Monday, August 14, 2017

임현수 목사, 귀환후 첫번째 주일날, 북한 억류생활의 참상 일부 공개

Pastor Lim의 이북으로 부터의 석방은 세계적인 뉴스거리가 되고도 남는것 확인된다.
캐나다의 모든 미디아 매체는 이를 대서 특필하고, 어제 일용일에도 Pastor Lim이 원래 섬기던 Light Presbyterian Church의 예배에 참석하고, Podium에 올라 교인들과 참석한 Congregation에 귀환 인사겸 북한 생활의 일부를 공개하는 일종의 보고회가 있었다.

캐나다의 모든 주요 TV와 신문사들의 기자들이 많이 참석하여 열띤 취재경쟁을 하는것을 뉴스를 통해 보면서, 자유세계의 승리를 자축한다라기 보다는, 과연 Pastor Lim이 어떤 모습으로 나타나 어떤 Sermon아니면 보고회를 하게될까?라는데 더 뉴스미디아의 초점이 마추어져 있다는것을 느낄수 있었다.

내용을 보면, 2년반 동안 중노동 수용소에서 갖은 고통을 받으면서 지냈던 생활상을 일부 설명했는데, 그심적 고통은 감내하기가 무척 어려웠을 것이고, 오죽했으면, Pastor인데도, 흔히들 쉽게 얘기하는 신앙의 힘으로 버텼었다는 겉치레 말보다는, 때로는 화가나고, 희망을 거의 접었을까라는 솔직한 고백에, 김정은 집단의 사회는 인간 지옥이라는것을 확연히 감지할수 있었다.

개인적인 바램은, Pastor Lim이 고통의 세월속에서 겪었던, 적나라한 실상을 하나 하나 공개하여 전세계가, 특히 고국의 좌빨들과 문통의 좌파 정권의 김정일 정권에 대한 구애추파가 얼마나 허무한 짖이고, 국민들을 현혹시키는 행동인가를 깊이 느낄수 있게하는, 신앙간증을 조목조목 해주셨으면 하는 마음이다.  그리고 아직도 정신못차리고 김정은 정권의 눈치를 보면서, 선교한답시고 이북왕래하는 Pastor들에게도 경종이 되는 그런 간증도 보여 주었으면 하는 바램이다.

고국의 언론들도, 특히 JTBC같은 좌파 언론들도 이제는 정신 차리고, Pastor Lim의 차후 밝혀질 신앙간증겸, 김정은 집단의 실상을 폭로할때, 들은데로 보도해주고, 거기에 덧부쳐, 김정은과 그Regime의 실상을 폭로하는 Analized Article을 연재 형식으로 보도해서, 특히 고국의 장미빛 허황에 젖어있는, 그래서 마치 왕자라도 된듯이 허공을 밟고사는 젊은이들에게 널리 알려주었으면 하는 간절함이 많다.

앞으로는 겪었던 시련을 다시는 없이, 건강한 모습으로 잘지내시기를 빌어드린다.

For more than two years, Rev. Hyeon Soo Lim struggled to dig holes in frozen North Korean mud, read propaganda provided by his captors and prayed, he told the congregation a day after returning to Canada following his release from a labour camp.
Mr. Lim, 62, was handed a sentence of life in prison with hard labour in December, 2015, by North Korea’s supreme court for what it called crimes against the state. On Wednesday, he was freed on “sick bail” after a Canadian delegation, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s national security adviser Daniel Jean, visited the country to press for his release.
Waves of sobs and tears moved through the packed crowd at the ultramodern evangelical church in Mississauga where Mr. Lim spoke at a service on Sunday afternoon in his first public statements since his release.
The church’s long-time pastor told congregants that during his imprisonment in North Korea he broke three metal spades after he was ordered to dig through frozen mud.
“During the winter, I had to dig holes that measured one metre wide and one metre deep,” Mr. Lim said. “The ground was frozen. The mud was so hard that it took two days to dig one hole. It was incredibly challenging. My upper body was sweating. My fingers and toes were frostbitten.”
The man who stood behind the pulpit and addressed his flock after a long absence held the same engaging voice but looked little like the Mr. Lim pictured in “Welcome Home” banners strung around the church. His mane of black hair was gone, replaced by grey stubble, and his prominent cheeks also disappeared after his weight dropped from 90 kilograms to 64 kg during his time in North Korea’s labour camp system.
“It’s a miracle for me to be here today,” he told congregants in Korean. “I always knew Canada was a very warm and compassionate nation, but through my ordeal I really began to grasp that very deeply.”
Mr. Lim thanked Canada’s government as well as the small Swedish embassy in Pyongyang for their assistance helping secure his release. He said he suffered from “overwhelming loneliness” during his captivity as he ate 2,757 meals in isolation and worshipped alone for 130 Sundays. His release was sudden, with his guards only giving him a 15-minute warning that Canadian authorities were coming to get him.
Described as the church’s “spiritual father” by senior pastor Jason Noh, the Light Korean Presbyterian Church has been the focus of Mr. Lim’s life for decades after he arrived in Canada from South Korea in 1986. It’s one of the largest Korean churches in Canada, with more than 3,000 members. Mr. Noh was elected to take over as pastor only months before Mr. Lim was apprehended in early 2015 by North Korean authorities while on a humanitarian mission.
Before Mr. Lim took the stage to raucous cheers, the congregation sang a hymn he wrote while imprisoned. As he spoke on Sunday, detailing his time in a North Korean labour camp, the audience’s tears eventually yielded to laughs as Mr. Lim deviated from his prepared remarks. He spoke directly to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and denied he ever committed the crimes he was accused of. But he added he would let that disagreement remain in the past. “North Korea has enough problems as is,” said family spokesperson Lisa Pak, translating and explaining the pastor’s comment.

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