Tuesday, August 08, 2017

난민구조대원들의 도움으로,100명의 남자들이 함께한 소형배안에서 신생아"Christ"를 순산한 용감한 어머니

여자는 연약하다고들 얘기한다.  그러나 엄마는 최고의 강자라고 세상사람들은 인식하고 있다.  같은 여성이지만, 여자와 어머님의 차이는 하늘과 땅사이 만큼이나 넓고 크다.  
지중해에서 난민들을 돕고있는 NGO 구조 요원들이 최근에, 난민들이 탄 보트안에서 갖태어난, 아직 탯줄도 끊기지 않은채, 신생아,Christ를 양손에 안고 있는 어머니를 보호하여 무사히 항해를 할수 있었다고 하는 인간승리의 기사가 회자되고 있다.
구조대원, Gautreau의 설명에 따르면, 북아프리카의 " Libya"에서는 많은 여성들이 집안일을 거들어 주는 식모로 팔려가서 먹고자고 일하면서, 강간을 당하고 때로는 강압적으로 결혼을 한다는 핑계를대고, 고향 집으로 다시 보내는 끔찍한 일들이 많이 벌어지고 있다고 탄식이다.
많은 여성들은 인간 밀매원들에게 팔려가서, 다시 물건처럼 원하는 자들에게 팔려가는데, 이들을 운송하는 배는 과적하여, 여성들을 짐짝 이상으로 학대하고, 물건처럼 팔아넘긴다는 것이다.  
신생아의 엄마는 좁은 배안에서, 그것도 100명이 넘는 남자들이 보는 앞에서 아기를 순산한것인데, 그의 남편은 아직도 리비아에 감금되여 있어, 그녀 혼자서 난민선을 타고 항해중이었었다고 한다. 아래의 얘기를 읽어 보자.
CATANIA - Sicily: The midwife aboard an NGO rescue ship currently operating in the Mediterranean has revealed the incredible story of the rescue of a woman holding her new-born baby in her arms, still attached by the umbilical cord.
The tiny infant, dubbed Christ by his mother, had a terrifying start to life but is now doing well after the dramatic rescue.
Alice Gautreau, works for SOS Méditerranée on the Aquarius, a vessel that set out from a Sicilian port Sunday morning to aid those making the perilous journey from Libya to Europe.
Speaking to HuffPost UK from the ship, Gautreau described the horrors faced by women travelling through the war-torn country. 

She said: “I see a lot of cases rape, cases of forced marriage back home, those girls are fleeing some terrible situations back home.
“In Libya [women are] bought for working in a house then get raped by the owner. Girls sometimes have to have sex with men just to get food.”
Often the only means of escape for these women is to get in an over-packed and dangerously rickety, inflatable dinghy, completely at the mercy of smugglers who view them not as people but as commodities to be bought and sold.
But amongst the horrifying accounts of abuse one incident, which happened just three weeks ago, stands out to Gautreau that has a - relatively - happy ending.
She said: “We were approaching a wooden boat and we always have a medical doc on board the rib on the rescue team, his job is on the first approach to assess quickly if there’s any massive medical need on board and tell me how many women and children are on board.
“This time he told me: ‘OK, I have four women and a baby here - oh, hang on, four women and a baby attached to the mum.’
“I said: ‘Attached?! What do you you mean?’ And he said: ’Attached, to the umbilical cord!′”
Gautreau rushed to get her medical kit as the woman, just 22-years-old, was helped on board.
“She was holding her baby in her arms with the cord attached, the placenta was still inside,” she said.
“I took her calmly into the clinic - she looked so composed, it was completely surreal.
“We took her in, I cut the cord and we delivered the placenta and did the first care for the baby - everything was fine. 
“Mum was surprisingly fine as well - she needed a few stitches. She then settled into one of our hospital beds and she rested for the rest of the night.”

Whilst the tale of that night seems positive, the backstory is anything but.
Gautreau said: “She gave birth in front of 100 other men. Her husband is still being detained in Libya, so she was not travelling with him.
“She knew no one on that boat and she gave birth completely on her own with no help at all
“She was 22 and it was her first baby. She was called Constance, she was very nice. The baby was called Christ and they were from Cameroon.”
Tragically, stories such as this are happening every day in Libya and in boats just off the coast of the country.
Gautreau added: “I know what happened to her because one of the journalists on board kept in touch. She was taken to convent in Brindisi [Southern Italy] and she seemed super-happy there so I’m glad she went there.
“We got pictures of her and baby Christ and they looked really happy and healthy.”

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