Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Kim's Regime: "농구외교"의 Farce, Rodman 또 평양간다. 사탕보따리가 클텐데...

괴짜, NBA선수였던 Dennis Rodman이 다시 북경공항에서 기자들에 둘려 쌓여 있는 모습이다.
바로 그가   가고져하는 최종목적지, 평양에 가기위해 Transfer를 하기위해서였다.

분명한것은, 그자신이 그의 개인적 영웅심리로 어설픈 각설이 노릇하는것이, 대중들의 인기를 끌지못하는, 북한을 제외한 전세계가 조롱의 눈으로 보고 있다는점을,  운동대신 Farce노릇을 하고 있다는점을 하루라도 빨리 깨달아야 한다는 점이다.    그가 이미 여러번 평양을 다녀왔지만, 그영향을 받아 달라졌다고 생각되는 평양의 모습은 없고, 오히려 Kim을 기고만장하게 만들어, 세계의 막강한 군사력과 지도자들을 비웃기라도 하듯이, 강력히 규탄하고 있는 핵무기, 대륙간 탄도미사일 발사로, 아사직전에 있는 국민들을 먹여살릴 생각은  뒤로 제쳐놓고, 대량살상무기 개발에 All-in하면서 희희락락하고 있는 Kim의 불작난으로, 지금 전세계가 경악 하고있는 평양의 Farce 놀이에 동참하고 있는 그의 모습이 측은해 보인다.

분명한것은, 그가 이번에도 "내인생의 친구("friend for life)" 라고 부르는 Kim과 그 Regime 을 기쁘게할 사탕을 들고 간다고 생각된다.  그렇치 않으면, 한국의 이희호가 Kim에게 줄 사탕도 없이, 추위에 떨고 있는 어린아이들 준다고 목도리 몇개 들고갔다가, 문전박대만 당하고 되돌아온 꼬락서니의 재판이 될것이 뻔하게 보이기 때문이다.  Rodman이 앞으로도 그의 수중에 사탕을 살수있는 돈이 있는한 그러한 여행은 계속될것으로 보인다.  아래에 뉴스를 보자.

Controversial US basketball star Dennis Rodman is returning for a visit to North Korea.
The former NBA player is travelling as a private citizen.
"I'm just trying to open the door," he told reporters at Beijing airport, en route to the reclusive state. 
He made headlines after befriending North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on previous trips to Pyongyang in 2013 and 2014. Mr Rodman has called him his "friend for life".
The US state department said it is aware of his visit. 
"We wish him well. But we have issued travel warnings to Americans and suggested they not travel to North Korea for their own safety," said US Under Secretary of State Thomas Shannon, according to Reuters news agency. 
Mr Rodman told reporters, "My purpose is to actually see if I can keep bringing sports to North Korea, so that's the main thing." 
It is unclear whether he will also bring up the detention of US citizens in the country.
US and North Korean tensions have intensified under President Donald Trump, who has said he fears a "major, major conflict" breaking out between the two countries.
However, the president has also said he would be "honoured" to meet Mr Kim, in the right circumstances.

Trump's old apprentice 

Speaking at the airport on Tuesday, Mr Rodman said: "I am pretty much sure that he [Trump] is happy with the fact that I am over here trying to accomplish something that we both need."
When asked about Mr Rodman's North Korea visits in 2013, Mr Trump told Fox News: "You look at the world, the world is blowing up around us. Maybe Dennis is a lot better than what we have."
Mr Rodman had been a contestant on Mr Trump's reality TV show The Celebrity Apprentice that same year. 
In 2014, Mr Trump flatly dismissed rumours that the pair might travel to North Korea together.

The former Chicago Bulls star also once encouraged former US President Barack Obama to "pick up the phone and call" Mr Kim, emphasising that the two leaders both liked basketball. 
His trips have been referred to as "basketball diplomacy" in the US press. 
In 2014, Mr Rodman told luxury lifestyle magazine DuJour he had approached the US government for support but was rejected. 

Tears and favours

He has previously broken down in tears during TV interviews, saying he has had death threats over his trips, which have been condemned by human rights activists. 
Although at one point he did tweet Mr Kim to ask if he would "do me a solid and let Kenneth Bae loose" - referring to a US-Korean missionary who served two years in prison for trying to overthrow the government. 
Mr Bae later thanked Mr Rodman for raising public awareness of his case. 
On Twitter on Tuesday, Mr Rodman said his latest trip was being sponsored by a company that provides digital currency for the marijuana industry. He wore fully branded clothes to the airport. 
A previous trip to the country was sponsored by a betting company.


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