Tuesday, December 05, 2017

아이분만비가 $850K라니, 마침 Game을 해서 $892,329을 이겨서 해결했다는 황당한 뉴스, Hawaii휴양지에서.

억새게 재수 없다가, 억새게 재수가 좋아 구사일생으로 Hawaii 여행을 마치고, 무사히 캐나다 고향으로 돌아온 부부의 얘기는 믿을수도, 안믿을수도 없는, Gamblers들에게 한편의 유혹에 빠질수있는 신호를 보내는것으로 나는 이해할려고 한다.  얘기를 한번 들어보자.

Canada에서 Hawaii로 Holiday를 즐기러온 부부, Nicola and Paul McGregor,는 여행지에서 귀여운 아들을 낳았다. 그러나 하와이 병원측은 그들 부부에게 병원비 $850K를 지불하라는 청구서를 보냈는데, 이를 본 이부부는 황당할수밖에 없었다. 너무도 많은 액수의 청구서였기 때문이다.

Published on 5 December 2017 
보험회사에 청구했으나, 어떤 연유에서인지는 설명이 안돼 잘모르겠으나, 한마디로 지불 거절을  당했었다고 한다.  그렇타면 거의 백만달러에 달하는 병원비를 지불할 능력있는 사람이 과연 몇명이나 될까? 라고 망연자실 하면서, Bankruptcy만이 유일한 해결방법일수밖에 없는 처지에 있었다고 한다.
여기서 잠깐, 위의 사진을 보자, 귀여운 아들은 시간상으로 병원비를 못내서 불모로 잡혀 있었거나, 캐나다로 귀환을 못했을터인데, 갓태어난 아이로는 보이지 않는다는 점이다.  병원과의 불편한 관계에 대한 자세한 얘기는 없다는 점이다.
엄마는 병원진료를 받기위해 차례를 기다리면서 우연히 Facebook에서 new online casino 광고를 목격하고, 믿져야 본전인데라는 생각으로 광고에서 본데로 Free Spin 80번의 기회를 얻고,클릭을 했었다고 한다. 미국에서는 지금 이 게임이 한창 유행중이라고 한다. 
18번째 돌렸을때, 아뿔사 Jack Pot을 맞춘것이다. $892,329.00라는 거의 백만 달러에 육박하는 거금을 손에쥐게 된것이다.  처음에는 이를 믿지 않고, Game 또는 Prank로 생각했는데, 은행구좌에 그금액이 적립되여 있는것을 확인후에 믿게됐다는 것이다. 
물론 이들 부부는 가족이 먼저임을 알았기에 먼저 문제해결에 신경을 썼다고 한다.  이뉴스를 접한 TV Journalist,Marieke Kessel 도 같은 게임을 시도해서, 게임시작 7분만에 $1,190.00달러를 이겼는데,  기분좋게 챙겼다고 실토한것을 보면...... 그녀는 상황설명하기를 "Nicola 부부가 챙긴 금액과 비교안돼게 적었지만, 그래도 나는 만족한다"라고.
나는 경종의 뜻으로 이글을 옮겨 놨을 뿐이다.  

NICOLA and Paul McGregor facing bankruptcy, and simply for giving birth. After giving birth to a baby boy while on vacation in Hawaii, the US hospital had slapped a bill of $850K on the Canadian family, and the insurance companies refused to pay it. “I spoke to the insurers, and they flat out refused to pay anything,” says McGregor. But a few days ago, everything changed. 
Who can pay a million-dollar medical bill? Who can afford that?” The McGregors had no way of paying, and were staring bankruptcy right in the face.
“Sometimes you get dealt a bad hand, only to get something even better the next time around.” 
One day, Nicola was on Facebook while she was waiting for an appointment, when an ad for a new online casino that was already a hit in the United States. “They gave 80 spins for free so I thought ‘why not?’” says Nicola. A few minutes and 18 free spins later she hit the Captain Cook’s ‘Mega Moolah’ Jackpot!
”I needed money. And at the time, I couldn’t count on the company settling with me. I thought why not sign up, because they gave you a free 80 spins. No deposit or anything, which is nice. All I had to do was give my name and email address.”
“I did not believe it." Nicola said "At first I thought the app was fake, some American scam. So I cashed out and didn't expect anything. A few days later I checked my bank account and saw a balance of over 800k! Once I saw the money in my bank account I knew it was true.”
Other than paying off her hospital bill, the McGregor’s haven’t made any decisions on what they’re going to do with the money just yet. They know that no matter what happens, they will always have their family — and that's what matters most.
Gambling industry expert Alan Silver shares his thoughts on this sensation, "What you often see in new online casinos is that they run a huge loss in the beginning because they have a lot of money off roads to come in the hope of new customers. That makes this the perfect time to score well with Captain Cook’s Casino. Once a customer base is established winning becomes much harder therefore it is very important to capitalize on new casino games and capture all the winnings you can."
ATV journalist Marieke Kessel tried it herself. She won $1190 after 7 minutes. "Unfortunately, it's not as much as Nicola but I'm not complaining." 
Do you think today it is your 'lucky day'? Subscribe now at  Captain Cook and you will receive 80 Free Spins. Spin 80 times at no cost to you! Claim Your 80 Free SpinsDecember 5, 2017 !!
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  • Charlotte Tegelstein
    I saw this on a couple of blogs that I follow. Where they give people free spins to help them win in order to gain brand awareness. Haha, I'm not complaining! Hopefully I'm still in time to enroll!

  • Ruby Ethard
    Perfect timing then! This is exactly what my husband and I need to pay our bills! Wish me luckkk ..

  • Ben Hofland
    Hmmm, okay, I just won $250. It is not 900k, but hey I can go fine dining with this ahahahah! 

    • Sophie Steenhorst
      Hmm now I am really going to try this. Who knows, maybe I win some money and I can finally quit my job! Has anyone tried this here? 

  • Emily Janssen
    @@Quincy Try it, it worked for me! Last week I won about $900. Haters keep hating .. but winners try new things. So .. try it dude!

  • Quincy Klaassen
    What a load of shit. This must be fake, screw these patties.

  • Bert Broersen
    My brother works at a competitor of Captain Cook and he told me that this site is notorious for its simple way in order to earn quick money. So I tried these games: "Mermaids Treasure," "Shiswood Surprise" and "Crack the Safe” and won between 2 and 4 times my deposit !!

  • Mara van Daveren
    I'm a frequent gambler on the Internet and in all the forums I visited them to talk about the Captain Cook. It is rumored that they are going to be the biggest online gambling site in the world within three years, and for this reason they give so many free credits away. They do so in order to retain customers. The time to cash is NOW !!!

  • Ellen Broekkooi
    Ah, I've heard of this! My stepbrother won $2500 with the free credits you get from them. Not a bad deal, go there yourself now, you have nothing to lose. 

  • Sharon Kim
    @Jan Drinking and smoking destroyes lives! You have to make calculated decisions. Everybody gambles sometimes and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you keep in check!

  • Jan Schaapskooi
    Gambling destroyed lives! You can not do this, this is a shame!

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