Tuesday, June 12, 2018

세기적 만남-트럼프와 김정은,비핵화를위한 굳은악수를 했다.Followup이 관건.쌓였던 오해가 만남으로 풀린것같다.

옛말이 하나도 틀림없다는것을 다시 확인하는,  미북 정상들의 세기적 만남에서 보았기 때문이다.

결론부터 얘기 한다면 "Complete,Verifiable,Irreversible,Denuclearization(CVID)를 실행하기로 한 전제조건하에, 이번 세기적 회담이 열렸었는데, 직접 만나서 회담을 해보니, 또 상황이 꼭 그렇게 단호하게 몰아 부쳐서까지 해결을 보지 않아도 그가능성이 보였기 때문일수도 있어, 한발 물러선것으로 회담을 성사시켰는지는, 확실히 알수는 현재로서는 없는것으로 판단된다.

더 자세히 논하자면 4/27판문점 선언에서, 문재인 대통령과 김정은간에 합의한 내용에서 한발짝도 더 구체적으로 합의된것은 없다고 보는쪽으로 이해된다.  

비핵화를 하겠다고 합의문에 확실하게 새겨놓고, 양 정상이 서명까지 했으니, 신빙성은 더 있어 보인다. 그리고 후속조치로 비핵화 실천방안을  논의하기위한 실무자들간의  회담은 계속된다는 점에서 실천의지의 무게는 더 실리는것으로 보인다.

이번 6/12회담에서 얻어낸 가장큰 성과는, 메가톤급 핵폭탄을 주고 받은것 이상으로, 거칠고 심한말(Talk)로 서로 비난하고 위협했었지만, 실제로 얼굴을 맞대고 대화를 하면서, 서로간에 오해와 상처가 있었던점들을 이해하고, 상대방의 의중을 읽을수 있었던점이라고 할수 있겠다.

개인과 개인간에도, 정상들과의 관계에서도, 전화나 화상통화에서는 진전이 없이 꽉 막혔던 Negotiation에서도,서로 얼굴을 맞대고 상대방의 의중을 직접 탐색하면서, 대화를  나누었을경우, 해결의 실마리를 찾고, 그뒤부터는 모든게 일사천리로 물흐르듯 잘 성사되곤  했던 경험들이 있음을  상기시켜볼 필요가 있다.

Deal을 성사 시키는데는, 때로는 당근도 주고, 채찍도 필요하다.  즉 달래기도하고 강압적인 분위기도 필요하다는 뜻이다. 문제는 아무리 달콤한 내용의 합의문을 만들었다해도 진정성을 잃어버리면, 끝까지 감시의 눈을 피할수 없이, 자의적으로 진행한다기보다는 끌려가는 기분으로 진행시킨다는 점에서 마음에 있었던 의지와는 다른 방향으로 갈수도 있다는 점이다. 마치 청개구리처럼.

북한과의 비핵화를 위한 합의문은 열손가락으로 헤아릴수 없을 정도로 많이 만들었었지만, 한번도 진성을 갖고 이의 실천을 위해 성의를 보인적이 없다는 기록이 생생하다.  가깝게는 4/27판문점 선언후, 바로 속개하기로 합의했던 남북간 고위급 회담을, 한미군사훈련을 핑계를 대어, 북한은 일방적으로 파기했었다. 합의문 작성시 김정은이는 한미간 계속적인 군사훈련은 해도 좋다고 고개를 끄덕였었다.

Trump 대통령이 언급해왔던 한마디가 뚜렷히 기억된다. "One Shot"즉 단 한번뿐이다라는 뜻이다.
과거에 겪었던것처럼 질질 끌려 다니지만은 않겠다는 의지로 보여진다. 이의 실행을 위해, 내가 보기에는 회담후 트럼프는 정은니에 방탄용 리무진내부까지 보여줬고, 또 Deal 이행이 잘되면, 백악관에 초청하겠다는 당근도 쥐어주는 성의를 보였다고 본다.  그러면서도 경제봉쇄는 당장에 풀어주겠다는 언급은 없었다.

이번 미북간 정상들의 Singapore선언으로 한국의 좌파정권은 오늘 치러지는 선거에서, 숫자로 계산할수없는 Bonanza를 받아, 보수진영을 완전히 패배시키고, Landslide를 거둘것으로 예측되는데, 이는 바로 촛불꾼들과 좌파정치꾼들에게 날개를 달아주는 겪이 되여,  당장에 통일이 될것같은 환상에 젖어, 미국을 비롯한 UN의 초강경 경제봉쇄 정책을 외면하고 퍼주기식으로 정책을 밀고나간다면, 안보면에서 무척 걱정될것 같다. 그렇치 않아도 좌파 문통정부는 계속 한반도 안보면에서 맹방인 미국과 일본에  어긋장나는 행동을 계속해왔던 점이 마음에 걸리고있는 중이라서.

트럼프대통령과 한국의 문통 좌파 정부는, 김정은이가 비핵화에 합의 했다는 점도 높이 평가할수 있겠지만, 그는집권후, 그의 고모부를 포함하여 140명이 넘는 고위급 보좌관들을 총살시켰고, 최근에는  그의 이복형, 정남이를 청부살해시켰고, 북한주민들의 인권은 철저히 무시해왔고,세계평화에 위협되는 행동을 계속해왔다는점을 절대로 잊지말기를 부탁한다.

어쨋던, 트럼프 대통령이 기자회견에서 발표한것 처럼, 후속조치로 이어지는 실무자들의 협상에서 세계평화와 북한주민들의 배고픔과 인권문제들이, 그리고 지금도 이북에 묻혀있는 6/25참전 미군들의 유해송환작업이 더불어 순조롭게 진행되기를 기대한다.

이상이 이곳 북미시간으로 새벽2시까지 TV에 딱 붙어서 경청하고 느낀 나의 생각이었다.

Singapore (CNN)Nearly five hours of unprecedented and surreal talks between US President Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un culminated on Tuesday with fulsome declarations of a new friendship but just vague pledges of nuclear disarmament.
For Trump, that amounted to a triumphant outcome in his extraordinary gamble with the rogue kingdom's despotic leader. But there were scant details on what new commitments had been secured from Kim, even as Trump announced he would end the regular military exercises the US conducts with South Korea.
Whether nuclear disarmament is indeed the final outcome of Tuesday's summit won't be known for years, if not decades. But the dramatic act of extending his hand to one of America's longtime adversaries will forever illustrate Trump's gut-driven, norm-shattering tenure.
"We both want to do something. We both are going to do something. And we have developed a very special bond," Trump said at the conclusion of the landmark summit. "People are going to be very impressed. People are going to be very happy."
The document he and Kim signed said the North Korean leader "reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." In exchange, Trump agreed to "provide security guarantees" to North Korea.
But there was no mentioning the previous US aim of "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization." And Kim's commitments did not appear to go beyond what he already pledged to do in April when he met South Korean President Moon Jae-in along their countries' border.
Trump insisted during a news conference the agreement went further than many people expected. But he acknowledged the effort to rid North Korea of its nuclear arsenal was in its early stages.
"We will do it as fast as it can mechanically and physically be done," he said.
More critical, in Trump's telling, was the development of a personal bond with Kim, a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths not only of his own citizens but of at least one American, Otto Warmbier, who was returned to the US in a coma only to die days later.
"I think our whole relationship with North Korea and the Korean Peninsula is going to be a very much different situation than it has in the past," Trump said during the summit.
Later, during his news conference, Trump said Warmbier's death contributed to the summit taking place.
"Without Otto, this would not have happened," Trump said.
Trump and Kim -- both intent on making history -- greeted each other early in the day with extended hands in front of a row of US and North Korean flags, a previously unthinkable sight that reflects a new chapter in the two countries' acrimonious relationship.
Trump's threats to politely walk out of the meeting if his expectations were unmet did not materialize. Instead he predicted he could "solve a big problem, a big dilemma" alongside his new partner.
"Working together, we'll get it taken care of," Trump said. 
The remarks came amid an improbable series of events that few could have anticipated even three months ago. The unlikely images of US and North Korean counterparts engaging in friendly dialogue lent the day an air of unreality. In a detailed menu, the White House said the men were served Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Other unforeseen events also surrounded the summit, increasing the drama. Minutes before the historic handshake, Trump tweeted that his top economic adviser Larry Kudlow had suffered a heart attack. Immediately after the encounter, Dennis Rodman -- one of the only Americans to have met Kim -- was openly weeping while being interviewed by CNN's Chris Cuomo.
Even Kim seemed to acknowledge the surreality of the day.
"Many people in the world will think of this as a (inaudible) form of fantasy ... from a science fiction movie," his translator was overheard saying as the two leaders walked down a white-columned colonnade.
At the conclusion of the summit, Trump hailed the talks as a historic, and personal, achievement.
"We learned a lot about each other and our countries," Trump said. "I learned he's a very talented man."
When pressed about those comments in light of Kim's brutal tactics, Trump continued praising the North Korean leaders' ability to run a country at a young age.
"He is very talented," Trump said, citing Kim's ability to "take over a situation like he did at 26 years of age and run it, and run it tough."
Kim assumed power after his father Kim Jong Il, also a brutal dictator, died in 2011.
Throughout the day, Trump and Kim's body language was openly friendly, a striking warmth given Kim's iron grip on power and dismal record on human rights. Trump's move to meet him attracted fierce criticism for normalizing a regime routinely called out for its human rights abuses, that over years has built an image of fearsome renegade regime, throwing around threats of nuclear war. 
The day began with Trump patting Kim on the back and placing his hand on the North Korean's shoulder as they walked into their first meeting. Later they were seen smiling and laughing over lunch.
Trump told reporters he would "absolutely" extend an invitation to the White House to Kim, who also heralded a new era.
"Today, we had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind," Kim said through a translator. "The world will see a major change."
The meeting came only months after the two men traded nuclear taunts, ratcheting up tensions and leading to fears of war. By contrast, Trump appeared to back off a military footing on Tuesday, declaring the US will stop the "war games," an apparent reference to joint military exercises with South Korea that North Korea has long rebuked as provocative.
Trump also said he hopes to eventually withdraw US forces from South Korea, but said "that's not part of the equation right now."
"I want to get our soldiers out. I want to bring our soldiers back home," Trump said. "But that's not part of the equation right now. I hope it will be eventually."
Tuesday's meeting, convened at a luxury hotel on the island of Sentosa, came just three months after Trump accepted North Korea's invitation for talks on the spot. It was an extraordinarily compressed timeline for the landmark summit, which at one point was called off entirely as communication broke down between Washington and Pyongyang.
The talks were quickly revived, leading to the highly choreographed event that unfolded Tuesday.
After the men shook hands, they repaired inside for one-on-one talks. In that first meeting they were joined only by translators, a break from standard practice of having at least one aide present for high-stakes huddles.
Later in the day, advisers joined the talks for a larger bilateral session and a working lunch.
Trump took keen interest in the pageantry of the day, insisting the pictures beamed around the world reflect a commanding leader making a decisive, world-altering move. At the same time, he'd admitted he didn't believe he required extensive preparation to take stock of Kim.
As part of the advance work, Trump commissioned a highly produced video meant to convince Kim to relinquish his weapons and open his country to outside investment. Trump showed Kim the movie on an iPad during their talks.
Here in futuristic Singapore, however, Kim was able to view the benefits of economic advancement at close range. He was spotted taking a moonlit stroll around the high-end Marina Bay Sands hotel and casino, owned by GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, the type of glitzy development few North Koreans could ever imagine coming to their country.
Kim was cheered by onlookers who caught sight of the dictator, who until earlier this spring was not believed to have ever left North Korea as supreme leader.






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