Saturday, March 01, 2014

일본은 아베의 개인집단인가? 위안부 사과 성명서 재검토는 꼼수

국가와 개인 집단은 그책임과 권리면에서 하늘과 땅차이로 다르다. 그런데 지금 일본수상 "아베"는 경제적으로 세계 3위의 경제규모를 자랑하는 일본을 자기 소유의 개인집단쯤으로 생각하는, 조그만 회사의 사장이나 할수 있는 얘기와 행동들을 마구 쏟아내고 있다.

1993년에 당시의 수상명의로 발표한 2차대전중 한국과 중국을 비롯한 인근 국가에서 젊은 여성들을 강제로 징집하여 육군병사들의 성노리개로 이용한 행위에 대해 유감을 표시한 성명서에 대한 내용을 재검토 하겠다는 성명서를 발표하고, 이를 수행하기위한 부서를 새로 정부내에 구성하겠다고 했다.

국가를 이끌어 가는 정부와 그수반이 발표한 내용은 국가가 존재 하는한 정부가 바뀌고 시대가 바뀐다 해도 그내용,즉 협약, 성명문 등등에 대해 무한대의 책임을 지게된다. 고로 1993년에 발표한 유감을 내포한 성명서는 일본이라는 국가가 존재하는한, 천재지변이 일어나지 않는한, 그대로 효력을 유지시키는게 국가존재의 의미이다.

아베수상은 이성명서에 대한 재점검을 지시했는데, 그의 이런 행동은 마치 조금만 회사의 사장들이나 하는 꼼수를 두려는 어리석은 짖임을 이제라도 그는 깨달아야 한다.  그가 이런 행동을 하면 할수록 그자신을 포함한 일본은 국제사회에서, 마치 북한의 김정은 Regime 처럼, 스스로 은둔의 세계로 향하는 뒷걸음마를 하고 있다고 이해하길 바란다.

2차세계 대전중 일본과 연합국이었던 독일 수상이 피해를 준 인접국가에 대해 사과하고 배상한것은 물론, 며칠전에는 이스라엘을 방문하여 다시한번 유태인 학살에 대한 사죄를 하고 이스라엘의 명예 시민증을 이스라엘 대통령으로 부터 수여받고, 이스라엘 의회에서 연설까지 한 상호간에 맺어진 신뢰에 대한 뉴스가 전세계 타전 됐었다.  그리고 전세계는 그녀에게 큰 박수를 보냈었다.

아베 수상은 독일 수상이 바보라서 그런 사과를 하고 배상을 했다고 생각하는가?
손바닥으로 해를 가리려는 섬사람 아베는 더 늦기전에 가슴에 손을 얹고 양심 선언을 하기를 진정으로 고언한다.  불쌍한 사람.  일본은 당신 아베의 사유 집단이 아니다.

Japan to review lead-up to WW2 comfort women statement

File photo: Yoshihide SugaYoshihide Suga said the background to the Kono statement should be re-examined

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Japan will form a team to review the lead-up to a 1993 statement which acknowledged its wartime use of sex slaves, its top spokesman says.
Yoshihide Suga said the team would "re-examine and understand the background".
The acknowledgement that women were forced into sex slavery with Japanese military complicity was viewed as a landmark apology.
A former leader has said any move to review the apology, known as the Kono statement, would be "absurd".
Some 200,000 women in territories occupied by Japan during World War Two are estimated to have been forced to become sex slaves for troops.
Many of the women came from China and South Korea, but also from the Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan.
The Kono statement - issued by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono in 1993 - acknowledged that women had been coerced, with the Japanese military involved in the establishment and management of the process.
This statement was based in part on evidence given by 16 Korean women.
It is unclear where this review of the material will lead. Any move to revise the statement is likely to be met by anger from Japan's neighbours.
'Academic' review
The comments from Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga came in a lower house budget committee session. He did not say whether Japan would issue a new statement following the review.
The issue was first raised last week, when Mr Suga said that a review "from an academic point of view" was desirable.
Participants carry the portraits of Korean women who were made sex slaves by the Japanese military during World War Two, during a requiem ceremony for former comfort woman Lee Yong-nyeo in central Seoul, South Korea, 14 August 2013An estimated 200,000 women were forced to become sex slaves for troops in WW2
It came after a former senior official involved in drafting the statement said that the testimony of the 16 Korean women had not been independently verified.
Some conservatives in Japan have argued that the women, known euphemistically as "comfort women", were prostitutes - claims fiercely denied by the women and Japan's neighbours.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama has urged against any revision of the apology.
Speaking in Tokyo on Thursday, Mr Murayama, who was prime minister from June 1994 to January 1996, said that the Kono statement was based on evidence.
He also cautioned against any moves to revisit his historic 1995 statement to mark 50 years since the end of the war, which offered a "heartfelt apology" for actions during Japan's "colonial rule and aggression" which "caused tremendous damage and suffering".
"He [Japanese PM Shinzo Abe] cannot deny it, as the Murayama statement has been adopted by all prime ministers whether they are from the Liberal Democratic Party or Democratic Party of Japan," he said.
"In a sense, it is agreed by international communities and becomes a definition. It is unreasonable and impossible to deny it," said Mr Murayama.
Comments from Mr Abe in the past have suggested he could revisit this statement. Most recently, however, his spokesman has said that he will leave it alone and may instead issue a statement "that will suit the 21st Century".
Commemoration days
The news comes a day after China approved two national days to mark the Nanjing massacre and Tokyo's World War Two surrender.
Chinese lawmakers on Thursday approved 3 September as Victory Day and 13 December as a memorial day for Nanjing, Chinese state media said.
A Chinese spokeswoman said marking the days was "a necessity in current circumstances".
76th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre. Dec 2013China says some 300,000 people died during the Nanjing massacre - figures Japanese nationalists dispute
Mr Suga called the decision an internal affair of China's.
"I can't deny there is a question why they have to set up these commemoration days more than 60 years after the war," he said.
"But this is a domestic matter for China, so the government declines to comment on it."
Chinese state media said that national memorial activities would be held on the two days each year.
Ties between Japan and China have been severely hit by a territorial row over islands in the East China Sea.
A visit late last year by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Yasukuni Shrine - where Japan's war dead, including convicted war criminals are honoured - also angered regional neighbours.
China accuses Japan of failing to adequately address its wartime actions. Japan says it has apologised many times - but recent controversial comments by senior Japanese figures have fuelled regional anger over alleged rewriting of history.

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