Sunday, April 08, 2018

미-북 회담:평양당국 비핵화 협상준비완료.그러나 북한주민은 깜깜.

N Korea-US talks: Pyongyang 'ready to discuss denuclearisation'

미관리들의 발표에 따르면, 곧 미-북간의 정상이 만나 회담을 할때, 북한은 비핵화에 대한 회담을 할 준비가 되여 있다라고, 미관리에 확인 시켜 줬다고 전했다. 이번 정상회담 준비에는 북한과의 직접대화, 비밀유지가 포함되여 있다고, 트럼프정부의 관계자가 전한 것이다.

A South Korean soldier walks past a TV screen showing pictures of US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at a railway station in SeoulImage copyrightAFP/GETTY IMAGES
Image captionDonald Trump and Kim Jong-un are due to meet in May, though North Korea has not publically confirmed this

미국과 북한 정보원들은 여러번 만나 협의를 했으며, 제3국에서 만났었다고 한다. 전에 일찌기 없었던 정상회담은 5월중에 일어나게된다.

현직 미국대통령이 북한 지도자와 만나는것을 처음인것으로 기록될 것이다.

북한은 이미 남한측에 비핵화를 발표한 준비가 되여 있음을 알려줬었다.  그러나 이번의 미국당국에 북한이 확인 시켜준것은 처음인 것이다.

그러나 아직까지는 회담장소를 포함하여 정상회담에 대한 자세한 내용은 확정된게 없다.CNN의 소식통에 의하면, 북한당국은 그들의 수도, 평양에서 열기를 하고 있다는 것이다. 만약에 여의치 않으면, 대안 장소로 몽골의 수도 "울란바토"를 지목하고 있는것으로 알려지고있다.

북한은 미국과의 정상회담이 있게 될것이라는 점을 아직까지는 북한 주민들에게 알려주지 않고 있다.  어쨋던 여러번의 외국 정상들과의 미팅으로 봐서 미-북정상회담 준비는 정말로 추진되고 있다는것으로 추측하고 있다. 지난 3월말에, 김정은이가 2011년 집권이래, 처음으로 베이징을 방문하기도 했었다.

북한과 중국이 서로 확인해준바에 따르면 이번 방중은 중국의 시진핑대통령과의 성공적인 회담이 포함되여 있다라고 신화사 통신은 전하고 있다.

North Korea has promised the US it is ready to discuss the future of its nuclear arsenal when the two nations' leaders meet, US officials say.Preparations for the summit have included secret, direct talks with North Korea, Trump administration sources told CNN.
US and North Korean intelligence officials are said to have spoken many times, and met in a third country.
The unprecedented summit is slated to happen in May.
It will be the first time a sitting US president has met the leader of North Korea. 
North Korea has already told South Korea it was prepared to address denuclearisation, but this is the first time assurances have been given to Washington directly.

Details of the leaders' summit, including the location, remain unclear. CNN's sources said that the North Koreans are pushing to have the meeting in their capital, Pyongyang, with Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar another option. 

Promises, but no guarantees

News of the talks between the US and North Korea surprised many when it broke in March 
It followed a year of threats, personal insults and nuclear brinkmanship between their respective leaders.
It is not clear if Pyongyang accepts Washington's definition of denuclearisation, which for the White House means the end of its nuclear weapons programme.
The North has previously halted missile and nuclear tests during past talks, only to resume them when it lost patience or felt its demands were not being met.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un provides guidance on a nuclear weapons program in an undated photo released by North Korea's state news agencyImage copyrightREUTERS
Image captionSouth Korea says the North is prepared to discuss getting rid of its nuclear arsenal if its own safety can be guaranteed

As yet, North Korea has not broken its public silence to confirm the US summit is happening. 
However, a series of meetings with overseas leaders suggest that preparations are indeed under way.
In late March, Mr Kim made his first known foreign trip since taking office in 2011 - to Beijing. 
The visit, confirmed by China and North Korea, involved "successful talks" with President Xi Jinping, China's Xinhua news agency reported.

Media captionChinese TV showed footage of the two leaders with their wives

China is North Korea's main economic ally, and it was thought highly likely that Pyongyang would consult Beijing before holding summits with South Korea and the US.
Mr Kim is now expected to meet South Korea's President Moon Jae-in late April, on the heavily fortified Korean border. 
South Korea has played a key role in brokering the proposed talks between the US and its northern neighbour.

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