing their own birth position and being involved in pain control.
"Even when a medical intervention is wanted or needed, the inclusion of women in making decisions about the care they receive is important to ensure that they meet their goal of a positive childbirth experience," Ian Askew, WHO Director, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, said in a news release.


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