Tuesday, June 26, 2018

우승 기대팀, 알젠틴 FIFA 경기 예선전 참패로 전국이 울음바다. 몰락해가는 나라의 오직 희망이었었는데...

이번 2018 FIFA World Cup 챔피언쉽에서도 항상 그랬드시 이변은 있었다.  "알젠틴과 크로아셔"간의 예선전 경기에서, 전세계 축구광들의 예상을 뒤엎고, 3-0로 알젠틴이 무릎을 꿇는 경기를 봤었다.

이경기를 중계하던 알젠틴의 한스포츠 찬넬, TyC의 판넬리스트들도 한동안 할말을 잊고 멍하니 화면만 주시하고  말았었다(No Todo Pasa

이러한 참패는 1974년 월드컵 대회에서 알젠틴이 조별로 행해진 2번의 Opening Game에서 한번의 경기를 잃고 말았던 이후 처음이었었다.  이번 크로아셔와의 게임이 있기전, 알젠틴은 어이없게도 Iceland와의 첫경기에서 1-1 무승부로 비기고 말았었다. 알젠틴 전국은 분노와 두려움 그리고 슬픔으로 뒤덮히고 말았다.

여기서 잠깐 한국팀을 들여다 보자.


멕시코전에서 패배한 선수들을 격려한답시고, 러시아를 국빈 방문중이던 문통이, 선수들이 옷을 갈아입고 있는 Locker Room으로 들어오는 길을 만들기위해, 갑자기 경호원들과 문통이 들어오는통에 아수라장이 되고, 아직 채 옷을 갈아입지 못한 선수들을 당황하게 만들었었다는, 웃기는 뉴스가 있었다.

짧은 러시아 국빈 방문은 분명 협상하기에도 짧았을 터인데..... 많은 비용을 들여 대통령 전용기인 747 점보기를 타고  러시아에 갔었던 목적이 결국 축구구경하기위해 간것같은 주객전도가 된 문통의 어처구니 없는, 무례한 행동은 정말로 적폐청산의 대상이 아닐수 없는 행동이었었다.  한국은 예선전 통과에서 16강 진출의 꿈은 이미 물건너간 상태라고 한다.

만약에 반대로 알젠틴이 경기를 잘해서 16강 진출에 성공했었다면, 똑 같은 현상이 알젠틴 전역에서 일어났었겠지만, 분위기는 정반대로, 챔피언쉽을 거머질수 있다는 환호와 흥분으로 나타났을 것이었다.  우리의 강한 의지를 아무것도 짖밟지는 못할 것이다. 이제 알젠틴팀이 어떤 경기를 펼칠지는 아무도 예측할수 없게됐다.

"알젠틴에는 이번 축구경기에 이변이 일어난것 처럼, 많은 불길한 일들이 계속적으로 일어나고 있다. 경제, 정치 그리고 축구팀도 국민들을 절망케 했다. 지난 수년간 우리의 축구팀은 계속 무너져내려왔었다. 이렇게 알젠틴이 모든 면에서 무너져 내린것은, 결국 우리 모두가 그렇게 씨를 뿌렸기 때문임을 명심해야 한다. 우리는 한때는 모두가 부러워 하는 축구강국, 경제강국이었었다. 그러나 지금은 아무도 그렇게 보지 않는다. 특히 알젠틴 축구팀은 더이상 환상적인 경기를 하는 팀이 아니다."라고 비통해 하고 있다.

한국이 현재 걸어가고 있는길이 꼭 알젠틴을 닮아가고 있는것 같아 안타깝다. 과연 문통이 벌거벗고 옷갈아 있는 선수들의 Locker Room을 방문해서, 그것도 멍청하게 "손흥민 어디있어?" 라고 떠벌렸다니, 그럼 다른 선수들은 문통의 눈에는 어떤 존재로 보였었단 말인가? 정말로 국가망신만 시키고, 국민들 세금으로 비싼 전용기 타고 다니면서 한다는 짖이, 선수들간에 위화감, 국민들 이간질 시키는 짖만 하고  돌아다니니, 그날이 6/25전쟁 발발 68주년날이었었다.  그시간에 김정은이는 군통제소에서 시찰하고 장병들을 격려하고 다녔다는데.... 

국민들은 알젠틴처럼 되가는 대한민국의 현실을 직시하고, 준비와 대비를 해야 할텐데...
적와대의 수석들이 문통이 러시아에 있는 동안에 교체됐다는데.... 전자결재 했다고 하겠지만, 정말로 어처구니가 없다. 국정 제2기를 맞아 경제성장을 계속 이끌어가기위함이라고, 임종석이는 수석들 교체배경을 설명했다고 한다.  국제장사현장에서 한국의 위상이 어떤지를 그렇게도 모르는가?

아래에 알젠틴팀에 대한 자세한 뉴스 보도를 옮겨 놓았다.

After Argentina's dramatic 3-0 defeat by Croatia on Thursday in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a nation was brought to tears. On one Argentinian sports channel, TyC, the presenter of the football show No Todo Pasa and his panellists observed a moment's silence before beginning their analysis. One pundit cast about awkwardly, his eyes darting sideways. Another fidgeted with his watch.
"The minute's silence on that TV station was an absurd act, a piece of ridiculous theatre and in bad taste—even more so considering that Argentina has not yet been eliminated from the World Cup," Ramiro Martin, the Argentina-born biographer of La Albiceleste's captain, Lionel Messi, tells B/R.

It is the first time since the 1974 World Cup that Argentina has failed to win one of their opening two games. The shock of the defeat to Croatia—following a 1-1 draw with Iceland, the smallest nation to ever play in the World Cup finals—seemed to rock the country to its core, generating a mix of anger, frustration and sadness.
"In general, people here are talking of catastrophe," says Fernando Signorini, who worked as a fitness trainer at several of Argentina's World Cup finals, including their last victory in 1986 as well as 2010, Messi's second tournament. "There is a sense of desperation. It is something without explanation because it is only a football match, but here football is naturally a subject to talk about in life-or-death terms.
"In Argentina, there are more serious things happening. It is a country that has been losing for a while, economically and politically, and also with its football team. Our football has been in decline in the last years, at all levels, and you reap what you sow. That is what is happening now with Argentinian football.
"The future of Argentinian football is like the future of society in Argentina. The future is the past. Because we were once a great country, a wonderful and admired country, and in football it was the same—we were once wonderful and admired. Now nobody admires us, and our football is not wonderful anymore.

 The scale of the reaction, the sense of devastation engendered by a group stage defeat, has surprised onlookers around the world. Alejandro Pawliszyn, a psychologist working in Buenos Aires, Argentina, says he notices a sense of embarrassment among his compatriots, manifesting itself in silence at the loss to Croatia. This feeds into a sense of insecurity at the state of the Argentinian economy, which is suffering from galloping inflation that has led to intervention by the International Monetary Fund in early June, per the Financial Times.

"A lot of the reaction here is processed by a sense that Argentina is cursed—that we're cursed politically and with the national football team," Pawliszyn says. "What I keep sensing from people is a sense of powerlessness: 'What's going on that we cannot get it right with our politicians, with the football coach, Jorge Sampaoli, and with the team? Why isn't Messi playing well?' This is especially true now that the economy is in trouble again. There is a sense that, 'Whoa, we've seen this movie before.'"
It would be no surprise if the Argentina football team—which is rumoured to be mired in conflict with their coach, Sampaoli—is seeking professional counselling. Argentina, according to independent studies as well as those by the World Health Organization (h/t CNN), has the most psychologists per capita in the world. Pawliszyn says there are several factors that explain the country's interest in therapy, including a history of immigration and its culture.
"There is a tradition of reflection and subjectivity here," Pawliszyn says. "It's part of the self-image of Portenos, people from Buenos Aires, where psychoanalysis and psychotherapies are popular, whereas maybe in the United States you have a stronger tendency to take action. A lot of people here, their self-identity is to think and reflect and talk."

 Pawliszyn also points towards a sense of fatalism when it comes to the country's football team. "You also have the influence, historically, of Catholicism here," he says. "When you see other countries' players in the World Cup, they're not praying. They're not looking up to the sky to God during matches. They're not evoking other worldly forces. The Argentina footballers are too preoccupied with ideas of fortune or misfortune, or energies, which are all part of the tradition of football here, whereas performance is about precision, practice and effort. It's not about good luck or justice. Our footballers are too lost in those notions."

There was a striking image before Argentina's match against Croatia: As Messi stood for the national anthem. he kept rubbing his fingers against his forehead. He looked like a man with the weight of the world on his back. The little No. 10 has become the focus for all of Argentina's hopes and fears at this summer's World Cup.
"The feeling that he portrays is of a person who can't deal with the pressure," says Matias Bustos Milla, a journalist with Argentinian newspaper Clarin. "The body language he showed against Croatia is not normal. We're not accustomed to seeing Messi with these kinds of gestures. We were surprised when we saw him. He's not the kind of leader that gives a team speech. He does his talking on the pitch. Outside the field of play, everything with Messi is a big incognito.
"There is too much pressure on his shoulders. He's overburdened. There are 40 million Argentinians dreaming that Messi will deliver us the World Cup. In fact, in Argentina, there are more people here who want Messi to win it more than the national team itself. There is a huge desire to see Messi alone win the World Cup."
Bustos Milla says there have of course been other failures by Argentina in the World Cup. In the 2002 tournament, the team arrived for the finals in Japan and South Korea as the leading qualifiers from the South American zone, and were coached by the revered Argentinian manager Marcelo Bielsa, but were dumped out in the first round. But the crisis in Russia—even though Messi's team only scraped through qualifying—could surpass that failure. "Now we have Messi," Bustos Milla says. "If we lose in the first round with Messi this time, it will be seen as the worst failure in our history."

The critics have been circling Messi. Bustos Milla says there have been calls for him to be dropped. Comparisons have been made with Cristiano Ronaldo, the marque player on a workmanlike Portugal team, who has scored four goals in three games so far in the tournament. Messi is scoreless, having missed a penalty against Iceland.
After the defeat to Croatia, a leaked tape of an alleged WhatsApp conversation between Diego Simeone, who won over 100 caps for Argentina, and his assistant coach at Atletico Madrid, German Burgos, concluded with Simeone asking the rhetorical question, "If you had to choose between Messi and Ronaldo for your team, who would you pick?"
People question why Messi hasn't replicated the stunning success he has enjoyed with his club team, Barcelona, including four UEFA Champions League titles, with the national team.
"Messi has had the bad luck to live in the most convulsive era of the Argentina national team in the last few decades," Martin says. "He's worked under seven coaches in 10 years. That affects the operation of the team. Another of the great differences are the teammates he has had at Barca and those he has had with the national team—teammates who speak their own football language at Barca and teammates with Argentina who have been less compatible for his style of football."
Messi has come painfully close to success with his country. He lost three finals in successive years—the 2014 World Cup final against Germany and the two subsequent Copa America finals in penalty shootouts, the latter of which prompted Messi to retire from international football, a decision he later U-turned on. Results in football can be arbitrary, though. The best team doesn't always win.

"If it wasn't for Messi in the last World Cup finals in Brazil, Argentina wouldn't have got out of the group stages and went on to almost win it," Signorini says. "For me, Brazil is the team that has played the best football in most of the World Cups, but it has lost more than it has won. Why? Because football is not like boxing—you can't win on points. You have to win by a knockout. So in one match, anyone could hit you in the jaw and send you home."

Argentina will face Nigeria on Tuesday in their final group game in Russia, and the Argentinian nation will hold its breath. Its team—which seems to be in disarray—has to administer a decisive blow. It must win to proceed to the knockout stages. Memories of Messi's heroics against Ecuador in the last qualifying match in October, when he scored a hat-trick to help Argentina to come from behind for a 3-1 victory, are fresh in the mind.
"Before the World Cup finals in Russia," Bustos Milla says, "we knew we didn't have a great team, but we still had the illusion of becoming champions because always in Argentina in every tournament we feel Argentina can be champions. This generates great enthusiasm but grief and disillusionment then when we lose, like after the defeat against Croatia.
"There is a flip side. If Argentina qualified to the round of 16, immediately it will generate again the same kind of positive thoughts for Argentina to become champions. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Hope will be renewed. Argentina will be revitalised. I am part of this group that thinks with Messi everything is possible, but my hope is more with what Messi could do rather than with the rest of the team. Nobody knows how the team will play."


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