Monday, April 09, 2018

북한 독재정부, 한국의 박근혜 대통령을 "반역자"라고 부르다니, 남한노래듣고, 춤췄다고 젊은이들 징역 보낸 악당들 주재에.

옛말에 "똥뀐놈이 썽낸다"라는 말이 회자된다.

세상사람들이 다 박근혜 전대통령을 비난한다 해도, 북한만은 그럴 자격이 없다고 생각해 본다. 김일성, 김정일, 김정은 3대에 걸쳐, 북한 전역을 지구상의 유일한 생지옥으로 만들어왔고, 그속에서 북한 주민들은 배고픔을 해결하기위해, 때로는 아주 고운 진흙을 긁어 먹고, 대장이 막혀 목숨까지 잃어 버리는 참극을 만들어낸 장본인들이다.

더욱히나 4월말 남한의 좌파정권의 수장 문재인과 김정은이 판문점에서 정상회담을 앞두고 있는 마당에, 훈수를 두는것은 "필요시에는 상대방을 죽이기위해, 손에 잡히는 데로 휘두르는나는 무뢰한이다" 또는 "똥묻은개 겨묻은개 나무란다" 라는 본래의 모습을 적나라하게 표현한것으로 이해된다.  좀 자중해라. 자중해.

북한 김돼지의 논평은 박대통령 1심 재판에서 24년 징역형 언도가 있은 다음날 북한 Propaganda의 본산지 KCNA 를 통해서 나왔었다. 정말로 가관이다.아래의 뉴스를 보자.

South Korea
In this Aug. 7, 2017, file photo, former South Korean President Park Geun-hye, left, arrives for her trial at the Seoul Central District Court in Seoul, Monday, Aug. 7, 2017. Nearly every former South Korea president, or their family members and aides, have been mired in scandals near the end of their terms or after they left office. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon, File)
SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of -- North Korea on Saturday called disgraced former South Korean President Park Geun-hye a "traitor" responsible for "extra-large hideous corruption," in its first reaction to the sentencing of Park to 24 years in prison on corruption charges.
The insults carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency came a day after the Seoul Central District Court found Park guilty on a variety of charges, including abusing her power and taking tens and millions of dollars from companies in bribes and through extortion. She had been under arrest since March last year.
The relations between the Koreas were terrible while the conservative Park was in office as she took a hard line after the North accelerated its nuclear weapons and missile tests in 2016.
For years, North Korea's state media used extremely violent and sexist language to criticize Park, calling her a "prostitute" for the United States and a "murderous demon" destined to meet "a sudden and violent death." In June last year, North Korea vowed to execute Park and her spy chief, accusing them of planning to assassinate the North's supreme leadership, an allegation the South's National Intelligence Service denied.
Millions of South Koreans protested for Park's ouster before an opposition-controlled parliament voted to impeach her in December 2016. Park was formally removed from office and arrested in March last year. She called her trial political revenge and declined to attend court sessions.
Park still has her supporters -- most of them in their 50s, 60s and 70s -- who spent the past year passionately rallying for her release. Thousands of pro-Park supporters angrily but peacefully marched near Seoul's presidential palace on Saturday, swinging South Korean and U.S. flags and denouncing the court's verdict as "judicial murder."

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