Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tillerson, 뱅쿠버 외무장관 회담에서, 러시아와 중국은 북한을 뒤에서 돕고 있었다 라고 폭로, 결과는 말장난과 화려한 모임.

이번 뱅쿠버 한국전 참전 16개국 외무장관 회담은, 현재 밀월중에 있는 남한과 북한의 평창올림픽 공동팀 구성에 맞장구를 치기전에 계획된 회담이었지만, 전세계의 미디아는, 남북한 당국자들의 회담에 더 초점을 마추고, 한국의 장래 운명을 결정할수도 있는 외무장관 회담은,뉴스의 조명을 받지도 못하고 말잔치로 끝나고 말았다는 인상을 깊이 주었었다 (2018년 1월 16일)

회담에서는 PSI(Proliferation Security Initiative) 회원국들이, 북한 선적의 배가 수상한 물건을 선적했거나, 북한의 항구를 입출입하는 외국선적의 배에서 봉쇄조치에 반하는 화물, 즉 핵무기개발관련물품, 탄도미사일 개발관련 물품이 있다고 의심이 갈경우는 정지명령을 내리고, 배를 수색할수 있도록 하는 조치를 취하기로 했다고 한다.

그러나 여기에서 문제가 생긴다.  지구상에서 큰 세력중의 선두구룹에 있고, 이번 외무장관회담에 참석하지 못한 중국이 PSI(Proliferation Security Initiative) 회원국이 아니라서, 그효과를 과연 어떻게 볼것이며,  이를 수행하는데는 더 많은 위험이 뒤따를것이어서 회원국들의 적극적인 참여가 불투명해졌기 때문인것 같다.

뱅쿠버 외무장관들 회담은, 현재 남북한 당국자들의 양자 회담에 더 효과적으로 작용할수도 있다고 본다.

이번 외무장관회담은, 서울과 와싱턴당국이, 북한의 불법행동을 막을수도있는 통로로 이용되도록하는 기회로 활용할수 있는가의 여부를 살필수있는 기회로 이용될수 있으며, 이게 성공적이면, 한발 더 나아가 이산가족상봉행사를 포함하여, 남북한을 가르고 있는 휴전선일대에서의 재래식 군사충돌을 줄일수도 있다고 본다.

이러한 정치적 걸림돌 제거를 위해 해야 할일은 한국과 미국, 더 나아가서는 서방동맹국들이북한비핵화의 목적달성 여하에 따라, 장기적으로 볼때, 동북아시아의 긴장완화에 가장 중요한 포인트가 될것임을 염두에 두고 있는것 같다.  이에 동조의 뜻으로 중국이 북한에 대한 UN봉쇄조치 이행이 필연적인데..... 두고볼일이다.

이번 외부장관들 회담을 두고, 중국은 한국전 참가당사국인 중국이 초대되지 않은것에 대해 맹비난을 퍼붓고,  이번회담으로 동북아시아의 안정에 더 찬물을 끼얹은 결과만 초래했다라고 평하면서, 이번 회담의 성공을 위해서는 중국, 러시아, 북한도 동시에 참석했었야 했다고, 외무장관회담을 비난했다.

중국의 공개 비난으로 북한은 어쩌면 중국의 비공식 지원을 더 받게 되고, 무지한 문통정부는 이기회를 잃을소냐?라는 식으로 판단하고, 모든 지원과 개방을 속전속결로 북한에 퍼주고, 남한국민들은 평창올림픽이 끝난후에는 문통과 북한정권의 거짖과 기만에 속았다는것을 알고 개거픔을 품겠지만, 배는 이미 떠난것을 ..... 문통의 그후속조치가 또 어떻게 국민들을 괴롭힐지.... 관심이 모아진다.

그러나 나의 생각은, 지난 4반세기동안, 남북한 사이의 관계개선을 위한 회담은, 망상에 사로잡힌 한국정부와 순진한 미국정부가, 북한정권의 Conspiracy에 넘어가, 북한이 요구한 조건들들 즉 방카C유를 포함한 경제원조, 남북이산가족상봉, 금강산 관광 등등으로, 이북 주민들이 배고픔을 해결하도록 기대하고 도와 주었으나, 정반대로 이용돼여, 지금처럼 한국을 포함한 전세계가 북한핵무기와 대륙간 탄도 미사일 개발하는데 밑거름을 제공해준 꼴이 됐다는점을 잘알기에, 이번 뱅쿠버 회담결과는 북한의 콧대만 더 세워준 격이 되고 말았다고 본다.

아래 기사는 Huffington이 내보낸 뱅쿠버 외무장관들 회담기사다.

He warned of consequences if they don't change their course.

VANCOUVER — North Korea may have been the main target, but China and Russia were also in the crosshairs Tuesday as Canada huddled with some of its closest partners to discuss how best to put an end to Pyongyang's nuclear aspirations.
The main complaint? That China and Russia were not doing enough to enforce United Nations sanctions against North Korea and strangle its nuclear and ballistic-missile programs.
A call for all nations to enforce sanctions against North Korea was the main focus as Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and counterparts from the U.S., Japan, South Korea and Britain kicked off the high-profile gathering.

A total of 20 countries, the majority of which were invited because of their support for South Korea during the Korean War more than 50 years ago, took part in the meeting.
Canada and the U.S. called the meeting in response to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and ballistic-missile tests, which have rattled the international community and thrust North Korea to the top of the list in terms of global crises.

Freeland and others who spoke before going behind closed doors to continue their deliberations were unanimous in their belief that efforts to isolate North Korea and stop its sources of income were starting to bite.

The pursuit of nuclearization will bring you neither security nor prosperity.Chrystia Freeland
And despite a thawing of relations and resumption of talks between North and South Korea in recent weeks, there was unanimity in the need for real progress on denuclearization before any easing of pressure.
"Our message is clear," Freeland said. "The pursuit of nuclearization will bring you neither security nor prosperity. Investing in nuclear weapons will lead only to more sanctions and to perpetual instability on the peninsula."
One of the questions heading into the meeting was whether participants would endorse a U.S. call for naval interdiction of North Korean shipping, following concerns about smuggling.
Yet there was also clear frustration at the fact some countries, notably China and Russia, were not doing enough to prevent Pyongyang from skirting the sanctions.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was most direct as he called out North Korea's most influential neighbours — and warned of consequences if they did not do more.
"We all must insist on full enforcement of UN Security Council sanctions, as this is the letter of the law," he said.
"We especially urge Russia and China in this matter. ... We cannot abide lapses or sanctions evasions. We will continue to call attention to and designate entities and individuals complicit in such evasive actions."
The U.S. last year sanctioned several Chinese companies and individuals for their alleged involvement in helping the North Korean government skirt sanctions.
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono and his South Korean counterpart, Kang Kyung-wha, were more circumspect as they called for full implementation of sanctions by all UN members.
But British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson noted that trade between China and North Korea continues to flow, which indicates that "more can be done."
The focus on Russia and China was all the more notable given that the two countries have both blasted the Vancouver meeting, calling it unhelpful and even potentially harmful to the prospects for peace with North Korea.
Freeland and others, meanwhile, emphasized that they were not seeking regime change, and suggested that by abandoning its nuclear aspirations, Pyongyang would help bring a safer, more prosperous future to its people.
Whether that message resonates with Kim Jong Un's regime will have to be seen, but analysts have long asserted that it sees nuclear weapons as the ultimate guarantor of its survival in any conflict with the U.S.
With files from Laura Kane and Geordon Ormand in Vancouver.
Why are China, Russia and the DPRK ‘excluded’ from the Vancouver meeting?
"We’ve invited both of them [China and Russia] to the meeting, and if they chose at the last minute to come, we would be grateful to see them there," Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland told CBC.
An invitation that was not a real one as clarified by Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister. Lavrov stated that the invitation was not for the meeting itself but for the post-meeting briefing once the main sessions were over to merely notify both China and Russia of the meeting’s agreements.
This ‘exclusion’ from the meeting may be explained through two lenses:
1) From the Canadian-American point of view, not inviting China and Russia means that the US and Canada want to shortcut them. It gives the impression that there is no trust and no cooperation on this issue. And not inviting the DPRK, the main party concerned, leaves the observer wondering about the motives of the meeting.
2) From the Chinese-Russian-DPRK perspectives, being invited to the post-meeting of an event in which they are the main protagonists, simply to present them with the fait accompli is a slap in the face; neglecting their importance in the global geopolitical chessboard is calling for more trouble than anything else as it calculated to only further alienate and infuriate both China and Russia.

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