Thursday, May 24, 2018

중국 자체 기술로 만든 항공모함 해상 시운전. 다 부질없는짖들인데...전부가 인명살상용 무기들인데...

중국이 해양국가로 재패를 잡기위한, 갖은 노력을 기울인 끝에, 마침내 자체적 설계로, 제작된 항공모함이 시운전을 하기위해 대련항에서 그모습을 나타냈다고 한다. 중국이 보유한 항모로서는 2번째 이지만, 자체기술로 제작된 첫번째여서 더 세계의 시선을 모으는것 같다.
중국이 자체적으로 건조한 항공모함이 마침내 시운전을 지난 일요일 실시했다고한다. 이로써 미국을 비롯한 해양강국들과 경쟁 대열에 끼어 들어온 셈이다.

새로 건조한 항모는 임시로 001A로 명명됐다. 이배는 중국의 동북쪽에 있는 대련항을 아침 7시에 출항했다고 중국국영방송이 보도한 것이다.

5만톤급 항모는 중국이 소유한 두번째 항모지만, 중국자체 기술로 설계해서 건조된 선박으로는 처음이지만, 시험운행을 마친뒤 2020년 부터 해군에 인계되여 운항할 계획이라고 한다.

지난 4월12일, 중국의 대통령 시진핑이 축사를 한후 처녀 항해를 하기 시작했는데, 이축사에서 시진핑은, 중국 공산당의 깃발을 단 세계정상급 해군("world-class" navy)으로 양성시킬 계획을 발표하기도 했었다.

대량살상무기 개발을 했다고 자랑하고, 같은 시각, 다른쪽에서는 획기적인 신기술 개발로, 엄청난 부를 축적할수 있다고 자랑하고.... 한우산밑에서 그러한 부질없는 짖들을 하면서 힘겨루기를 계속한다.

옛 냉전 시대에 구쏘련은 세계에서 최고로 많은 원자폭탄을 소유하고 있었다. 그랬던 쏘련은 지금 세계 지도상에서 없어져 버렸다. 세계강대국 지도자들의 각성이 그어느때보다 더 필요한때다.

원자폭탄을 쌓아놓고 있는 강대국들, 자국민을 기아로 몰아넣어 매년 백만명 이상이 목숨을 잃어가는, 세계 최하위 망나니국가, 북한의 김정은 Beast Government의 막가파식 돌출 행동에 아무런 제재하나 못하는데..... 항모가 왜 필요한가? 초음속보다 더 빠른 전투기가 왜 필요한가?  모두가 다 부질없는 짖들인데....

CNN의 보도를 참고로 보자

(CNN)China's first domestically built aircraft carrier began sea trials on Sunday, a historic step in the country's mission to build a navy capable of rivaling the world's leading maritime powers.
The new aircraft carrier, temporarily named Type 001A, sailed out at around 7 a.m. in Dalian, in the northeast province of Liaoning, according to reports in Chinese state media.
The 50,000-tonne ship will become the country's second aircraft carrier, and the first to be entirely built and designed inside of China, when it joins the navy sometime before 2020.
The carrier's maiden sea trial follows a speech given by Chinese President Xi Jinping on April 12, in which he announced plans to build a "world-class" navy under the banner of the Chinese Communist Party. 
    China's first carrier, the Liaoning, a retrofitted Soviet-era vessel bought from the Ukraine, was hailed as the fulfillment of a "70-year dream" of the Chinese nation when it launched to much celebration in 2012.
    But experts said while the new aircraft carrier will dramatically boost China's military power in the Asia region, its technology was still outdated and lagged far behind the world's naval superpower, the United States.
    "This is, in and of itself, not designed to be some frontal challenge to US power in the Asia Pacific, because it simply isn't in the class of America's aircraft carriers," Sam Roggeveen, senior fellow at Sydney's Lowy Institute, told CNN.

    Bigger and better

    China's second aircraft carrier will be "modernized" compared to its first, experts said, with a design that's bigger and heavier to allow it to carry more planes.
    The basic design for the new aircraft carrier is clearly modeled heavily on the Liaoning, including the signature ski-jump inclination at the front from which aircraft lift off.
    The ship, which is roughly 315 meters (1,033 ft) in length and 75 meters (246 ft) wide, uses conventional rather than nuclear propulsion, and is believed to displace 50,000 tonnes, according to reports in state media.
    Speaking to CNN, RAND Corporation senior international defense research analyst Timothy Heath described the design as generally easier to build and to operate aircraft from.
    But expert analysis of pictures and satellite images of the new China-built vessel reveals it has been altered in subtle ways, possibly allowing it to accommodate up to eight additional aircraft.
    By comparison, the Liaoning is thought to currently carry around 30 warplanes, including fixed wing aircraft and helicopters.
    According to Peter Layton, visiting fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute, the Liaoning was intended to act as more of a training vessel, whereas the new ship is likely to be deployed in combat missions, positioning China alongside a select number of countries with global naval capabilities, including Russia, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
    As of this year, the United States Navy fields 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, more than any other nation in the world.
    The US ships feature "catapult" technology, in which a gear attached to a steam-powered piston or an electromagnetic rail gets aircraft up to flight speed as they leave the deck.
    Aircraft launched by catapults can get airborne and with greater quantities of fuel and ammunition, giving them an advantage over Chinese planes, which rely on their own power when lifting off from the Liaoning's ski-jump.

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