Tuesday, May 01, 2018

트럼프-김정은 회담,판문점에서 열기로 합의 했단다.- 믿고싶은데...

 진정성이 없는 북한임을 알기에....

결국 트럼프-김정은 회담은, 판문점으로 귀결되가고 있는 그림이 그려졌다.
며칠전, Trump 대통령이 Tweeting한것을 보면서, 이미 장소는 정해진것으로 믿을수 있었다. 남은 관건은 이제 "언제" 할것인가인데, 그시기는 지금도 줄당기는 중인것 같다.  나자신은 판문점에서 북미 회담이 열릴것으로 예측하고, 조선일보 기사에 댓글까지 달았었다. 국민들은 흥분하지말고, 회담이 끝날때까지 Vigil해야할 의무가 있다라고.

문제는 김정은 북한 정권이,판문전선언에서 문통과 김정은 사이에 선언한 비핵화를 한다는 내용의 실행에 진정성이 있느냐 없느냐에서 판가름 나는것일텐데.... 그내용이 진정성이 있다는 가정하에...

그렇타면 왜 장소, 시간을 핑계삼아 줄다리기를 하는 그 의미가 뭣인지? 왜 그렇게 해야만 되는지? 그런것들이 무슨 의미가 있는지? 

그렇치 않아도, 북한의 신뢰도는 그끝이 보이지 않을만큼, 깊은 나락으로 떨어져, 문재인과 좌파정권세력들외에는, 믿지 않고 있는게 세상돌아가는 이치로 변해왔음을 상기하지 않을수 없다.

오늘 아침 조선일보의 기사를 보면, 첫머리기사로, 문정인 특보가 발언한 내용이 있었다.
"평화협정이 맺어지면, 주한미군의 계속적인 주둔은 어렵게 된다"라고.
이논평은,김정은집단에게 뒷구멍으로  다른 술수를 사용할  대책을 세우라는 충성스런 간언으로 보였다.

지금 이순간에 주한미군 주둔 여부를 두고 평할 때인가? 문정인특보의 그동안의 행보와 언행으로 봐서, 오늘 아침 발언은, 그자신과, 가솔들이 앞으로  살아갈 진정한 보금자리는 남한인지 북한인지 햇갈리게하는,좌파특유의 한방치고 뒤로 슬쩍 빠져서, 살아갈 길을 찾고 있다는 확실한 증거였다고 본다.

어쩌면, 북미 회담에서, Trump대통령이 그들의 술수에 말려 들어갈 위험이 도사리고 있다고 본다.
회담이 예상했던데로 풀리지 않을때를 대비해서, 트럼프가 쐐기를 박은 말한마디가 그래도 위안이 된다.
"회담중 실천의지가 보이지 않음이 확인되면, 바로 회담장밖으로 나오겠다"라는.  그의미는? 다른게 아니다. 군사적행동으로 바로 들어간다는 뜻이다. 남한을 비롯한 서방세계에게는 끝까지 북핵을완전 제거 시키겠다는 의지를  보여준것으로,  더이상 속지 않는다는 메세지로 이해됐다.

북한의 비핵화발표와 이의 진정한 실천을, 우리는 눈을 부릅뜨과 지켜야 할 의무가 있음을  미국에게 각인시켜줄 때에만, 계속해서 맹방으로서의  미국의 도움을 받게된다는것을 가슴에 새겨야 한다.

 Seoul, South Korea (CNN)South Korean President Moon Jae-in has convinced North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to hold his upcoming meeting with US President Donald Trump at the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas, a source tells CNN.

Moon and Kim met at the same location in Panmunjom last Friday, a historically significant event that was televised worldwide and led to an agreement to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and formally end the Korean War.
There is a "strong possibility" the summit will be held at the site, with some events possibly scheduled on the northern side of the military demarcation line separating the two countries, according to an official with deep knowledge of North Korea's thinking on the matter.
The venue makes the most sense logistically for Kim, the source said, because media facilities and equipment are already in place, which could allow the summit to take place "in late May." 
    Traveling to the northern side of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) would also provide a historic opportunity for Trump, the source said, adding that Moon may be involved in the summit in some capacity.
    A spokesperson for the South Korean president appeared to endorse the venue choice when asked about the proposal, Tuesday. 
    "(We) think Panmunjom is quite meaningful as a place to erode the divide and establish a new milestone for peace," the spokesperson told reporters. "Wouldn't Panmunjom be the most symbolic place?"

    Made for TV moment

    The idea of meeting at the DMZ wasn't a complete surprise to Trump's aides, since the president has been talking about it all weekend and raised it in his Sunday phone call with Moon, a senior US official and a person familiar with the conversations told CNN.
    Trump loved the images from the inter-Korean summit and the fact the entire meeting was televised, those sources said.
    Speaking to reporters Monday, Trump said he was enthusiastic about the idea of holding the summit in the DMZ. "There's something I like about it, because you're there, if things work out, there's a great celebration to be had on the site, not in a third party country," he said.
    Millions watched Moon's meeting with Kim last Friday, the first meeting between two leaders of North and South Korea in a decade. 
    Cameras followed the leaders' movements throughout the day, from Moon's departure from Seoul to the moment Kim crossed the demarcation line into the South -- and encouraged Moon to cross to the North.
    The US President wants to be involved in similar scenes when he becomes the first sitting US President to meet a North Korean leader, the source said. He's keen to take part in a cross-border handshake, but also wants photos to document the moment if he decides to stand up and walk out of talks, added the source.

    The Singapore option

    However, concerns remain inside the administration that Trump may be too eager for a deal. Those same skeptics worry holding the meeting at the DMZ will appear conciliatory toward Kim. 
    As a result, US officials are still arguing for Singapore as a possible location for the talks, telling Trump it presents a more neutral option, the source told CNN.
    The wealthy and glamorous city-state sits on the end of the Malay Peninsula and has often been seen as a gateway between Asia and the West.
    A close ally to the United States during the Cold War and currently host to a US military presence, Singapore also has a diplomatic relationship with North Korea. It is one of only 47 countries to feature a North Korean embassy.

    Additionally, Singapore has previously held other historic events -- in 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with then-Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore, the first and only time the leaders of the two Chinas have met since they split in 1949.
    But one senior official conceded the symbolism wouldn't be there, and noted there are still logistical considerations to worry about with Singapore.
    Singapore also raises problems for Kim. Similar to his father before him, the North Korean leader is reluctant to travel long distances by plane, partly due to security issues -- a plane is vulnerable to attack -- but also due to practical considerations. 
    "(Kim's) fleet of aircraft are very old and (we're) just honestly not sure if he can physically get to where he needs to go if its further than a certain number of miles away," Jenna Gibson, director of communications at the Korea Economic Institute, told CNN.
    Faced with a similar dilemma, Kim Jong Il, Kim's father and previous ruler of North Korea, opted to travel in a custom built armored train, rather than moving around the world by air.

    The wild card choice

    Another option previously suggested by both sides was Ulaanbaatar, the sparsely-populated capital of Mongolia to the northwest of North Korea.

    It might seem like an unusual choice of location but North Korean experts maintain it makes sense to both sides for a number of reasons.
    Firstly, the Mongolian government has diplomatic ties with both Pyongyang and Washington, leaving it as a neutral ground for the two leaders.
    Additionally from North Korea's perspective, Ulaanbaatar is much closer to North Korea and Kim could likely travel to the summit in comfort on his father's armored train.
    "Mongolia is very eager to host this summit, they have come out and said they will host it ... They want to be the Switzerland of Asia, they want to be seen as a partner that can have good ties with everybody," Gibson said.
    But it also is not a perfect choice either, as it would require Trump to travel a lot further than Kim, which may be seen as a concession to North Korea from the outset.
    Speaking to CNN, Jean Lee, a North Korea expert at the Wilson Center, said a number of other potential options, such as Beijing, Pynongyang and Washington, were eliminated early on due to their political implications or logistical difficulties.
    "Ultimately, they need a country where both leaders have the security they need, to have a country where they can meet in common ground ... it's a small number of countries to be honest" said Lee.



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