Friday, April 27, 2018

남북한 정상회담, 어떻게 해서 이루어졌나? 공약은 쉽게하나 실천이 문제다.

CNN이 어제 있었던 남북한 정상회담이 이루어지기까지의 과정을  요약해서 발표했다.

판문점회담 내용은 전연 새로운것은 없고, 장문의 미사여구를 넣고, 국민들을 현혹시키는 내용으로 꽉차있다.

이마져도 북한 주민들은 깜깜무소식이라니.... 과연 그는 정치 지도자인가? 옛왕조시대에나 가능했던, 일인독재제제로, 국민들을 인격체로 인정하는 지도자가 아니고, 필요시는 모든 수단을 동원해서 목숨까지도 파리잡는것처럼, 잡아 없애 버리는 무소불위의 철권을 휘두르는 무뢰한이다. 최소한 북한에서는.
문제는 이러한 무뢰한 김정은과, 국민들을 잘 보살피라고 선거를 통해 뽑아준 문재인 대통령이 짝짜꿍이 되여, 정상회담을 하더니, 금방 배워서 이제는 대한민국의 언론통제까지 한단다.

CNN도 이두사람의 술수에 넘어가는것 같아,한반도의 앞날이 분홍빛이  아니라 회색빛이 된것 같아 마음이 무겁다. 비핵화에 대한 확실한 담보는 하나도 안보이고, 대한민국의 국회의원후보들이 선거시, 속은 텅비어있는 공약(Hollow Promise)을 남발하는것 같은,판문점선언을 보면서, 과거 두명의좌파 대통령들이  평양선언을했던것을 다시보는것같다.  그래서 걱정인데, 나의이런 예측이 틀려서, 정반대의 결과로 나오기를 빌뿐이다.

                          지구촌의 부랑아,김정은이 사람되여 정상회담에 임하다.

(CNN)In 2017, the idea of Kim Jong Un meeting with US President Donald Trump and South Korea's Moon Jae-in would've been unthinkable.
North Korea test-fired more than 20 missiles, including three it claimed were capable of reaching the United States, and their most powerful nuclear weapon to date. Experts said the Kim regime was dangerously close to developing the capability to hit major US cities with a nuclear weapon, if it didn't have it already.
However, the winds shifted in 2018 beginning with Kim's New Year speech, in which he wished his southern neighbors good luck in hosting the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.
President Moon took that olive branch and ran with it, inviting North Korea to attend and participate in the Games.
Here's how the diplomatic rapprochement unfolded.

January 1, 2018

North Korea's Kim Jong Un offers talks over sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics in New Year address

January 3, 2018

North Korea calls South Korea via a hotline on the DMZ for the first time in almost two years

January 9, 2018

North Korea agrees to send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in first bilateral talks since December 2015

February 11, 2018

Kim's sister, Kim Yo Jong, meets South Korea's Moon Jae-in during the Olympics and issues a formal invitation to Moon from her brother to travel to North Korea

February 23, 2018

President Trump announces new sanctions against North Korea that target the country's shipping, trading companies and vessels

March 6, 2018

South Korean officials visit Pyongyang, where leader Kim says the regime is willing to talk to the US about giving up nuclear weapons.

March 8, 2018

US President Donald Trump agrees to meet with Kim after South Korean officials deliver invitation in wake of their visit to Pyongyang

March 27, 2018

Kim makes first foreign visit to Beijing to meet with President Xi Jinping, Chinese and North Korean state media report

April 17, 2018

CIA Director Mike Pompeo made a secret trip to North Korea and met with Kim over Easter, sources tell CNN

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