Wednesday, August 09, 2017

캐네디언 목사, 임현수,2년반동안 중노동끝에 석방됐다.- 귀국후 감금상태를 사실데로 밝힐까?

마침내, 이북에 붙잡혀 중도동의 형벌을 받고, 감옥에서 2년반동안 고생했던, 한국계 캐네디언 임현수목사께서 풀려나 캐나다로 되돌아 오고 있다는 뉴스가 CNN을 타고 전세계로 타전됐다.

정상적인 인간이라면 절대로 할수없는, 잔인 무도한 김정은 집단의 인간말살행위는 언제쯤 끝나게 될까?  전세계 60억의 인구가 불과 몇백명에 불과한 김정은 집단의 인간말종 행위에 속수무책인것처럼 보여, 안타깝기만 하다.

서방세계에서 이북으로 들어가 선교활동을 했던 성직자로서는 지난 수십년간에 전례가 없는 장기간, 즉 2년반 동안을 감옥에 갇혀있었던 임목사가 병보석으로 풀려났는데, 북한국영방송, KCNA 보도에 따르면, 이번 조치는 "인간적인 조치"에 따른 북한 최고법원의 결정에 따른 것이라고 수요일 발표한 것이다.

임목사의 아들, James Lim의 설명에 따르면 캐나다정부의 고위관리와 의료진, 그리고 북한 김정은에게 전달하는 서신을 소지한 대표단이 마지막 순간에 평양에 파견되여 이들을 실은 대표단이 지난 월요일 평향공항에 도착했었다고 교회 대변인 Lisa Pak이 설명한 것이다.

이번 석방은, 지금 한반도를 둘러싸고, 전세계가 주목하고 있는 가운데, 미국 대통령 트럼프의 북괴 선제 폭격 가능성이 언론에 발표된후, 바로 이루어진 것인데, 일종의 제스처가 아닐까?라는 추측을 하게한다.(Lim's release comes amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula )

뉴스에 따르면, 미국인, Otto Warmbier의 식물인간상태에서의 석방에 따른 결과를 보면서 임목사의 가족들은 더 강력하게 그의 석방을 위한 노력을 강화 했었다고 한다.

현재 이북에는 3명의 미국인들이 붙잡혀 있다.
사업가 김동철씨는 2015년 10월에 붙잡혀, 현재 간첩죄목으로 10년형을 언도받고 복역중에 있다.  김상덕, 미국명은 Tony Kim으로, 이북의 대학에서 강의를 했었는데,그의 죄명은 북한체제를 비난했다는 것이다. 과학자 김학성은 지난 5월이후로 감금상태에 있으며 죄명은 이북체제에 적대행위를 했다는 것이다.(hostile criminal acts)

평양의 한호텔에서 이루어진 임목사와 미국의 CNN Reporter, Will Ripley와의 회견에서, 기억에 남는 대목은, 그가 이북 체제를 비난한 내용이 이북에 붙잡히게된 이유가 된것 같은데... 라고 묻자, 임목사는 '그렇다'라고 대답했던 것이다.  그대목이 내생각으로는 기자회견에 임하기전, 사전에 철저한 Brainwashed Propaganda의 훈련을 받은 냄새가 많이 나는것 같았다.

앞으로 그가 캐나다에 귀국해서, 정말로 진솔하게, 북한에서 겪었던 고통의 2년반 동안 생활에 대해서, 고백 또는 실상을 적나라하게 말하게될까?라는 점이다.

한국의 조선, 동아 뉴스는 좀더 자세하게 심층 기사를 보도 했었으면.... 하는 아쉬움이 있었다.

아래 CNN 뉴스를 옮겨 놓았다.

(CNN)A Canadian pastor imprisoned in North Korea has been freed after two and a half years in detention.
Hyeon Soo Lim, North Korea's longest-held western prisoner in decades, was "released on sick bail" Wednesday by the country's top court for "humanitarian" reasons, state-run news agency KCNA said. 
Lim's son, James Lim, received word over the weekend that a plane carrying senior Canadian officials, a medical doctor, and a letter to North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un was dispatched to Pyongyang "at the last minute," according to family spokeswoman Lisa Pak. The plane landed in the North Korean capital Monday.
    Lim was serving a life sentence of hard labor after being convicted of crimes against the state in December 2015. The 62-year-old's health has deteriorated while in North Korean custody and the pastor has experienced "dramatic" weight loss, Pak said. 
    Lim's release comes amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula after US President Donald Trump threatened North Korea with "fire and fury" on Tuesday and Pyongyang said it was considering a military strike against the US territory of Guam. 

    Previous medical release

    Lim's family had stepped up calls for his release since the death of University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier in June.
    Warmbier was on a sightseeing tour of North Korea when he was detained in early 2016 and later charged with attempting to steal a propaganda poster from his hotel. 
    He died just six days after his release from North Korea due to a brain injury sustained while in custody. He was in a vegetative state when he returned home to his family near Cincinnati, Ohio.
    The US State Department has since announced a travel ban that will take effect next month, preventing nearly all US citizens from visiting North Korea, with the exception of journalists and humanitarian workers.

    Illness in captivity

    In letters to family, friends, and members of his church in Mississauga, Ontario, Lim has complained of stomach pain and high blood pressure.
    His family has not been allowed to see him during his imprisonment, but have been able to send him letters and blood pressure medication via the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang, which often serves as an intermediary for prisoners from nations with no formal diplomatic ties to North Korea.
    "We are relieved to hear that Reverend Lim is on his way home to finally reunite with his family and meet his grand daughter for the first time," Pak said in statement to CNN. 
    "There is a long way to go in terms of Reverend Lim's healing. Therefore, in the meantime we ask the media for privacy as he reconnects with his loved ones and receives medical attention."
    The family expressed gratitude to the Canadian, North Korean and Swedish governments.
    "We want to thank the global community for the continued prayers and support and we also ask that the world does not forget the people of North Korea," the statement read.

    Hard labor

    Lim detained in February 2015 while on a humanitarian mission in Rajin, North Korea, a family spokesperson said at the time. He was acting on behalf of the Light Korean Presbyterian Church, which he had led since 1986.
    According to his family, Lim has made more than 100 trips to North Korea since 1997, and his humanitarian efforts have included the founding by his church of a nursery, orphanage, and nursing home in the northeastern city of Rajin.
    In a January 2016 interview with CNN in Pyongyang -- his first conversation with foreign media -- the Canadian said he was the sole prisoner in a labor camp, digging holes for eight hours a day, six days a week. At the time, he said he received regular medical care and three meals per day. 

    Left behind

    At least three US citizens remain in North Korean custody. 
    Businessman Kim Dong-chul was detained in October 2015 and is serving a 10-year sentence for espionage. 
    Kim Sang-duk, an academic also known as Tony Kim, was detained in April and is accused of "hostile criminal acts," and researcher Kim Hak-song was detained in May and is also accused of "hostile acts."

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