Friday, May 25, 2018

Trump: 6월12일 미북정상회담 열릴 가능성 존재한다. 북한의 SOS(?)에 응답하는걸까?

북한이 급하긴 한모양이다.  김계관이 태도를 확 바꾸어, 어제와는 다르게, "북한은 트럼프 대통령의 정상회담 취소 발표에도 불구하고, 시간과 장소(in any form)에 구애없이 회담에 임할 준비가 돼 있다"라고 우회적으로 읍소한것이다.

북한의 읍소에 가까운 회담열망에, 트럼프는 또한번 속는셈 치고, 이를 수락하는 내용의 기자회견을 했다.
확실한것은 없지만, 한가닥 희망을 전세계가 바라보고 있는것 같다. 단 이번 회담을 위한 협상은, 한국은 제외시킨 직접 Contact인것 같다.

이런식의 회담이 열리면, 김정은Regime은 미국에 고삐를 꽉 쥐인상태여서, 한결 좋은 결과를 얻을수도 있을것 같다는 예감이 들지만, 환상적인 핑크빛 그림은 금물이다. 지켜보자.

한가지 분명한것은, 트럼프는 북한의 경제적 부흥으로 북한주민들의 풍부한 삶을 보장하는 지원을 하는 조건을 제시하겠지만, 문통처럼 먼저 퍼주는, 멍청한 짖은 안할것이라는 확신이다. 왜냐면 북한은 너무도 많이 남한정부뿐 아니라 미국까지도 안아무인격으로 속여왔음을 트럼프 대통은 잘 알고 있기 때문이다.

Mattis 국방장관은, 협상을 하다보면, 치고 받고 하는식의 모양새도 있게 마련인것쯤으로 이해하면, 회담이 취소됐다가 다시 열릴쪽으로 변하고 있는것이 하나도 이상할게 없다고생각한다라고 설명하면서, 외교 실무진들의 싱가폴 협상조율을 위한 여행계획은 아직도 그대로 존재하고 있다고 설명하면서, 만일의 협상결렬에 대비해, 미군은 즉각 대응할수 있는 자세로 근무하고 있다고 강조하기도 했다.

BBC의 뉴스를 보면 자세한 내용을 인지할수 있다.

US President Donald Trump has said his summit with North Korea's leader could still happen on 12 June, despite earlier cancelling the meeting.
"We'll see what happens. It could even be the 12th. We're talking to them now. They very much want to do it, we'd like to do it," he told reporters.
On Thursday, he blamed the North's "open hostility" for the cancellation of his talks with Kim Jong-un.
North Korea later said it was willing to talk "at any time in any form".
Vice-Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan said Mr Trump's cancellation decision was "extremely regrettable".

The 12 June summit in Singapore would have been the first time a sitting US president had met a North Korean leader.
The details of the now scrapped talks were unclear. But they would have focused on ways of denuclearising the Korean peninsula and reducing tensions.
Just hours before Mr Trump cancelled the summit, North Korea said it had carried out its promise to dismantle tunnels at its only nuclear test site.

What were Mr Trump's latest comments?

Speaking to reporters outside the White House in Washington, the US president said: "We gonna see what happens. We're talking to them [North Korea] now. It was a very nice statement they put out."
And Mr Trump added: "Everybody plays games."
Shortly before this, Mr Trump welcomed North Korea's willingness to hold talks "at any time", describing it as "warm and productive".

What about Mr Trump's cancellation letter?

It was personally addressed to Mr Kim.
Mr Trump said he had been "very much looking forward" to meeting Mr Kim.
"Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have the long-planned meeting," Mr Trump said in a letter to Mr Kim.
"You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used," he added.
But he called the meeting a "missed opportunity", saying "some day, I look very much forward to meeting you".

In a separate statement at the White House, Mr Trump said the step was a "tremendous setback for North Korea and the world", adding the US military was "ready if necessary" to respond to any "reckless" act from North Korea.
A senior administration official in the US later gave further details, saying North Korea had shown "a profound lack of good faith".
There were a series of "broken promises" from Pyongyang, the official told reporters, including when the White House sent the deputy chief of staff to Singapore to meet North Korean diplomats ahead of the summit.

What Mr Trump was referring to?

He was apparently responding to statements from a senior North Korean diplomat attacking his administration and casting doubt over the meeting.
Choe Son-hui had said the suggestions from US Vice-President Mike Pence that North Korea "may end like Libya" was "stupid".

Ms Choe, who has been involved in several diplomatic interactions with the US over the past decade, said the North would not "beg" for dialogue and warned of a "nuclear showdown" if diplomacy failed.
A White House official quoted by Reuters news agency described the comments about Mr Pence as the "last straw". They stressed, however, there was a "backdoor that's open still".
References to Libya have angered North Korea. There, former leader Colonel Gaddafi gave up his nascent nuclear programme only for him to be killed by Western-backed rebels a few years later.
North Korea says that, unlike Libya, it is a fully fledged nuclear state. It is insistent it will not engage in any peace process that jeopardises its leadership or its survival as a state.

What's the reaction been?

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said he was "very perplexed" and that it was "very regrettable" that the summit was not going ahead.
He was not informed of the decision before Mr Trump's announcement, reports said.

t was South Korean officials who first informed the US earlier this year that Mr Kim was prepared to discuss potential nuclear disarmament.
In April, the leaders of both Koreas had a historic meeting at the border, promising to end hostilities and work towards the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the US and North Korea should not give up, saying "nerves of steel" were required.
In the US, Republican Senator Tom Cotton praised President Trump for "seeing through Kim Jong-un's fraud". But Democratic Senator Brian Schatz said the move was what happened "when amateurs are combined with warmongers".

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