Monday, November 27, 2017

영국의 Harry왕자, 미국여배우 Meghan Markle, 결혼발표, 어려운결정.

이제 지구촌의 젊은이들의 우상이다시피했던, 영국왕실의 Harry 왕자가 드디어 결혼을 하게 될것 같다는 뉴스다. 11월초에 약혼식을 하고, 내년도, 즉 2018년도 4월에 결혼식을 하게된다.

불행하게도 한국의 언론은 감감 수소식이다. 이곳 토론토 시간으로 27일 오후1시가 되여가는데....

그녀는 현재 36세로, LA에서 어린시절을 보내고, Northern 대학교의 방송학과를 졸업했다고한다.  그녀는 여러편의 영화에 출연하면서, 세상에 알려지게 됐는데, 그중에서도 기폭제가 된 영화는, Paralegal 역활을 하는 Rachel Zane역을 맡은 "Suits"였었다. 현재도 방송중이다.

그녀는 혼혈아다. 아버지는 백인, 어머니는 아프리카 출신의 흑인여성으로,완전한 흑인여성도, 백인여성도 아니여서 배역을 맡는데 어려움도 많았었다고 고백한다. 

2015년 그녀는,UN이 제정한  '국제여성의날'에 열린 토론회에서 연사로 참석하여, 여권운동가로서의 그녀자신을 자랑스럽게 여기며,  여성의 역활에 대한 생각을 발표하기도 했었다. 그후 그녀는 여성의 정치참여와 리더쉽을 격려하는, "UN 여성대변가"로 임명돼기도 했었다. 

그녀가 다니던 학교에서, 2명의 남학생이, "여성은 부엌떼기일뿐이다"라고 한말에 충격을 받아 이에 반대하는 행동을 펴기로 작정하고, 그녀의 아버지로 부터 조언을 듣기도 한다.

그녀는 그녀의 주장을 알리기위해, Soap 풍자극 제작자, 그리고 당시 First Lady였던 Hilary Clinton을 포함한 여러곳에 편지를 보내기도 했었다고 한다.  그후로는 각종 상업 광고에서 "여성"이라는 단어 대신에 "사람들"을 사용케 되는 계기를 만들기도했었다.

그녀는 현제 36세로, 이혼한 경력이 있는 여성이다. 영화제작자 Trevor Engelson씨와 2년간 결혼생활을 한후 2013년에 이혼했다. 그후 2016년 7월에 친지의 소개로 Harry왕자를 처음 만나게 된다. 

결혼 발표까지 하기에는 수많은 왕실의 제약과 고민들이 있었을 것으로 생각되지만,  그런 조건들을 깨고, 앞날을 약속하는 결단을 내리기까지에는 엘리자베스 여왕까지도 많은 생각을 하고 내린 결과라고 하겠다.  앞으로 좋은 일만 그카플앞에 있기를 기원해본다.

한국의 권력가들과 재력가들의 집안결혼풍속과는 먼거리감이 있는것으로, 많은 귀감이된다.

미디아의 보도내용을 보자.

London (CNN)The rumor mill has been buzzing for months. The first whispers of a royal engagement made their way across social media and the British tabloids earlier this year and soon grew into a clamor of speculation. 
And the question had always been "when," not "if," Prince Harry and American actor Meghan Markle would announce their engagement. 
On Monday, the UK royal household confirmed the pair became engaged earlier this month and that the wedding will take place in spring 2018.
Markle, 36, grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in communications.
Her breakthrough as an actor came in 2011 when she first appeared as ambitious paralegal Rachel Zane in the hit US television series "Suits," now in its seventh season.
She has also acted in "CSI: Miami," "90210" and "General Hospital." Her film roles include Jamie in "Horrible Bosses" (2011) and Megan in "Remember Me" (2010).
In an article for Elle UK in 2015, Markle wrote about the difficulty of forging a career as a biracial actor. (Her mother is African-American and her father is Caucasian.)
"Being 'ethnically ambiguous,' as I was pegged in the industry, meant I could audition for virtually any role," she wrote.
"Sadly, it didn't matter: I wasn't black enough for the black roles and I wasn't white enough for the white ones, leaving me somewhere in the middle as the ethnic chameleon who couldn't book a job."
She spoke highly of the producers of "Suits" who "weren't looking for someone mixed, nor someone white or black for that matter. They were simply looking for Rachel."

 'Proud to be a feminist' 
"I'm proud to be a woman and a feminist," said Markle in a speech at a United Nations conference on International Women's Day 2015.
She had just been named the UN Women's Advocate for Political Participation and Leadership.
Her commitment to gender equality began many years earlier, Markle explained. As an 11-year-old she had watched a soap commercial with the tagline "women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans." 
She described how two boys in her class said loudly in response that women belonged in the kitchen and how the younger Markle, "shocked and angry," decided to take action. On the advice of her father, she wrote several letters, including one to the soap manufacturer and one to then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. 
In the end, she explained, the commercial was changed: The word "women" was removed and replaced with "people."
In 2016, she became a global ambassador for World Vision and traveled to Rwanda to see the impact of the charity's clean water initiatives. 
Later that year, she wrote about how childhood experiences had helped develop her "social consciousness."
"My parents came from little so they made a choice to give a lot," she wrote. "Buying turkeys for homeless shelters at Thanksgiving, delivering meals to people in hospices, giving spare change to those asking for it. It's what I grew up seeing, so it's what I grew up being: a young adult with a social consciousness to do what I could and speak up when I knew something was wrong."
Until earlier this year, Markle ran a lifestyle website, sharing her tips on food and fashion. But she posted pieces about self-empowerment too.
"I knew I needed to be saying something of value," she wrote last year, something about "subjects of higher value than selfies."

Markle: We're 'really happy and in love'

Markle was married to film producer Trevor Engelson for two years before they divorced in 2013. It was three years later -- in July 2016 -- that she first met Prince Harry, introduced by mutual friends.
The two dated in secret before the Prince put an end to the speculation in November last year. In a rare public statement, he confirmed their relationship and warned the press against harassing his girlfriend. 
It was almost another year before Markle spoke openly about their relationship. "We're two people who are really happy and in love," she told Vanity Fair in September.

"I'm sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time. This is for us."
The last time a divorced American became engaged to a member of the British royal family, it triggered a crisis that ended with the abdication of King Edward VIII, her future husband.
That was in 1936. Things have moved on in the past eight decades, but change does come slowly in the world of British royalty. After all, it's only two years since the law changed to give sons and daughters of British monarchs an equal right to the throne.

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