Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Facebook 스톡 또다시 곤두박질-500억달러 가치가 하루사이에 날아갔다. 전체 자산의 3%.

지난 미국대선때, 트럼프 대통령측에 유권자 정보를 제공한것을 묵인한 내용이 세상에 알려지게 되면서, Facebook의 주가가 화요일에 약 3% 떨어져,4년만에 최악의 악재를 만나, 돈으로 환산하면 약 $500억달러가 증발한것으로, 이금액은 포드자동차회사, e-Bay 또는 Delta회사 전체 재산과 같은 거액이라고한다.

Facebook의 개인정보를 이용한 Cambridge Analytica사는 트럼프 대선캠프에 Facebook 가입자 5천만명분의 개인정보를 넘겨준것이 폭로된것이다.  이로 인해서 트럼프 대통령 당선에 영향을 미쳤다는 비난을 면치 못하고 있는 것이다.

이번 스캔달로 인해 Facebook의 CEO는 미국의회의 청문회까지 나가서 사건의 전말을 설명해야하는 곤욕을 치르게 됐다고 한다.

Mark Zuckerberg breaks his silence on Cambridge Analytica scandal

CEO, Zukerberg는 이번 스캔달로  그는  약68억달러의 주식주가를  잃었으나,  그럼에도 불구하고 약 400백만주를 소유하고 있어, 금액으로 환산하면 약 700억달러의 재산가이다.Facebook의 CEO 위치를 지키는데로 아무런 염려가 없을 것으로 전문가들은 보고있다. Facebook 주식의 과반수를 소유하고 있기 때문이다.
Facebook의 전체 자산액은 약$5,000억달러라고 보고있다.


Facebook's stock slid for the second day in a row.

Shares of Facebook fell another 3% Tuesday on the heels of the company's worst day in four years. $49.4 billion has been wiped off Facebook's market value this week.
Investors punished Facebook after Cambridge Analytica, which had ties to President Trump's 2016 campaign, reportedly accessed information from about 50 million Facebook users to influence voters.
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The company's slump has spread to the broader market, dragging down tech and social media companies. Twitter (TWTR) tumbled 10% and Snap Inc. (SNAP) lost 3%.
Facebook has become one of America's most valuable companies, with a market cap of around $488 billion. Its $49.4 billion loss in market value this week is larger than the market valuation of Ford, eBay or Delta.
Lawmakers in both the United States and UK are calling for founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify about the compromised data and Facebook's policies to protect user privacy.
Related: Facebook's data crisis deepens as questions mount
Zuckerberg holds around 400 million shares of Facebook. The value of his stake has lost $6.8 billion since Friday's market close.
He still owns roughly $70 billion worth of shares in the company, however, and his job is safe because he controls the majority of Facebook's shareholder vote.
A drumbeat of negative headlines and the possibility of tighter regulations have caused investors to unload some of their assets in Facebook, said Benjamin Schachter, an analyst at Macquarie Capital, in a research note.
Related: Is your data safe on Facebook? Not really
Facebook makes money by selling advertisements on its platform. If users log off because they're worried about privacy, or if companies and advertisers slow spending on the site, Facebook's model could be in jeopardy.
"Weaker user or ad growth are the most material risks to the stock," Morgan Stanley analyst Brian Nowak wrote in a note.
Both analysts expect Zuckerberg to go on offense to tamp down lawmakers' pressure and restore investors' confidence.
"We look for [Facebook] to become more assertive about the mistakes it has made, the unintended actions that have occurred on the platform, and how it intends to fix them," Nowak said.

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