Tuesday, November 03, 2015

한일, 양국 정상회담 서로 협력강화하기로, 괜찮은 회담성과. 과거도 중요하고, 앞날은 더 중요.

말도 많았고, 기대도 많았고, 반대로 성과도 없을것이란 추측속에 한일 정상이 청와대에서 정상회담을 생각보다는 화기얘얘하게 진행하고 앞으로도 지속적으로 지속적인 회담과, 특히 관심의 촛점이 됐던 위안부 문제에 대한 아베 수상의 응답이 있었다는게 회담의 큰 성과중 하나라고 평가되고 있다.  비난하기 좋아하는 야당은 여전히 비아냥 투성이다.

점심 시간을 넘기면서 예상보다 분위기가 좋은 속에서 진행된 3년 반만의 회담에서 점심을 같이 하지 않았다는점에 대해서는 이유야 어쨋던 한국의 아량이 좀 좁지 않았어나하는 아쉬움이 있다.  그래도 한국을 찾은 손님이었는데.... 점심을 후하게 대접해 주었더라면, 아베 총리의 한국에 대한 지금까지의 고집을 다소 누그러뜨리는 효과를 보지 않았을까?라는 생각이다.

아베 일본수상과 박근혜 대통령이 청와대에서 정상회담을 마친뒤 일요일 합동 기자회견을 하기에앞서 악수교환하고있는 장면

회담이 시작되면서, 박근혜 대통령은 아픈 과거를 먼저 치료하고 새장을 열자는 주문을 했고, 이에 아베 총리는 앞날이 중요하다 함께가자라는 요지의 화답을 했다고 전한다.

한국과 일본은 동맹국인 미국의 눈치도 봐야하고, 경제 협력 파트너인 중국을 의식 하지 않을수도 없는 미묘한 관계에서, 그래도 무난히 서로간에, 100% 마음에 만족하지는 못했었도, 앞으로 계속 서로 필요시 만날수 있다는 통로를 만들어 놓은점에 높은 점수를 주어야 할것 같다.

SEOUL, South Korea — President Park Geun-hye of South Korea and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan held the first high-level meeting between their two nations in more than three years on Monday and agreed to accelerate talks on repairing ties strained by bitterness rooted in Japan’s colonial rule of Korea.
The leaders started their meeting at Ms. Park’s presidential office here, the Blue House, with Ms. Park calling on Japan to “heal the painful history” and Mr. Abe urging South Korea to “look to the future.”
After one-and-a-half hours, they produced no breakthrough, simply agreeing to support talks already underway between their governments to narrow differences, especially over the issue of so-called comfort women — tens of thousands of Korean and other Asian women sent to work at front-line brothels for Japan’s World War II military.
But their summit meeting reflected a growing awareness on both sides that the neighbors, both staunch allies of the United States, should not let their historical grievances trump mutual economic and security interests, including a joint effort in stopping North Korea’s nuclear weapons development.
On a trip that highlighted the challenges faced by Washington and its regional allies, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter of the United States met his South Korean counterpart, Han Min-koo, in Seoul on Monday to discuss combined defenses against what they called North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threats.
“Keeping in mind the fact that this year marked the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between South Korea and Japan and provided an opportunity for a turning point, the two heads of state agreed to add impetus to the talks on comfort women,” Kim Kyou-hyun, Ms. Park’s presidential secretary for foreign affairs, said after the meeting.

Mr. Abe, whose nationalistic views on Japan’s imperial past have incited rancor among South Korean and Chinese leaders, attended a trilateral meeting with leaders of both South Korea and China, which took place on Sunday. It would have been especially awkward for the visitor not to have a bilateral meeting with the host, Ms. Park. Ms. Park met one-on-one with the visiting Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, on Saturday, throwing a dinner for him.
In a sign of unresolved animosities between Japan and South Korea, Ms. Park’s office decided not to host a luncheon for Mr. Abe after their late morning meeting on Monday.
Until now, Ms. Park has refused to meet Mr. Abe, insisting that Japan take steps toward what Seoul regards as proper atonement for its colonial-era activities. South Korea says that Japan not only has failed to take responsibility for forcing or luring the comfort women into sexual slavery, but that under Mr. Abe, it has systematically attempted to whitewash its wartime atrocities.
Japan says that the matter was resolved once and for all in the 1965 treaty that restored diplomatic ties between the two nations.
South Korea and Japan held their last summit talks in 2012, when President Lee Myung-bak and Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda met and bickered over the issue of the comfort women. Bilateral ties chilled further after Mr. Lee became the first South Korean leader to visit the South Korean-held islets that Korea calls Dokdo later that year. Japan also claims the islets, which it calls Takeshima.

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