Sunday, May 20, 2018

오직 Australia에서만 볼수있는 혐오스럽고 진기한 광경들-기회가되면 나도 꼭 한번...

오스트랄리아에 여행갈경우, 특히 광할한 자연속으로 탐방을 떠날경우 예상밖의 흉칙스러운 생명체와  Encounter하게 되는 경우가 많다.  이럴경우 이들과 한바탕 싸울 준비를 단단히 하고 떠나는게 좋을것 같다. 오직 오스트랄리아에서만 목격할수있는 혐오스런 동물들을 우선 사진으로 보면 많은 도움이 될것 같다.
이들과 조우하는 보기드문 기회를 맘껏 즐겨보는것도 기억에 오래남을 여행에서 얻는 자산이 될것이다.

Bargain Shopper. 커다란 뱀이 쇼핑하러 가게에 기어온다.

Could be worse, right? In any case, I’m sure if I was in that exact moment, I wouldn’t be thinking such casual thoughts, instead I’d be screaming my head off like any sane person who sees a massive snake come crawling into a store.

Dracula Lives.드라큘라같은 생명체,박쥐

Australia is host to many giant species of bats and if you’re in the area, well you might even run into the great-great-great-father of Count Dracula. Wouldn’t that just be peachy? Maybe he’ll take a #selfie with you if you’re lucky enough to be granted such a pleasure.

Here, Fishy,공룡같은 Jellyfish.

Oh look, a giant jellyfish. That’s not so bad, is it? Well, it’s not THAT bad cause it crashed on the rocky shore and died. However that massive jellyfish was swimming around in the Australian waters so count yourself lucky that it isn’t anymore! Unless, there’s more we don’t know about. Yeah, I’m going to be thinking about that now. Great.

뱀들이 홀컵에서 똬리틀고 있어,볼이 안들가는 이유.

If you’re ever wondering why your golf ball won’t go in the hole, just take a peek. You could be one the lucky few who find snakes curled up, such as this one. We told you to keep an exterminators number handy, didn’t we? You never know when it will come in handy.

Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane, No It’s Uhh….

We have no idea if this is a massive tarantula or a giant crab or just Spiderman after he got bit. I don’t think that even exterminators could help get rid of this immense and terrifying critter. Unless they had one giant net and a whole lot of courage.

Oh…Hey, Didn’t See You There

Did you know that the saltwater crocodile is one of the largest creatures that can be found in Australia. Here are some Japanese visitors who took pictures of the giant snout, sharp fanged crocodile while partaking on an organized tour. Nothing out of the ordinary for Australia we guess.

Good Time For A Swim

Maybe it’s not the greatest mode of transport in Australia. Pictured here is a crowded swarming of beetles that took command of a boat and kept everyone hostage. Uhh, could someone call some exterminators like, right now?! Or even pest control, whatever you think is best.

Fishing, Anyone?

Yeaahhhh, we’ll keep saying it, the snakes in Australia are INSANE! However even they have to eat in order to survive.

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